my bright sword career

Chapter 150 Watching Movies

Chapter 150 Watching Movies (Part [-])
Along with the buzzing sound from the four surrounding speakers, small black dots appeared on the screen, and the narration sounded.

"The tactics of the Japanese army are not complicated, that is, the infantry launched an attack under the cover of artillery, and would suspend the attack after encountering stubborn sniper attacks, using 75mm mountain artillery or 105mm field artillery arranged in the rear.

If the distance between the infantry and the defenders is sufficient, they will let the infantry approach and attack with grenades, so that they can quickly destroy the defenders' machine gun positions.

But there is another situation. If the opponent also has artillery, they will call the air force to carry out low-altitude bombing. In this battle, the Japanese army dispatched a total of sixteen Type [-] heavy bombers and twelve Type [-] dive bombers. And six Nakajima-[-] fighter jets carried out carpet dive bombing on our army positions. "

Accompanied by the voice of the narration, the planes that were just small black dots quickly became clear. With the roaring sound, more than a dozen dive bombers rushed to the defenders' positions first, and the defenders' firepower fell silent for a while. .

Not only that, but more than a dozen planes flew in another direction, and the narrator also explained: "The one flying far away is the Japanese Army's Type 432 heavy bomber. The maximum speed of this type of plane is [-] kilometers per hour. , which can carry a ton of aerial bombs for bombing, is one of the main bombers of the Japanese army, and now they are looking for and trying to destroy our artillery positions."

Listening to the voice of the commentary in the movie, the expressions of hundreds of people in the entire yard, including the head of the headquarters, became solemn.

Most of the battles the Eighth Route Army fought with the Japanese army in these years were small-scale battles, which were small-scale and short-term. Generally speaking, Japanese aircraft rarely came to intervene, because it was meaningless for them to intervene in such battles.

If they have to participate in the battle with dozens of people, it is impossible to exhaust those pilots to death, and the battle time of this scale is often very short, and the battle is over by the time they arrive.

But battles at the scale of divisions like this are different. Not only do they last for a long time, but they are also extremely fierce. This kind of battle is when the aircraft can show their talents.

Several chiefs frowned, forgot to smoke the cigarettes in their hands, and stared at the screen tightly. They couldn't figure out how the Liantai militia survived the bombing of this intensity.

In the past, when the Eighth Route Army was bombed by Japanese aircraft, the only thing it could do was to immediately evacuate and hide to minimize losses.

It's not that the Eighth Route Army doesn't want to fight back, but that the Eighth Route Army lacks the most basic anti-aircraft weapons. Trying to hit a plane with a light machine gun is tantamount to shooting a bird in the sky with a water gun.

Of course, if the directors of anti-war dramas of later generations come here, they will definitely bring their latest invention, bombing planes with grenades. Their reason is very simple, as long as my grenade is thrown high enough, there is no plane that cannot be blown up. down.

However, the Liantai militia did not disappoint the audience in front of the screen, and soon bursts of rapid roar came from the speakers. At some point, dozens of firepower points suddenly appeared on the ground, and a group of guns raised their guns high. Tongues of fire poured out towards the sky, and soon the dense firepower net formed barrages in the sky.

"Dong dong dong..."

The camera of the movie quickly switched to an anti-aircraft gun position, and saw three anti-aircraft guns distributed in a zigzag shape. An officer was observing the sky with a telescope, and then shouted loudly: "Two enemy planes are at 235, At an altitude of 1200 meters, long bursts... release..."

Following the officer's order, the three anti-aircraft guns fired at the same time, and the flames from the muzzles were more than one meter long. With the sound of shooting, the shell casings thrown from the side immediately piled up into a layer.

Dense shells continued to explode in the sky, forming airtight barrages. In less than a minute, a dive bomber was blown up in the air.

Looking at the flames in the sky, the staff officers in front of the movie and the personnel of various agencies couldn't help cheering.

Although the battles between the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese army were mainly on a small scale and generally did not attract Japanese aircraft, since the Hundred Regiments War began, the frequency of Japanese aircraft's visits began to increase.

