my bright sword career

Chapter 135 The Sound of Salvo

Chapter 135 The Sound of Salvo

"Be careful, hide quickly, and you must not be discovered by the chariots of the Chinese!"

Nestled in a hidden crater, a gunner in his thirties shouted to several soldiers around him in a low voice. As a veteran anti-tank gunner, when he saw a Chinese tank suddenly appearing from behind Immediately adjusted the gunfire position, and placed the Type 37 [-]mm rapid-fire gun under his command in a deepened crater.

Under his fiddling, the barrel of this gun is almost close to the ground to conceal the gun position as much as possible, and the height of the bunker is also very low, the gunner can only squat on the gun position, and can't even stand up .

For his extreme fear of death, the other four gunners were extremely puzzled and also felt a little contemptuous, but when they thought that this guy's application for discharge from the army was beaten back by the squadron leader several times, they understood a little bit.

As a second-class division, the 41st Division set up an anti-tank squadron equipped with six Type 37 [-]mm rapid-fire guns, but because Huaxia's armor was so weak that most of the anti-tank weapons were reduced to For decoration.

But for Ihara Heihachi, this is actually a good thing, which is why he stayed in China for four years without any injuries.

But he is not without worries. He has been in the military since 36. According to the four-year service period, he could apply for retirement and go home in March this year, but he was abruptly given by the squadron leader who has always looked down on him. Pressed down, Ihara Heihachi knew that the squadron leader wanted him to die on the battlefield, but the more the squadron leader wanted him to die, the more he wanted to survive.

At this time, a Type [-] anti-rapid gun next to it began to fire. The shell hit there in the dark night, and was immediately hit back by the opponent's tank. Amidst a loud noise, the wonder rapid-fire gun was blown up by the tank artillery. up in the air.

"Senior Ihara... It seems that Daxiong and the others have been hit..." The gunner's cry came from the trench.

"Idiot! Why did this guy fire so early? I told him that he must wait for the chariot to get closer before firing."

The older senior soldier cursed loudly. Having participated in the Battle of Songhu, he understood a truth deeply. Although rapid-fire guns can destroy Chinese tanks, it is difficult for even the most skilled gunners to use field guns with a narrow field of fire. Hitting a moving tank, especially in the dark of night, trying to hit a tank driving at high speed in the dark is no different than winning the jackpot.

At this time, Heihachi Ihara stared nervously at the two tanks that were getting closer and closer with the help of the light from the flares. Now there are still more than [-] meters, and they are getting closer.

At this time, the tanks on the opposite side had turned off their lights long ago, and they were not idle. As they moved forward, they used parallel machine guns to shoot at the front continuously.

At this moment, Heihachi Ihara finally managed to call out the long-awaited shooting command of the gunners: "Target, the tank in front right... Aim at the leading one! Scale twelve, armor-piercing explosive shell..."

"Boom!" The loader skillfully stuffed a slender armor-piercing projectile into the barrel, and the gunner on the side immediately closed the breech block.

Everyone was waiting for the order to fire. Just as Heihara Heihachi was about to give the order to fire, the flares above his head suddenly went out, and the whole land fell into darkness again.

"Baga... can't these Chinese people have as many as one flare?"

"Damn it... can't we fire flares ourselves? Where's the artillery?"

While everyone was waiting anxiously, two more flares were shot into the sky, instantly illuminating the whole earth, and a huge figure was exposed in front of them again.

"Is this the chariot of the Chinese people?"

"What's going on, why is the chariot of the Chinese people so big?"

There was a burst of exclamation from the crater, and even Heihachi Ihara's eyes widened in surprise. He remembered that when he was on the Songhu battlefield, the Chinese people he saw were only equipped with a small number of Vickers light tanks.

That kind of tank with a total weight of only six tons has a pitiful 13mm front armor, which can only withstand ordinary rifle bullets. It is difficult to resist even close-range shooting from a Type [-] heavy machine gun. But what are these two big guys now? thing?How can it be so big?

Facing the sudden arrival of two No. 100 tanks, Ihara Heihachi held his hands a little nervously. According to his calculation, if he wanted to penetrate this kind of tank, he had to put the opponent within [-] meters at least to destroy the opponent.

