Chapter 517
It's okay not to mention the uncle of the Han family, but when he heard about his elder brother, the second master Han's anger suddenly flared up again, if it wasn't for remembering Mu Liuyun's warning, coupled with the fear of Yuan Mu's identity , it is estimated that it will jump up again at this moment.

Now he could only grit his back molars on the sidelines, as if he had torn off all the meat from that magic stick named Sun Shucheng and chewed it vigorously in his mouth.

"You are a storyteller, if you don't do your job well and become a magic stick, you are quite handy!" When Mu Liuyun heard that Sun Shucheng was really a storyteller, he couldn't help feeling angry and funny.

It seems that a qualified storyteller has the potential to be a liar!I used to listen to the storyteller's spitting lotus flower before, and followed suit. With the ability to adapt to the situation, I calmed down the group of menacing thugs with a single word test.

In the end, this magic stick who instigated several Zhuangzi people to unite to arrest other people's children as human sacrifices turned out to be a true storyteller himself...

"How much did that person sell you the poison and antidote? And what price did you sell it to others?" Yuan Mu asked.

Sun Shucheng didn't dare to hide it, and said tremblingly, "That man sold it to me for ten renminbi...I sold it to others...sometimes for a consistent amount of money, sometimes for...ten taels of silver..."

Hearing this, Second Master Han really couldn't calm down anymore. He stepped forward and kicked Sun Shucheng's ass. His strength was much stronger than that of Mu Liuyun's kick before. Sun Shucheng was so kicked that he was covering his ass. Grinning and rolling all over the floor.

"Well, you're a stick with pus on the soles of your feet! You still sit on the ground and raise the price, and you see people ordering dishes?!" He cursed angrily, obviously he was taken advantage of by the ten taels of silver a pair of medicines.

Sun Shucheng grinned in pain. He originally thought that Yuan Mu and the others would stop Han Erye from beating him, but because Han Erye didn't make any further moves, he stepped aside with a well-measured kick. Mu and Mu Liuyun didn't scold him at all, they just watched coldly from the sidelines.

Seeing this, Sun Shucheng could only rub the painful place, not daring to make a sound.

"How did you differentiate the price?" Mu Liuyun was a little curious, "Don't tell me you robbed the rich and gave to the poor!"

"Don't dare... How dare a villain put gold on his face like that!" Sun Shucheng waved his hands hastily, "The man only told me that the medicine is similar to Mafeisan, but its power It's not the same. Mafeisan can make people unconscious and painless after taking this medicine. After taking this medicine, it can make people breathe lightly when they are unconscious, just like the toad in the winter. , to be alive is to be alive, but it is no different from dying.

I have never seen this kind of medicine before, and I was dubious in my heart. I was afraid that the wandering Taoist would deceive me, so I didn't dare to find someone too powerful, so I secretly found a well, observed it secretly for a few days, and found that there were several Every family used water from that well for food, so I quietly threw the medicine into the well while there was no one there at night.

In the next few days, it may be that the medicine was too weak in the well water, and no one in those households was unconscious, but some people felt dizzy, mentally weak, and seemed to be sick, so I bought a few doses The medicinal materials for invigorating the stomach and eliminating food, said that the antidote in his hand was also divided into several parts, and he always sold them for a pack, saying that he was possessed by evil spirits.

As a result, after drinking the medicine, the people in those households were all healed. They believed in me and began to beg me to help them exorcise evil spirits. When I saw that the medicine was really effective, I followed what the man taught me. I talked to those people according to the words, and told them that there are too many things in this world that are against the way of heaven. Because they go against the sky from top to bottom, they will offend the gods and release many evil spirits to punish the world. If you can't quickly find a way to straighten the way and follow God's will, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe waiting behind.

Those people were scared as soon as they heard it, and they did what I said without any doubt.

Later, I felt that since this medicine is so effective... then it is better to use it properly. No matter how much those ordinary people believe in me, their own family’s livelihood is not much better than my hometown’s. Method.

So... so I bought the guy in the restaurant... Let him find a chance to help me melt the medicine in the wine, and serve it to rich and wealthy families in the county or in the surrounding villages, and I will sell the antidote for ten taels of silver , give him one or two..."

Yuan Mu looked at the yamen servants at the side: "You memorize the names of the restaurant and the staff, and deal with them together later."

Yacha clasped his fists and said yes, Sun Shucheng didn't have the time to think about whether he had dragged others into the water, whether it was appropriate to do so, after all, he was already in danger of protecting himself, so how could he have the kindness to take care of others.

"What you said just now is from top to bottom, going against the sky, and this is what the other magic stick taught you?" Mu Liuyun asked.

"That's right, that's right, he taught it all, and I just said it according to what he taught me!" Sun Shucheng replied quickly.

"Are you his puppet? You can say whatever he asks you to say?" Mu Liuyun looked at him suspiciously, "Look at your age, you are not too young. I guess, even if your father tells you to Whatever you do, you may not be able to be so obedient!"

Sun Shucheng twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment: "Back to the lord, the villain is also trapped by livelihood, there is no way out!
That person said, he used to say this outside, if I change the way of saying, there is no danger of being exposed, only if we all use the same way of saying, it will be more credible, Even if you encounter someone who is married far away or away from relatives, you don't have to worry about making mistakes. "

"All of you? How many of you are there?" Yuan Mu frowned.

"I don't know either, but the man told me that he taught other people too, so I had to say what they said, or if something went wrong we'd all end up playing together.

Specifically who and how many people he has taught, he didn’t tell me, and he didn’t let me ask, saying that the less you know about some things, the better. Anyway, those people will definitely not appear in the same place as me, so don’t worry . "

Mu Liuyun raised another question: "If you buy ten cents from him, you can at least get back the same money once you change hands. Why should he hand over such a stable and profitable business to you? Can't you make money yourself?" ?”

"My lord, what you said is right!" Sun Shucheng nodded quickly, "I also asked him at the beginning, I said you can earn more, why teach others? He said that he has earned enough, so he would rather sell medicine to others like this." We earn a small amount of money, so we are too lazy to go out and run away."

(End of this chapter)

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