Going back to the past starts with grazing

Chapter 60 Revealing one hand

Chapter 60

"I don't have any special secret."

"In fact, there is an old saying that has long been said, that is, a man cannot be rich without external wealth, and a horse cannot be fat without night grass."

"But most people tend to focus on foreign money."

"Few people pay attention to the last sentence of night grass." Xu Lingjun said with emotion.

Indeed, since he crossed, he grazed during the day and fed these horses at night.

Gradually, the horses he raised were better than others.

In addition, he was able to clean the stables in time, give the horses water and so on.

The bottom line is just the word "diligence".

Of course, this is also related to his current strong physical fitness.

If it was put in the past, he would put the horses for one day and mow the grass for one day.

I have been tired for a long time, my waist is sore and my back hurts, so I don't have the energy to take good care of these horses.

In fact, they all understand this truth, but people's energy is limited, if Xu Lingjun operates in this way, even the youngest Li Dapeng can't bear it.

Several people took out dry food and ate it. The five of them were all the same, all cornmeal pancakes.

It's good to be full with such dry food, but what about a bicycle.

Almost three hours later, the sound of a whistle came faintly.

Several people hurriedly got up and continued to set off.

It doesn't matter to them, the main thing is that the horse needs time to rest.

The speed in the afternoon is much slower than in the morning.

After all, the horse had just eaten some grass at noon, so it was unbearable to run too fast.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Lingjun and the others finally arrived at Crescent Bay.

Here is where they will camp tonight.

Crescent Bay is a famous lake nearby. It is named Crescent Bay because it looks like a crescent moon.

Their group came relatively early, so they chose a good location as a campsite.

Because I was afraid that the horses would not get used to it, camping at night was carried out in groups.

The place Feng Liguo chose was next to Captain Wang Fuxing and the others.

Not only is it convenient to eat at night, because in the center, you can also be taken care of by the patrolling militia.

"Old Feng~"

"Captain, you are here."

As soon as Feng Liguo and the others settled down the horse herd, Wang Fuxing came over.

"Well, your team is good!"

"Of course, we used to follow Uncle Dong, can we embarrass him?"

Feng Liguo said proudly.

Indeed, their group used to follow Uncle Dong, and they were always the best.

"Hehe, not bad, not bad, by the way, where is Ling Jun!"

Wang Fuxing praised him, and then asked where Xu Lingjun had gone.

He came here specifically to find Xu Lingjun.

These days, the rumors that Xu Lingjun can shoot fish are very mysterious.

Of course, these rumors are all attributed to the big-mouthed Guo Tiezi and Li Dapeng.

The two spoke as if they had seen it with their own eyes, almost catching up with stand-up comedy.

No, their foothold today happened to be Crescent Bay.

As the captain, Wang Fuxing wanted to improve the food for everyone.

At least at night, besides sweet potatoes and cornmeal pancakes, make fish soup or something.

How can I say that today is also the first day I come out, eating better can also increase my enthusiasm!

"Here, he is building a shed! Lingjun~Lingjun~"

When Feng Liguo heard that the captain was looking for Xu Lingjun, he shouted at the top of his voice.

After so many years of grazing and shouting, Feng Liguo's voice is quite penetrating.

After the horses settle down, it is enough for one person to watch.

Of course, the newcomer Feng Limin rushed to do this job.

Before he came, his family told him that as a newcomer, he had to endure more hardships, work harder, and integrate into the group as soon as possible.

Only by quickly integrating into the group can we get help from others.

This can be regarded as the law of survival on the grassland.

The tents of Xu Lingjun and the others were not built randomly.

Both are on the fringes of the herd, which is good for taking care of the horses at night.

It is said to be a tent, but in fact this thing is old and simple.

That is, a sheepskin mat is laid on the bottom, and wooden sticks are used to build a herringbone shelf on the top.

The space is very small, and one person can lie in it.

Set up a shelf, and put the sheepskin on the shelf to block the surrounding wind.


When Xu Lingjun heard someone calling him, he quickly agreed.

Standing up and squinting, it turned out that it was the captain.

He saw that Lightning was grazing with the bay red horse!

Forget it, he took him away for a day, so don't disturb the young couple making out.

So Xu Lingjun raised his legs and ran towards the captain.

"Captain, you have something to do with me."

Xu Lingjun said politely.

He grew up in the capital, and habitually said you.

Locals generally don't say that, and they all call you commensurate.

"Lingjun, don't be so polite, just call Brother Wang."

"I thought you could shoot fish!"

"Let's have dinner tonight, and see if you can get some fish during this time, and add a meal for everyone."

Wang Fuxing didn't have so many twists and turns, and spoke directly.

"Hey~ By the way, did you bring that fish dart with you?"

"I just had this idea too, and I forgot to mention it this morning."

Thinking of this, Wang Fuxing said with some annoyance.

It would be troublesome if Xu Lingjun didn't bring it with him.

"Don't worry team~ Brother Wang, I brought it, I'll try to catch some fish right now."

When Xu Lingjun heard that it was because of this, he hurriedly said.

"Okay, that's good, that~ Lingjun."

"I just heard them say that you shoot fish with a fish dart. It's an old legend."

"I haven't seen it yet, can you show it to me?"

"Brother Wang doesn't mean anything else, just a little curious, if it's inconvenient for you, forget it."

Wang Fuxing said with a little embarrassment.

He is indeed a little curious, but technology is very important in this era.

Many people are reluctant to show it, for fear that others will learn it.

This is all about the ability to eat, that's why Wang Fuxing said that.

"Hi ~ Brother Wang, what's the matter, let's go and go to the lake."

Xu Lingjun didn't care about this technique at all, and he wasn't afraid that others would learn it.

Because he knows that he will be rehabilitated in another six or seven years, and he is afraid that there will be no meat to eat?

"Okay, then I'll see and see."

After Wang Fuxing finished speaking, he followed Xu Lingjun. Of course, Feng Liguo was also curious and followed.

Fortunately, Xu Lingjun saw a suitable fish within a few steps by the lake.

He took the slingshot and fish dart out of his bag.

Tie the rope of the dart to your wrist and start aiming and shooting.

Xu Ling was not prepared to show his full strength.

Otherwise, the other party would be jealous when they saw him shooting fish so easily.

But of course the first dart had to be off to a good start, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

With a sound of "嗖", the fish dart was shot out quickly and hit the target directly.

Xu Lingjun quickly loaded the slingshot and pulled the rope quickly.

Soon a carp weighing one and a half catties was pulled out of the water.

This scene directly shocked Wang Fuxing and Feng Liguo.

Isn't this amazing, a fish will come up after just one click?

"Fish~fish~ catch it quickly."

When Feng Liguo saw the fish jumping by the lake, he quickly caught them reflexively.

Of course Xu Lingjun quickly stopped him and told him the danger of the fish dart.

Feng Liguo withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

Xu Lingjun carefully took the fish dart back.

He simply skewered the fish with the grass on the ground and handed it to Wang Fuxing.

"Brother Wang, you're lucky, the first dart hit the target."

"Shooting fish sometimes depends on luck, and sometimes many darts are missed."

Seeing their shocked looks, Xu Lingjun quickly explained.

Sure enough, the next three darts failed to hit, and this ordeal lasted for about twenty minutes.

Just when the two were impatient, the fourth dart hit directly.

Xu Lingjun pulled up a big carp weighing more than two catties.

In this way, Wang Fuxing had some confidence in his mind.

It seems that besides skill, this fish shooting depends on luck.

But two fish in more than half an hour is already a considerable income.

 We have tested the waters, so please support us a lot.Vote more, try to collect as much as possible, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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