But under the high tension, he couldn't wait any longer, and quickly shouted the last word of the password from his mouth: "Fire..."

Japan's Type 36 rapid-fire gun is actually a copy of the German KWK37 36mm anti-tank gun. Originally, the armor-piercing performance of this gun was not very good. Compared with the original KWK37 [-]mm anti-tank gun, its armor capability is more than a step lower.

The distance of 200 meters is almost instantaneous for the shell with an initial velocity of 700 meters per second. Only a muffled bang was heard, and the high-speed shell hit the back of the tank, knocking down the two infantrymen following the tank. on the ground.

"Baga... reload!"

Just as Ihara Heihachi shouted to continue loading, the loader had already stuffed another shell into the barrel.


Heihachi Ihara gave the order to shoot without hesitation, and the leading tank immediately burst out a cloud of black smoke and flashes, and as the smoke dissipated, that tank stopped advancing.


The gunners in the crater shouted excitedly, with frantic and excited expressions on their faces. This was the first time they had destroyed Huaxia Renren's tank. Now that tank was lying motionless on the spot, a kind of ecstatic feeling Emotions filled the minds of these gunners, while Ihara Heihachi continued to shout the password, preparing to continue to create miracles.

But obviously they were a bit too happy. When the gunners were about to look for the target again, a puff of black smoke suddenly appeared from the buttocks of the tank that was destroyed in their eyes, and the whole body shook and then moved again.

"Ba Ga, Lu, kill him immediately!"

Ihara Heihachi was so angry that he cursed and pushed the gunner away to aim himself.

At this moment, a scorching air wave rushed towards the face, and only a series of dangdang sounds were heard. The steel shield of the artillery was hit by bullets, making a crisp metal impact sound. Two people who were busy behind the shield The gunner fell in a pool of blood.

Ihara Heiba ​​fixed his eyes and saw a series of black holes on the guard plate. All the gunners of this artillery fell on the ground and buried their faces in the mud tightly. They all knew that their gun emplacements were exposed. up.

"Baga, you damn arms dealer, you actually used some junk to deal with us!" Heihara cursed angrily when he saw that the baffle, which they had relied on as a life-saving tool, couldn't even block machine gun bullets.

"Load ammo...ready to fire!"

Ihara Heihachi pushed the two dead gunners aside, put his eyes in front of the scope, and kept shaking the steering machine with his right hand.

"Hurry up...get up those who are still alive, and load the shells!"

Following his order, a gunner who was lying tightly on the ground immediately picked up a shell and rushed up, while the other gunner yanked the bolt handle back.

With a muffled click, the breech block was closed
Heihara Heihachi felt that his hands were a little numb due to shaking the steering gear and the up and down plane for a long time, but he still stuck his bloodshot eyes to the scope, staring at the car in front of him in the dark night. The tank, although the distance was less than 200 meters, he could still see that the gun on the turret seemed to be shaking from side to side, obviously aiming at himself.


Ihara Heihachi understood that he could no longer hesitate. Now that he was at a critical moment, he might be hit by the opponent's first shot a second later. He loudly gave the command to shoot, and only heard a muffled sound. A puff of black smoke was ejected from the muzzle, and as the cannon body retreated sharply, the slender shells rushed out of the muzzle quickly driven by the kinetic energy of the gunpowder.

The old gunner could vaguely see a puff of black smoke coming from the side of the tank that was heading towards them. Although his engine was still roaring wildly, the tank was spinning around in place.

"Senior...Senior Ihara...we hit it, we hit the track of the China Chariot."

A Japanese gunner jumped up from the crater, screaming excitedly.

Even though they are an anti-tank squadron, but due to China's national strength, their chances of fighting tanks are almost zero. Not only were they able to fight against Huaxia tanks tonight, but they also damaged its tracks. We will work harder later Knock that tank out, and they've done it.

At this time, the No. [-] tank was still spinning in place, the flat track had been disengaged, and the turret was also spinning, but it was still firing machine guns at the position.

