my bright sword career

Chapter 337 The Roaring Voice

Chapter 337 The Roaring Voice

The rainy season in 41 came very early. There was a heavy rain just a few days ago, and the rain-soaked ground hadn’t had time to dry yet. It started to rain lightly again this morning.

On the hill filled with gunpowder, a large group of Japanese soldiers in tea-brown military uniforms, holding rifles and bending over, approached forward under the command of the officer. The sound of explosions told them that a bloody battle was going on ahead.

Japanese soldiers are short, and the minimum height limit for conscription is no more than 1.5 meters. According to this standard, they can even buy half-tickets when taking trains in China.In addition, bending over as much as possible to suppress their height made these Japanese soldiers look like yellow-brown grave mounds moving in the wilderness.

This unit is the third brigade of the 47th Regiment of the Japanese Army. It was ordered to reinforce the front position. For this reason, they also carried two [-]mm anti-tank guns, and are now struggling towards the position.

The Type I anti-tank gun is the latest type of artillery developed by the Japanese Army this year. Its prototype is the 45mm anti-tank gun of the Soviet Army.

Prior to this, the main anti-tank weapon of the Japanese army was an imitation of the German PAK37 anti-tank gun, and the Japanese named it the Type 94 37mm anti-tank gun.

Originally, in the eyes of the Japanese Army, the performance of the Type 94 37mm anti-aircraft gun was sufficient, but in the Battle of Nomenkan in May 39, the arrogant Japanese army was rubbed against the ground by the torrent of steel led by Zhukov. The Japanese army, who was accustomed to dominating Asia, realized how far it was from the world's first-class army, and this was how a type of anti-tank gun was born.

More than 20 soldiers struggled to push the 800 kg anti-tank guns out of the crater. These were the only two anti-tank guns in the [-]th Regiment.

"Pass it on, don't make a sound!" Lieutenant Ikeuchi, who was carrying a command knife, turned his head and ordered, and then walked with difficulty while carrying boots weighing several kilograms. He gave up the right to ride a horse against the Chinese planes and artillery fire, and trudged through the wet ground just like ordinary soldiers.

However, due to the extreme humidity of the position, the military boots were covered with wet mud, and Ikeuchi, whose footsteps seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, was so irritated that he even thought of taking off his boots and walking barefoot.

"I hope the front position is still supporting!"

Ikeuchi followed in the middle of the team panting heavily while praying in his heart. If the front position was lost, the [-]th Regiment would be surrounded by the enemy and would become a live target for China's artillery fire.

Just when he was worried, the dense explosions and machine gun fire from the north reassured Ikeuchi, which at least proved that the front position was still fighting.

At this time, a small and exquisite plane passed by their side, tilted slightly, seemed to be confirming something, and then flew away.

Although the plane did not drop any bombs or strafed, a feeling of uneasiness suddenly surged in Ikeuchi's heart. If half a month ago, he would not have seen such a barely armed plane in his eyes, but now He doesn't think so anymore.

Because not only him, but many officers of the 37th Brigade and the [-]th Division know that this small and seemingly harmless aircraft is the artillery calibration and reconnaissance aircraft of the Liantai Militia, which is specially used for artillery calibration. Artillery impact points and communications.

Sure enough, tens of seconds later, there was a sudden sharp whistling in the air, and Ikeuchi's face turned pale instantly, and the shells really came at him and his group.

"Lie down! Lie down!"

The shouts of the officers sounded in the silent wilderness, and the Japanese soldiers who advanced with cat waists fell to the ground like dogs eating mud.

"Boom!" At the moment of lying down, bullets rained down, and Chi Neizheng, who was pressing his body firmly on the ground, felt the ground shaking and the choking gunpowder smoke.The shells became more and more dense, and shrapnel and broken limbs were constantly flying across.

I don't know how long it took, but the shelling stopped.

It was only then that Ikeuchi struggled to stand up from the ground, shook off the mud all over his body, grabbed the mirror on his chest and looked into the distance, the square outline of the chariot could be vaguely seen not far away, his heart immediately sank when he saw this down.

Since the Chinese chariots appeared here, it proved that the front position had been lost, and their reinforcements were meaningless.

He shouted loudly: "Chariot...China chariot!"

"Fortify in place! Prepare to fight! Try to use the bomb crater to hide the artillery position!"

As the order was issued, thousands of soldiers from the third brigade deployed on the spot one after another. At this time, the bomb craters everywhere became their best shelter.

The anti-aircraft artillery team is struggling to modify the crater with an engineer shovel in order to conceal the anti-aircraft artillery of the first type. If there is any difference between the anti-aircraft artillery of the first type and the anti-aircraft artillery of the original Type 94, it is that compared with the anti-aircraft artillery of the Type 94 In terms of cannons, the Type I anti-aircraft artillery is more than 400 kilograms heavier than the former, and its height is also much higher.

With the efforts of everyone, the gunners quickly built a relatively concealed gun position using the bomb crater, and then quickly pushed the anti-aircraft gun into the gun position, put the ammunition box next to the gun mount, and removed the upper armor plate. The anti-war gun barrel is close to the ground, if you don't pay attention, you can't find its existence.

Soon, the gunner loaded a 47mm explosive shell into the barrel and began to adjust the mechanical gauge.

"Report, the Chinese chariot troops are marching in a zigzag." The observer reported loudly.

"Yaoxi!" The gunner, with the brim of his hat facing back, used the steering gear and the height controller to continuously adjust the gun, and then pulled back the right hand that was holding the breech bolt.


The 47mm anti-aircraft shell rushed out of the muzzle in an instant.

Lu Xianping, who had just jumped off the turret of the tank, was holding a 98K rifle in both hands. He followed a No. [-] tank and scanned the surroundings vigilantly. Riding a tank in potholes and muddy terrain is definitely physical work, and he may be thrown off at any time. danger.

Suddenly, a Bobcat reconnaissance tank in front was hit by a shell, and a puff of black smoke rose from the open conning tower.

"Not good... There are devil's anti-tank guns ahead!"

"Hurry over to a few people, and quickly rescue the brothers in the tank!"

Several officers shouted in the ranks, and at this moment, another shell hit the No. [-] tank in front of Lu Xianping.

The howling shells hit the front armor of the No. [-] tank, making a piercing metal impact sound, so loud that Lu Xianping felt dizzy for a while.

Fortunately, the armor of the Panzer IV was much thicker than that of the Lynx scout tank, and this shell did not penetrate the frontal armor of the Panzer IV.

But even so, the sudden attack put the team into a tense mood.

"Damn it, what are you stupid birds doing? Hurry up and hide!"

"Little Shandong, why are you so fucking dazed? Don't you always brag, even if a mosquito flies past you, can you tell the male from the female? You can't see such a big shell now." Where did you call from?"

Behind him came the roar of Thunder Tiger on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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