Chapter 507 Run away
Hearing what she said, Second Master Han was a little moved, but he still hesitated more.

Although he is completely ignorant of what practice and Taoism are, but as the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. This Wu Ciren has made it clear that the way of the great mage is different from that of the great mage. It's also extremely unwelcoming. Even if he is not smart, Han Erye is not so dull that he can't see it.

If these two people get together, they will definitely not be too friendly, and it will be really embarrassing for the people from his Han family village to be caught in the middle.

"If you tell you to go, go! Could it be that you are afraid that I will eat up that great mage of yours?!" Mu Liuyun waved at him impatiently, "Just remember, if the two of us today We all have real skills, so naturally no one will provoke anyone, we live in peace, each shows his talents, if one of us is a liar, then there will be a quarrel, and the one who loses is the one who bluffs, What loss do you Hanjiazhuang have?! You will save time wasting!"

Second Master Han was a little hesitant at first, but after hearing what she said, he felt that it made sense, so he hurriedly agreed, and was about to arrange for people to invite the great mage, when Mu Liuyun stopped him.

"You have to be sincere. Your elder brother fell ill, and you are the person in charge of the Han family village. Of course, you have to go to this kind of thing yourself!" Mu Liuyun said to him. Yuan Mu glanced over there, then waved his hand at him, "You don't have to worry about our side, we were very tired in the village before, so we don't need to be greeted for this time, just drinking tea and resting here is enough, you just go Please, the great mage, the sooner the better, there must be no delay!"

Although Han Erye now thinks that Master Wu Ciren should have some skills, but no matter how great his skills are, he still has a high position and authority, so he still turned his attention to Yuan Mu, and saw Yuan Mu nodded to him. , and then hurriedly responded, and personally called two servants from several families together, and hurried out the door.

As soon as Second Master Han left, the living room became quite deserted. There were two little maids, both of whom were only fourteen or fifteen years old. Their eyes were so nervous that they dared not look at Mu Liuyun and the others. For Yuan Jia and Yuan Yi, who are tall and burly, the two little maids wished they could go around and hide a little when passing them back and forth to fill water, for fear that these two strong men would suddenly turn into green-faced and long-toothed Yakshas. Yes, Yuan Jia and Yuan Yi also looked helpless.

Mu Liuyun is different, she also looks like a kind white-faced boy in men's clothing, and she also speaks kindly, unless it is because she knows that she is playing with corpses, basically no girl will treat her feel scared.

At this time, she gave full play to her kindness in front of girls, and when a little maid came to help her refill tea, she asked with a smile: "What's your name? How many years have you been in Hanjiazhuang? "

Although the little girl was a little nervous, but when she heard Mu Liuyun speak in a friendly manner, and then raised her head to see the other person's face like peach petals and eyes like autumn waves, the feeling of nervousness and fear faded away by half, but she felt a little hot on the contrary, and hurriedly answered with lowered eyes : "My name is Sixi, and I have been working in the master's house for more than seven years."

Mu Liuyun nodded. Although he was not a child of the Han family, he was bought into the family as a child. He should be quite clear about the ups and downs of the Han family and the Han family village, inside and out.

"It's been said that evil is happening outside these days, do you feel scared?" Mu Liuyun continued to chat with the little girl Sixi.

Sixi shook her head: "I didn't think I was too scared. I was a little panicked at first, but then I realized that other than the old man in the family, everyone else was fine, so I wasn't too scared."

"You are quite courageous!" Mu Liuyun praised her, and the little girl's cheeks turned bright red immediately, "So, in all of your Han family, the uncle is the only one who is unlucky and hit an evil, so how could it be so? Is the Han Family Village the worst troublemaker?"

Sixi secretly tugged on the lapel of her clothes, a little at a loss: "It is true that only the uncle fell ill in the family, but many households in the village have encountered the same thing as the uncle. He is a man with a strong body, but suddenly he will not be able to do anything, if there is no expert to give the elixir, I don't know how many people will die at this moment."

"That expert is really kind-hearted. He came to give you the elixir. This is a great virtue!" Mu Liuyun praised.

But Sixi waved her hand: "It's not a gift, it's a sale. You have to pay for it, and it's quite expensive. I heard from Aunt Li, who bought vegetables, that there are people in the village who don't have money and can't afford such an expensive elixir. Now I’m still hanging there panting, maybe one day I can’t catch my breath, and I’m probably going to die.”

"But it's such an expensive elixir. Others are waiting to save their lives, but they don't have the money to buy it, but your uncle can afford it, but it doesn't work!" Mu Liuyun sighed.

"Isn't that right!" Sixi nodded again and again, "My uncle is usually the kindest person in the world, and he treats his family and servants well, but his body is not good enough. It just so happened that he was bewitched by evil spirits. It's really unreasonable." !"

"Is your second master treating people well?" Mu Liuyun asked.

Sixi suddenly realized that there seemed to be some unwanted emotions in what she said just now, and hurriedly replied: "Second master is naturally good to treat family members!"

The implication is that treating servants and outsiders is not very good?

Mu Liuyun kindly didn't use this question to embarrass the little girl again, but instead asked: "So your uncle should be quite popular when he is in Zhuangzi and outside, and he shouldn't have any enemies, right?"

Sixi shook her head: "I've never heard of that."

Mu Liuyun didn't want to drag the little girl to ask questions, endlessly, so as not to cause trouble for others, so he nodded and didn't say anything to her, so Sixi stepped aside.

Seeing that the time for a stick of incense had passed, and Second Master Han did not come back, Yuan Jia and Yuan Yi looked at each other, Yuan Jia leaned down, and asked Yuan Mu in a low voice: "Master, how big is this Han Family Village? What kind of great mage is that?" How far away do you want to live? The time spent burning incense is over, it might not take us so long to ride back to the county, right?"

Mu Liuyun looked at the sky outside the living room: "Look, if Second Master Han hasn't come back after another stick of incense, it means that the great mage they are looking for has heard the news and ran away early. !"

(End of this chapter)

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