Facing the Japanese planes, the Eighth Route Army had no good solution. The headquarters also specially ordered that they immediately hide and not shoot when encountering Japanese planes, in order to avoid greater casualties. Carried it, and it really knocked down the plane, and many people cheered.

Although the leaders of the Eighth Route Army were not as happy as the soldiers, they also nodded slightly with a smile on their faces. Teacher Lin even said a rare sentence: "The anti-aircraft firepower of this militia is absolutely necessary."

But this air defense battle was not over yet. The Japanese army, which had lost a Type [-] dive bomber, seemed to be enraged, and soon six fighter planes flew in and rushed towards the air defense position.

The soldiers on the anti-aircraft position did not show any weakness either. A pair of anti-aircraft guns fired fiercely towards the sky, and then the camera turned again, and a certain anti-aircraft gun position appeared on the movie screen, and the artillery on this anti-aircraft gun position made everyone Surprised.

Many staff officers stared wide-eyed, and some even exclaimed: " this also an anti-aircraft gun?"

What appeared on the screen at this time was the 88mm anti-aircraft gun of the Liantai militia. The thick barrels pierced the sky one by one, and the muzzle sprayed out long flames and thick smoke amidst the huge roar. When the cannon shell exploded in the air, the shrapnel emitted after the explosion almost covered most of the sky. ,

Then the camera turned, and more than a dozen steel monsters appeared on the screen. It turned out that this was the M40 self-propelled artillery of the Liantai militia. guide slot.

Then the two gunners worked together to lift the long rod to push the shell into the barrel, and then the gunner closed the breech bolt. With the commander's red flag waved, the gunner pulled the gun rope, only a loud noise was heard, accompanied by smoke all over the sky, The steel monster weighing tens of tons slammed back, and shells weighing tens of kilograms were fired into the sky.

"My darling... what kind of artillery is this? Just by looking at the barrel, you can fit your whole body into it."

The Eighth Route Army, who was used to the small artillery of the Japanese Type [-] infantry artillery, had never seen such a cannon with a barrel as thick as a bucket, and there was a burst of exclamation.

When everyone was amazed by the power of the artillery, more than a dozen planes appeared above the artillery position, and everyone's expressions changed. Facing the threat from the sky, the powerful artillery was helpless.

However, their worries did not last long, and soon steel monsters drove out around the position, but these steel monsters were not self-propelled artillery, but self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. The cannon and the single-shot Dongfeng 20mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun all fired into the sky.

These font-shaped anti-aircraft guns fired into the open space, forming a tight anti-aircraft firepower network, blocking the attack path of the Japanese aircraft. For a while, various explosions and roars resounded in the sky, and aircraft were shot down and hit the ground continuously. It caused the crowds to ignite, and artillery positions were constantly hit, causing ammunition to explode, and the sound of the explosion shook the entire earth.

Looking from a distance, the whole sky of Qixiaguan was filled with the roar of planes and the explosion of anti-aircraft guns, and the whole sky was shrouded in thick black smoke.

On the frontal position, on the Qixiaguan frontal battlefield, dozens of machine guns in the first line of the Fourth Battalion kept pouring out flames in their respective bunkers, and the soldiers hid in the trenches and kept shooting outwards. Behind a slope, dozens of mortars are constantly firing shells, and the intensive artillery fire even blocked the Japanese army's artillery fire.

Although the Japanese army's attack was also very sharp, facing the almost unreasonable and powerful firepower of the Liantai militia, the Japanese army's offensive effect was negligible. Half an hour later, they left nothing but mutilated corpses.

Seeing the tragic scenes projected on the screen, everyone fell silent. Such tragic battles are too unfamiliar to the Eighth Route Army who are used to fighting mahjong warfare and guerrilla warfare. It was too shocking.

The eyes of the chiefs were also full of splendor, even those who had fought for most of their lives were shocked after seeing this scene.

Mr. He asked Mr. Liu beside him in a low voice, "Old Liu, you are the most highly educated among us, and you are also someone who has drunk foreign ink. From what you can see, how is the Liantai militia doing?"