Ihara Heihachi quickly aimed at the target and fired again. The shell exploded on the turret of that tank, but this time their luck was not so good. The armor of the opponent's tank was ridiculously thick. They fired three shells in a row. Do not wear their armor.

But their luck ended there, as their position was locked due to continuous shooting.The tank whose tracks were blown off stopped, turned its turret and aimed at them and fired two shots in a row.


The first shell hit the side of the rapid-fire gun and kicked up a large cloud of mud. The second shell followed and hit the rapid-fire gun. With a loud explosion, the rapid-fire gun was blown out of the crater. When he came out, he disintegrated in mid-air.

A puff of choking gunpowder smoke enveloped the entire bomb crater, and the thick gunpowder smoke made Ihara Heihachi breathless, and couldn't help coughing violently.

"Ueda... Imai..."

He shouted loudly, the position of his companions could not be seen clearly in the bunker filled with gunpowder smoke. Heihara Heihachi waited for a while, and after the gunpowder smoke slowly cleared, he realized that four of his subordinates had already been killed by shells, two of them Even the corpse is only half left.


It cursed a few words, cautiously poked its head out of the crater, and found that several Huaxia tanks had bypassed the shooting range of the field guns and spared them from the flanks.

"I have done my best to His Majesty the Emperor, now I want to live for myself."

Ihara Heihachi muttered something in his mouth, looked at it for himself, and found that the nearby artillery positions had no movement, and they were probably all killed in battle. He jumped out of the crater without hesitation, and headed towards Running back as hard as I can...

"Everyone pay attention... I repeat, you must not walk in a straight line, otherwise you will end up like the idiot No. 0031, who is still spinning in place. Pay attention to the anti-aircraft guns, the little devils are very cunning, their anti-aircraft guns The layout is very concealed, so be careful and careful, I don’t want to see any idiot ruin the tank that Commander Gao spent a lot of money on because of his own stupidity.”

The commander of the armored battalion, Li Changan, cursed angrily on the communicator of the armored battalion.

"Also, the No. [-] tank is in the front, and the Lynx is in the back. Remember to protect the whirlwind and gust cars behind."

Huang Jianhua put his eyes tightly behind the observation mirror, listened to the voice coming from the headset, and muttered in his mouth: "Everyone heard it, cheer me up, you must be careful of the devil's anti-aircraft guns, whoever If you can't die in a single shot, you will have to peel off your skin."

The correspondent and machine gunner on the side is holding the MG34 machine gun and carefully observing the surroundings. When encountering any possible target, he will shoot a shuttle of bullets regardless of the 21.

The armored battalion's attack was so fierce and swift that the 133rd Regiment's blockade did not have much effect, especially after the anti-tank squadron's blockade failed, the Japanese army could only rely on a few temporarily formed teams to stop it. None of them were successful, and those soldiers who rushed out with explosive packs and cluster grenades either fell under the parallel machine guns of the tanks, or were killed by the infantry behind the tanks.

Accompanied by the advance of the tanks, the armored battalion stabbed the back of the 41st Division like a sharp knife, and at this time more than 20 Whirlwind and Rafale self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery that followed the tank also arrived.

"Dong dong dong..."

Everyone was taken aback when the first Whirlwind self-propelled artillery fired from its mounted 20mm quadruple Flak 38 anti-aircraft guns.

Accompanied by the rapid and dull sound of cannons, the Japanese attack formation that was less than two miles away from them and was attacking Qixia Pass fell down like a plantain tree blown by a strong wind.

The 20mm quadruple Flak 38 anti-aircraft guns may not be powerful enough to hit high-altitude aircraft, but they must not be too brutal when they come to attack people. A group of Japanese soldiers who were desperately attacking on the hillside were swept away by the sudden rain of bullets However, a whole squadron of soldiers was dispersed in less than a minute, but none of those who were shot could survive with a whole body, and all of them turned into broken limbs and arms.

Immediately afterwards, the second...the third anti-aircraft self-propelled artillery also joined the battlefield. For a while, there seemed to be only the sound of dozens of self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery salvos...

(End of this chapter)

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