Chapter 384

Amidst the sound of dull engines, a DC-3 airliner with the Stars and Stripes painted on its fuselage was flying at an altitude of 5000 meters, surrounded by four P40 fighters nicknamed Tomahawks.

The middle part of the DC-3 cabin has been transformed into a small lounge. The original aluminum interior walls are covered with oak paneling and carved with ancient Greek-style decorations.Dark red velvet curtains hung over the four portholes.On the left side of the cabin is a small desk, and on the right side is a row of leather sofas against the wall.The overall design looks well-coordinated without feeling cramped or crowded.

Harry, Goth and McLaren were sitting on the sofa drinking coffee. Not far from the lounge, more than a dozen entourages sat resting on chairs on the other side.

Gao Si put the cup on the table and looked at Harry, "Professor Harry, the Minister of Military and Political Affairs at the airport just now invited you to sit at his headquarters. Why did you refuse him?"

Harry took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, distributed them to the two of them and lit one himself, took a deep breath and said, "Gaosi, you have only been working in China for less than a month, so you are very concerned about the situation in China. do not know much.

Although the military and political minister's qualifications in China are very old, and he is also highly valued by Chairman Jiang in Chongqing, but to be honest, the outside world does not think his military accomplishment and command ability are very good, and he can even be described as bad.

Just look at the situation in the first war zone. As a war zone with more than 30 soldiers, it was beaten by [-] Japanese troops without any power to fight back. If such a commander was in the United States, he would have been dismissed long ago. "

Gao Si nodded, "I see, you don't want to waste time on such a person, do you?"

Harry sighed softly, and then his expression became serious: "Gauth... You must understand that the world is becoming more and more insecure now. Hitler's military expansion in Germany is crazy, and their total army has reached 600 million. You know this Does it mean something?"

Without waiting for Gao Si to answer, Harry said: "Today's Germany is like a huge boiler. The water in this boiler has been boiled. If this boiler continues to burn, it will explode in a short time. , the whole world will be greatly harmed by this.

Dear Gao Si, tell me, how can we avoid being hurt by this boiler? "

Gao thought for a while, shrugged helplessly and spread his hands: "Sorry, this topic is too profound, I can't think of it."

"McLaren, what about you?" Harry looked at the military attache on the other side.

McLaren said very simply: "Professor Harry, if I could even solve this kind of problem, I would have run for President of the United States a long time ago."

His words caused a chuckle, and Harry sighed softly: "Yeah...President Roosevelt called Mr. Truman, Secretary Marshall, and all of our staff to discuss this matter, but nothing came of it. Good way, finally Mr. Truman came up with a good idea, that is to vent the valve of this boiler that is about to explode, that is to say, to find an opponent for Mr. Hitler who is full of confidence, what do you think of now?"

"I understand."

Gao Si slapped his thigh with excitement in his eyes: "You mean...the Soviet Union?"

"it's him?"

Appreciation appeared in Harry's eyes, "With the world's most extensive territory, enough population and resources, which other country can afford to be... not good..."

Speaking of this, the nose of the DC-3 passenger plane, which was flying smoothly, suddenly tilted forward, and the whole passenger plane immediately tilted forward by almost [-] degrees, and all the people sitting on the chairs sat on the ground for a while Fortunately, the tables, chairs and stools on the plane are all fixed, otherwise they would all be injured.

But even so, before the three people who were still in shock got up from the ground, an air force sergeant in a flight jacket stumbled in and shouted: "Sir, it's not good, we encountered a Japanese attack.

At least ten or more fighter planes are attacking us, and the escort team is chasing them away, but it doesn't look very good now, what should we do now?
God... 004 is shot down! "


When McLaren sat down on the ground just now, he accidentally hit his head on the sofa. Although the sofa was not hard, it still made his head buzz.

Regardless of his still dizzy head, McLaren struggled to get up and saw through the porthole a P-40 fighter plane tumbled towards the ground with flames.

Seeing this scene, Harry felt a chill down his back. Is this war?Although he thought that he was mentally prepared to participate in the war, he realized that he was really naive when the war was in front of him.

It is different from sitting in the office and talking about the president and his staff and generals in peacetime. Now he is facing bloody death and killing machines flying around. For the first time, Harry, a standard scholar, feels a burst of pain from the bottom of his heart. burst of fear.

He turned his head and roared: "Why are there so many Japanese fighter planes? Didn't the intelligence say that a few days after the start of the war, most of the Japanese third flight group had been consumed? Where did so many come from now?" s plane?"

Gao Si hurriedly said: "Professor Harry, now is not the time to talk about this. The most important thing for us now is how to contact the Liantai militia, and let their plane come over for reinforcements. This is the most important thing!"

Before Harry could speak, he heard the air force sergeant yell, "Get down!"

After finishing speaking, the sergeant quickly got under the table, and the three of Harry were not slow to react, they immediately understood, and immediately lay down in the aisle.

Two seconds later, they heard the sound of bullets penetrating the casing, which sounded like hitting a tin barrel.

The bullet hit the wooden board used for decoration, and the sawdust flew straight. It seemed that a hurricane had blown through the cabin, and documents and various debris were flying all over the sky.Then I heard a plane whizzing past the top.

"Damn it! Professor Harry, Ambassador Gao Si, Colonel McLaren, are you all right?" The sergeant didn't get out from under the table until it was confirmed that the Japanese plane had flown away, just in time to see the three of McLaren That angry look.

He didn't care about this. In his opinion, life was his own, and he had no obligation to protect these three people with his own life. He could come here in time to remind them that he had done his best.

(End of this chapter)

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