Commander Liu thought for a while and said, "From the perspective of their formation, it can only be said that they are well-regulated and belong to a relatively traditional style of play. There is nothing surprising about it, but their firepower is extremely powerful, especially theirs. Light weapons are much more advanced than the Japanese army, and in my opinion can be compared with the European powers.

It's just that their only shortcoming is the lack of air support, otherwise it will be the Japanese's turn to have a headache. "

Master He rolled his eyes and scolded with a smile: "You dare to say that air support is such a good thing that even the direct troops of the Central Army dare not think about it, let alone a local militia. The amount of ammunition is not a small amount, plus the advanced German equipment in their hands, where did this leader Gao get so many weapons and ammunition?"

Mr. Lin on the side spoke, "As the saying goes, cats have their own way. Commander Gao is able to get weapons and ammunition. That's his skill. We don't care about it. But what I'm most interested in is whether he can get us some A batch of weapons and equipment?"

Master Liu and Master He laughed after hearing this, "Old Lin, don't worry about it. These German weapons are good enough, but they consume too much ammunition, especially the machine gun. I observed it. The firepower of the machine gun is indeed very powerful, and its rate of fire is at least several times faster than that of the Japanese Type [-], but because of this, it is impossible to use this machine gun without a strong family background.”

"I didn't say I want the German equipment in their hands."

Mr. Lin took out a small cloth bag from his pocket, which was bulging. He opened the bag and took out a few fried soybeans, put it in his mouth and chewed slowly, as if he was savoring the taste of soybeans.

After a while, he continued: "It turned out that after I saw the commendation telegram sent by Chief Yan, I thought he was lying on behalf of this leader Gao. Now it seems that this is not necessarily the case. Judging from the movie that is showing now , after the Liantai militia occupies a favorable terrain, it is indeed possible to compete with the 41st Division, and even have a chance to severely damage it."


Mr. He and Mr. Liu also nodded, "It seems that we were a little hasty in our settlement at the beginning. This commander Gao really has two brushes in fighting."

Master Lin continued: "Since he may hit the Japanese army hard, there will be a lot of seizures. Shall we buy these Japanese weapons and equipment from him?"


Master He and Master Liu's eyes lit up.

That's right, why didn't they expect it? Judging from the battle scene just seen, the Liantai militia seized a lot of Japanese weapons and weapons. These Japanese weapons must be unknown to the Liantai militia. They are the best deal.

While several division commanders were discussing in low voices, the movie screen was suddenly painted again, just at the time when the Japanese army used artillery barrage and smoke to cover the front of the position and blurred their vision. The soldiers of the fourth battalion fought hard, but they still couldn't withstand the impact of the cavalry.

Seeing the scene of more than 1000 cavalry galloping on the fourth battalion, the three division commanders came to the conclusion in unison that the battalion was over and there was basically no possibility of escape.

But then the Fourth Battalion issued a request to the rear to shoot at me, and the entire position was immediately covered by artillery fire. Soon, the Japanese cavalry who had been galloping across the Fourth Battalion's position instantly fell to the ground whining like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. The soldiers of the Fourth Battalion also suffered heavy losses under their own artillery fire. After more than ten minutes, the position where the guns were originally fired became silent.

At the same time, the narration sounded again, "In this battle, 786 soldiers of the fourth battalion participated in the battle, 372 were killed and 216 were injured, and more than 80 of them were seriously injured and needed to be retired. The three infantry company commanders, except One person was wounded, the other two company commanders were all killed, and most of the platoon leader and squad leader were also killed.

Although there were heavy casualties, Ma Zhanfu, the commander of the third company, still shouted the request of "fire at me". The fourth battalion used their flesh and blood, and with the cooperation of the artillery, annihilated the Japanese army which was several times larger than the enemy. title. "

Seeing this, everyone was silent. Although they did not belong to the same unit, they were all sons and daughters of Huaxia, and they shared the same emotions. Many people's eyes turned red.

Of course, the incident where the surviving soldiers of the fourth battalion on the battlefield killed all the surviving Japanese prisoners on the battlefield will not be released in the movie.

The documentary of the Battle of Qixia Pass was very long, lasting three hours. After watching it, it was already dark, and several chiefs fell into deep thought after watching it.

(End of this chapter)

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