my bright sword career

Chapter 405 It Blows Up to the Sky

Chapter 405 It Blows Up to the Sky
In mid-June, Shanxi is in the hot summer season. The heating sun shines mercilessly on the ground, and even a distorted halo can be seen on the ground, and the temperature of the landmarks even reaches more than 40 degrees.

At this time, the First Army Stationed in Shanxi led the First Army Stationed in Shanxi to carry out the cage policy under the instruction of the new commander, Lieutenant General Yoshio Iwamatsu, Neiji Gangmura.

What is the cage policy? It is to divide the base areas of the Eighth Route Army piece by piece, and then build blockade ditches, blockade walls, railway lines, and highway lines to cut the entire North China into pieces. In the words of later generations, it means to turn the entire North China into Mesh.

The most wicked and vicious aspect of the Japanese army is that they forcibly conscripted ordinary people from all over the country to heighten and reinforce the original roads.

Don't underestimate this point. After the Japanese army rebuilt the road, the ground of the repaired road will be several meters higher than the original road, and the Japanese army also ordered all the people not to plant crops on both sides of the road. If you walk on it, you will be seen clearly. The Eighth Route Army and guerrillas have no way to hide or hide.

Some people may have said, since the road cannot be hidden, can I not take the road or walk on both sides of the road?

Hehe...Sorry...It really doesn't work.

As mentioned earlier, one of the most important aspects of the cage policy implemented by the Japanese army is to use roads to divide the entire North China into grids, and then build stronghold bunkers around the grids.

In this way, if the Eighth Route Army or the guerrillas wanted to cross from one grid to another, they had to cross the road. Once the Eighth Route Army did this, it would inevitably be exposed to the sight of the Japanese army.

Commander Liu of the 129th Division once said that the Japanese army used railways as pillars, highways as chains, and strongholds as locks to form a cage and "execute us in a hurry."

It can be said that throughout the War of Resistance Against Japan, blockade and anti-blockade became the subject of repeated contention between China and Japan.

But today, in such hot weather, a team wearing gray military uniforms marched on the road in such a mighty way.

Such "rampant" behavior naturally attracted the attention of the Japanese army, and the Japanese army became angry on the spot. When did those Tuba roads dare to be so rampant in broad daylight, so all the Japanese troops in Shanxi were alarmed, accompanied by waves of radio waves And the phone call, the Japanese troops along the entire Taihang Railway were mobilized, and all the Japanese troops in each stronghold started as if they were facing a big enemy.

Yoshio Iwamatsu, the new commander of the First Army in charge of public security in Shanxi, even issued strict orders to all the troops stationed along the Zhengtai Railway to wipe out all the Eighth Route Army in Shanxi.

Ping'an County
This county town, which was recovered in the Battle of Qixiaguan a year ago, fell into the hands of the Japanese army again due to the withdrawal of the Liantai militia. Due to its special geographical location, the Japanese army built a total of Among the eight strongholds, the Hutou stronghold is the largest and the strongest and the largest.

Not only that, the Japanese army also deployed two 90-type infantry guns and three [-]-type [-]mm mortars on the top of the gun tower, which is the only one among all the strongholds with a radius of hundreds of miles.

Therefore, Shao Zuo Zhongchuan, the commander of the Hutou stronghold, received a message from his superiors that the main force of the Eighth Route Army was coming towards the Hutou stronghold. The Eighth Route Army will never be allowed to pass.

After sending a telegram to his superiors hoping that reinforcements would come in to encircle the Eighth Route Army, Ryota Nakagawa boarded the top floor of the bunker.

Due to the extremely important geographical location of the Hutou stronghold, a blockhouse with a height of four floors was built on both sides of the road. In each blockhouse, two teams of Japanese troops and a company of puppet troops were stationed.

When Ryota Nakagawa came to the top floor of the bunker full of confidence, he found that the Japanese soldiers here not only looked dignified, but many puppet soldiers even showed panic on their faces.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help feeling angry. Just as he was about to curse, his eyes swept across the front, and his expression suddenly froze. Then he widened his eyes and took a closer look, and found that there was someone about hundreds of meters away in front of him. The farmland under the road foundation has already been crowded with the Eighth Route Army in gray military uniforms. It is roughly estimated that there are at least a few hundred people, and people from farther away are coming one after another.

Ryota Nakagawa was taken aback, and quickly picked up the binoculars to watch.

It didn't matter. He was so confident that he almost dropped the binoculars on the ground. Through the binoculars, he clearly saw three trucks parked by a slope several miles away. There are three cannons lined up in awe-inspiring manner behind him, and the black muzzles are facing the bunker where he is.

Relying on Ryo Nakagawa's rich experience, he recognized at a glance that this was the Type 105 [-]mm field gun that only the elite field divisions were equipped with. Heavy artillery from the Empire?"

Under the watchful eyes of all the Japanese soldiers, dozens of Eighth Route Army were making fine adjustments to the artillery. Seeing the muzzle of the black hole aimed at him, Ryota Nakagawa was almost scared out of his wits, and roared without thinking: "You guys! What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and fire at the Chinese guns, hurry up!"

Just as the Japanese army was busy turning the muzzle, the eighth road on the opposite side fired.

I saw a flash of fire, followed by a sharp whistling sound, and a shell landed on the wasteland less than 20 meters away from the bunker. Accompanied by a huge explosion and billowing smoke, an explosion suddenly appeared at the explosion point. A huge crater several meters wide.

Even tens of meters away, the Japanese soldiers on the top floor of the bunker could still feel the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke coming along with the shock wave.

"It's too late, let's fire!"

The Japanese gunner, who was almost frightened out of his wits, had no time to complete the adjustment, so he hurriedly manipulated the Type [-] infantry gun and fired a shot in the direction of the Eighth Route Army artillery. However, there was no accuracy in his haste, and several shells fell into the distance.

At this time, the Type 15.76 field artillery with a readjusted angle opened fire again. This time the Japanese army was not so lucky. Accompanied by a violent explosion, the bunker where Nakagawa Ryota was located was hit directly by two 200 kg grenades , The huge explosion and shock wave blew up half of the huge bunker on the spot, and the whole bunker collapsed from the second floor to the top floor. More than [-] Japanese and puppet troops, including Ryota Nakagawa, were all buried in the ruins.

Looking at the Japanese bunker that was killed by two cannons, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army ambushing nearby were all cheering. Amidst the bursts of cheers, several Type [-] artillery turned their muzzles again, turning the road to the other side in the same way. The bunker on the side was blown up to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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