Chapter 495
Seeing Mu Liuyun's worried face, Yuan Mu beckoned her to get closer, and Mu Liuyun hurried over.

"Since there are people who intend to disturb the water, they can't see clearly what is standing on the shore, and the people here believe in the words of evil spirits and ghosts. If we insist that it is nonsense, no one will believe it. Why don't you just push the boat along with the current, and let the water mess with it, using your strength to fight is the best way at the moment." He whispered in Mu Liuyun's ear.

The breath of Yuan Mu's words blew warmly on Mu Liuyun's ears, making her ears turn rosy involuntarily, but at this juncture, she didn't have the time to be so shy. , I understood his intentions in my heart, and nodded: "Well, I understand! I can't fight, and I can play lip service!"

Although it sounded a little bit like he was making fun of himself, what Mu Liuyun said was an indisputable fact.

For so many years, whether at home, helping mother deal with those two worry-free uncles, or dealing with Yang Zhifu, whose heart is smaller than a needle's nose, in the state government office, it is inevitable to practice the word of mouth. Whether it is bickering or solving difficulties, Mu Liuyun is very experienced.

Especially the ability to adapt to changing situations, she considers herself the second in Jiangzhou Prefecture, and probably no one dares to be the number one.

Having said that, Mu Liuyun was actually very anxious at the moment. After all, no matter how narrow-minded and uncertain the magistrate Yang was, he was an official ordered by the court, and no matter how outrageous things he did, there was a limit.

But Mu Liuyun was not sure what would happen to those lunatics who wanted to rob other people's children by force and use their living people to sacrifice to the sky and the Dragon King.

If it's just a few of them who want to break out of the siege and get out, the difficulty level will be lower. After a while, the women and children hidden here in the village will come out, and they will have to protect the safety of these people, which can be said to be very difficult.

Thinking about it carefully, their situation today is almost an inevitable result. In such a deserted house, no matter how big the cellar is, it is dark after all. After hiding so many people, it is impossible to hide them in for more than a month at once. rations.

Even if they don't come today, Lizheng still has to find a way to deliver food and drink to the people who are hiding, and they will still be watched.

After a while, Mu Liuyun heard the Yachai's voice, and hurried to the wall, poked his head in to have a look, and saw that someone had crawled out of the secret cellar with the help of Yachai and Li Zheng, and was about to Weakly trying to get out through the hole in the wall.

Mu Liuyun hurried over to help, and Yuan Yi also came to help, one after another helped out many girls and children from inside, among them there were girls in their twenties and eight years old, and some children with disheveled hair, the youngest child was still in the swaddle , being held in his mother's arms, her dirty little face didn't look healthy, but she didn't cry or fuss. I don't know if she was already too hungry and had no energy, and she was falling asleep drowsily.

The people who came out one after another in the back were similar, and I guess they didn't get much food down there. They all looked sleepy and listless, even though Li was leading the yamen over to help them out of the cellar Yes, when we got outside, we could breathe heavily when we saw the light, so we didn't have to be suffocated in the cellar, but none of them showed any joy, instead they looked trembling, a group of people huddled together, cowered Shivering.

Mu Liuyun was very upset. This was the second time they rescued people from the cellar. The last time was in Yuyong County, where the temple was occupied by bandits and fake monks. They rescued several young women who were close to being trafficked south.

When the women were rescued, they were all starved and weak, but after being rescued, they all looked like they were seeing the savior, and they looked very happy, and some even cried with joy.

And the people in front of them were brought out from the dark and damp cramped cellar. Lizheng also told them that these yamen servants were all from the prison department on Gyeonggi Road, not from the county government or the prefectural government. People from the government, but they still look full of fear, as if they are not trying to rescue them, but pulling them to the chopping block.

"Lizheng, come here!" Looking at them, Mu Liuyun really couldn't bear it, stretched out his hand to greet the honest Lizheng, and took out a few dimes of silver from his sleeve, "Hurry up and take the money to buy some food , I think these women and children in your village should be starving to death hiding here, you have to give them something to eat so they can walk!"

Lizheng wiped his eyes, did not go to pick up the broken silver handed over by Mu Liuyun, but bowed deeply to her: "My lord is kind! I thank you on behalf of the people in the village! I prepared some at home, and originally wanted to send them over in the dark at night! I never expected to meet some adults, so I'll go back and get some food, and I don't need to spend money on you!"

After speaking, he hurriedly told those people a few more words, telling them that Yuan Mu and the others came all the way from the Criminal Division to solve this matter, so that those big girls, daughters-in-law and young children should not be afraid. Wait here obediently, and then hurried back to the food with two helpers.

It is estimated that Li Zheng was also anxious in his heart, and the clerk of the Criminal Division was well-trained and dexterous. After a while, the three of them came back, bringing back several jugs of water, and some that Li Zheng had prepared in advance. dry food.

They distributed the food and water to those women and children, and they all took it carefully, not forgetting to pay attention to the attitude of Mu Liuyun and the others, and seeing that they didn't show any displeasure, they dared to put it in their mouths Fill it.

Looking at their cautious appearance, Mu Liuyun couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

After they had almost eaten and seemed to relax a little, Lizheng explained their identities and the fact that they came here this time to save the villagers from suffering.

Seeing that these yamen servants are kind and helping them get food and water, these frightened women and children are finally not so scared. Once the tight string is loosened, they can't hold back To live with the grievance in his heart, at first he had the courage to go along with Lizheng, and said some words of thanks. As he talked, some people started to cry, and then more and more people cried bitterly, and soon the yard was full of people. Wept together.

 Thanks to Die Nong Hua Ying x2, Qian~~ Laugh x2, Dark Fire Dragon Leader x5, Pony Yueyue, Book Friends 20210320105318059, Verver98, Vegetarian Piglet, Doll Demon Girl, Purple Snow Butterfly Dance x5 monthly pass!hug~
(End of this chapter)

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