my bright sword career

Chapter 117 Found it

Chapter 117 Found it

It was the first time for Ryuji Ota, who had been in the army for many years, to encounter such a thing. He couldn't believe his eyes that this brutal habit that had disappeared for hundreds of years would appear in front of him again.

Don't the Chinese call themselves a nation of etiquette?Aren't their people notoriously cowardly?In his impression, often only one detachment of soldiers is needed to encircle a village of hundreds of people.

Hundreds of civilians didn't even dare to resist when facing more than a dozen soldiers of the Great Japanese Empire, allowing them to be driven to the threshing ground, and then obediently slaughtered, but the current scene completely overturned his consciousness. Know.

Shock, disbelief, anger and spontaneous fear kept lingering in his mind.

At this moment, a staff officer hurried over and handed over a telegram with both hands: "Report, Your Excellency the division commander is calling, please have a look."

Ryuji Ota took the telegram and looked at it, "His Excellency, Commander of the Division, asked us to attack the Chinese immediately, and explained that he would arrive at noon."

"What's the meaning of this telegram from the head of the division?" The staff officer was puzzled: "We have been marching for two or three days in a row, at least we should be allowed to rest for half a day, and wait until the field artillery unit arrives and sets up the artillery positions before launching It is right to attack, such a hasty attack without any preparation will lead to increased casualties of the troops."

"Haven't you understood?" Ota Ryuji said angrily, "Your Excellency, the head of the division, said he would arrive at noon, and he asked me to show him a victory before noon, do you understand?"


The staff officer became anxious when he heard this, "Your Excellency, although our warriors are brave and fearless, they cannot be wasted like this!"


Ota Ryuji slapped the staff officer without any explanation.

"You have to remember that you are just a little major. If you want to question your Excellency the division commander, please become the commander first."

"I'm really sorry to trouble you..."

The staff officer who was slapped did not dare to say anything, but bowed and apologized repeatedly.

"Forget it, you should immediately call back the division commander and tell him that the 67th Regiment will follow his orders to immediately launch an attack on the Chinese. Also, you should immediately take pictures of those Jingguan and report them to the division commander. .”


More than ten minutes later, the fourth battalion on the first line of defense heard the sound of some dull shell explosions. The 41st Division and the Liantai people began their first contact, and the battle officially started.


The artillery shells around him exploded violently, and the thick smoke and flying dust blocked Ma Zhanfu's sight. The dense smell of gunpowder smoke made him almost breathless. Ma Zhanfu, who was squatting in the trench, could feel the explosion coming from the ground when the shells exploded. There was a sense of shock, and from time to time there were wailing and moaning sounds from individual wounded soldiers.

The first to attack was the four 67-type infantry artillery of the Artillery Squadron of the [-]th Regiment. After a single shelling, the fourth battalion's position was blown up into dust and two soldiers were injured.

"Everyone, be careful, stick your head out so stupidly, whoever thinks it's too late can tell me, I will help you!"

Ma Zhanfu's exasperated voice sounded in the trench. The casualties of the shelling just now could have been completely avoided, but the two recruits were injured because they did not follow the training requirements and exposed their bodies.

The [-]-type infantry artillery of the Japanese army was still roaring, and it seemed that they would not give up until all the shells were fired. One shell after another fell on the position, blowing up the position of the fourth battalion.

The infantry could only hide in the trenches and pray that the shells would not fall on their heads.

However, the power of the Type [-] infantry artillery is limited after all, and it does not play much role in the face of fortifications such as trenches and foxholes that have already been dug.

"How about it, have you observed the devil's artillery position?" Gao Hongming asked the artillery observer on the side impatiently.

The bombardment had been going on for 3 minutes, but the bombardment observers couldn't find the Japanese artillery positions, which made Gao Hongming very anxious.

"Tuan, don't worry, the barrel of the Type [-] infantry gun of the little devil is small. After removing the protective plate, it is not much taller than a Type [-] heavy machine gun. The most disgusting thing is that it moves when it fires." It's very small, there won't be any obvious features, and it's not easy to find it." Wu Chengfeng who was on the side saw that Gao Hongming was going to get angry, so he could only persuade him in a low voice.

"Tuan about we raise the hot air balloon, as long as we raise the hot air balloon, no matter how hidden the little devil's artillery is, we will be the first to find them." Xiao Zhankui said.


Gao Hongming hesitated.

As early as World War I, both the Allies and the Allied Powers began to use hot air balloons as a means of observation. The advantage of using hot air balloons for observation is that they stay in the air for a long time, there are almost no dead ends when observing, and they can see very clearly.

It’s just that hot air balloons also have a fatal flaw, that is, they are very fragile. As long as the opponent comes to a random plane and shoots a shuttle, the huge hot air balloon will turn into a ball of torches, and then the people on it will be like weights Falling down, so the risk of being an observer on a hot air balloon is quite high.

The reason why the hot air balloons were not raised before was because they were worried that Japanese aircraft would visit at any time, and the heavy hot air balloons would have nowhere to go.

Seeing that Gao Hongming was already a little moved, Xiao Zhankui hit the rails while it was hot: "Tuan Zuo, let's raise the hot air balloon first, and then take it down after we find the devil's artillery position.

Besides, there is no one who survives a war. Compared with the lives of so many brothers on the front line, what is this risk? "

Gao Hongming was obviously moved by Xiao Zhankui's last words, yes...compared with the lives of many soldiers on the front line, a few observers on the hot air balloon are nothing.

Obviously the Japanese were already bombarding the frontline positions with artillery fire, and they had dozens of artillery pieces, but they stared blankly because they could not find the enemy's positions.It seems that although I have been in this era for more than half a year, the habits I have developed in the 21st century have not changed. I am afraid of casualties and dare not go up a hot air balloon. The kindness of a woman is really bad.

"Okay, pass my order and immediately raise the hot air balloon!"


Following Gao Hongming's order, a hot air balloon slowly rose from the back mountain of Qixia Pass. After a few minutes, the hot air balloon rose to an altitude of more than 400 meters, and the movement and movement in a circle of tens of kilometers above this distance could be seen in full view.

Soon, the voice of the observer on the hot air balloon came from the walkie-talkie, "Report...found the Japanese artillery position, the position is 020, the distance is 9850 meters, and there are four infantry guns."

After hearing the observer's report, Gao Hongming quickly raised the binoculars. According to the observer's report, he found something strange.

"My good guy, I actually hid the artillery positions in the bushes. In addition, when the Type [-] infantry artillery is fired, the movement is small. No wonder the artillery observers couldn't find them."

(End of this chapter)

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