Chapter 84
"This medicine has to be cooked carefully."

"Ling Ke has just said that three bowls of water can be boiled into one bowl."

"Otherwise the medicine will not be effective enough."

Feng Liguo asked his wife Zhang Min to say.

"Why did it become a decoction this time, isn't it a pill~"

Zhang Min put the medicine into the casserole according to the instructions, and poured three bowls of water according to the proportion.

"This one is different from last time, it doesn't mean that there were two kinds of medicine that I couldn't find last time."

"I begged for a long time before Lingjun got this."

"However, he said that this decoction is not only more troublesome, but also less effective than Suoyang Dan, hey~"

Feng Liguo sighed when he said this, feeling a little disappointed.

"That's what it is~"

"Hey~ Let me tell you, I saw Xiuzhi doing laundry today."

"That face~"

"You said that Xu Lingjun is thirty-six. He must have eaten these secret recipes to be in such good health."

Zhang Min looked to see that the children were not there.

So I whispered to Feng Liguo about seeing Xiuzhi when I went to do the laundry just now.

After being a couple for so many years, these things are no longer taboo.

There is no need to hide it when you say it.

"I think so, no wonder I just saw Xu Lingjun feed the horses after shaving half of his beard, I guess it's ~hehe~"

Feng Liguo compared what he saw Xu Lingjun with what Zhang Min said.

I am even more sure of this fact.

"You guy, you look at the couple, you are looking at you~"

"What's wrong with me, you think I don't want to."

"Isn't it that after I come back, the children will be surprised that I don't get down!"

"In the evening, you put the child to sleep early in the evening, ~hehe~"

Feng Liguo laughed several times when he thought about what happened at night.

"Don't be late at night, don't even think about it, I'm pregnant again."

Seeing that her husband was in a hurry, Zhang Min directly gave him a stimulus.

At noon, the child kept being curious about Dad, and she didn't have a chance to say it.

It's all right now, let her gentlemen be in a hurry.

Feel the pain in her heart for the past two years.


"Oh, keep your voice down, why don't you want a child?"

"No, why don't I want it."

"I'm~ that~ What should I do, and this medicine is cooked, oops~"

Feng Liguo is a Muggle, this is a big deal.

The key is that the medicine has been boiled, isn't it a waste if you don't drink it?

But what if I drink it at night?
"Hmph~ Tonight, you can figure it out yourself!"

"Don't, don't go, baby, tonight you~hey~"

The same scene was also played out at Guo Tiaozi's house.

It's just that people don't have this concern.

Guo Tiezi also wanted a third child, and the reason why he and Xu Lingjun asked for medicine was also for this reason.

Now Feng Liguo has the upper hand.

But if he worked overtime at night, he might be able to get three more.

Li Dapeng couldn't sleep again, although he could see Qin Daru every day when he went up the mountain.

But every time I look at someone, I have to be sneaky.

We only see each other for a while during the meal.

No, this guy couldn't sleep the first night he came back.

He didn't want to hear his parents nagging about his partner.

He got up directly and said that he was going to feed the horses in the stable and then slipped away.

After waiting for the right time, he quietly came to the door of Qin Daru's house.

Li Dapeng also had experience, and he walked around Qin Daru's house carefully twice.

After making sure that there was no one around, he jumped over the wall with one leap.

With a brisk walk, he walked under Qin Daru's window.

Today's Xiaosuo is extremely sticky.

Xiaozui kept talking about how he missed his mother and what he had done these days.

Said that he was very obedient in the days when his mother was away, and behaved every day.

Qin Daru smiled and praised her Xiaosuo all the time, she knew very well that this was the child asking for praise.

Qin Daru managed to coax Xiao Suo to sleep.

Even eat at night~
Forget it, child, it's normal to be nostalgic for this.

Li Dapeng regretted it to death, he really wanted to give himself a few mouthfuls.

Why didn't you come here sooner.

Today's curtains leave a tiny gap.

As soon as he came over, he saw Qin Daru coaxing the child, really sitting up and tidying up his clothes.

Although it was just a glance, it also made Li Dapeng's eyes widen.

At this time, He Yuzhu's house next door became noisy.

He Yuzhu had been up the mountain for twenty days, so of course he had an idea.

Now that the child was put to sleep, I began to discuss these thoughts with my wife.

Hearing the sound of the discussion is still very intense.

Now Li Dapeng outside the house was embarrassed.

Qin Daru in the room was not much better.

This Lou Xiao'e didn't know whether it was on purpose or just like that, her voice became louder.

In this silent night, the sound is very penetrating.

Qin Daru couldn't help but think of the scene by the small river today.

Thinking about the details those women said, she couldn't help feeling a little unnatural.

Thinking of those years when she was just married, thinking of her husband.

I don't know if it's been too long, but her husband's appearance has been blurred.

This scene made Li Dapeng see it, he didn't expect Qin Daru to have this side.

He felt the other party's emotions outside, and unconsciously poked his head towards the window.


After an unknown amount of time, a depressing voice came.

Qin Daru trembled unconsciously.

No, no~
The moment Qin Daru opened his eyes, he suddenly saw the shadow of a human head outside the window.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and wanted to open her mouth to scream, but she stopped immediately.

Qin Daru hurriedly tidied up her clothes, stood up and opened the curtains to see who was outside.

Li Dapeng was so engrossed just now that he kept hitting the window with his head.

If the window wasn't blocked, he would have wanted to go in and see it.

When Qin Daru suddenly opened his eyes wide, Li Dapeng realized something was wrong.

He quickly took out his hand, turned around and ran out.

However, Qin Daru's movements were not slow, he had already grasped the curtains with his hands, and pulled them open at once.

Li Dapeng rushed out with a stride, at this moment his mind went blank.

Like an athlete, he quickly jumped out of the wall and disappeared into the night.

"Li ~ Da ~ Peng?"

Qin Daru muttered to himself.

Although Li Dapeng ran very fast, he still showed a side face when he jumped over the wall.

There are only so many people in the village, and Li Dapeng has been in contact with her a few times recently.

Qin Daru recognized it immediately.

Qin Daru didn't shout, but his face was a little pale.

I don't know when Li Dapeng peeked at it, and how much he saw.

Qin Daru suddenly remembered the teasing of Niu Fengying who went up the mountain a few days ago.

No wonder she would say such things. Could it be that Li Dapeng really likes her?
Qin Daru drew the curtains and blew out the lights, but couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

I keep thinking about what happened at this stage.

 I just changed the 84 screen and changed a lot, so it shouldn't have much impact.

  If you feel that reading is a bit uncomfortable, just imagine it!

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(End of this chapter)

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