Chapter 352
"Then what did they find?" Mu Liuyun asked County Magistrate Wang curiously.

Naturally, she didn't believe in ghosts and ghosts. In the murder cases she had handled in the past, whenever ghosts and ghosts appeared, they were all caused by someone deliberately causing trouble, or because of some illusions caused by inner fear.

It's just that, every time she encounters this kind of statement, she feels as if she is listening to someone's story. It's so interesting that she can't help but want to hear it.

"I found it! I really found it!" The expression on County Magistrate Wang's face was complicated, mixed with a little nervousness, a little fear, and more confusion. It's unbelievable that the eldest son of the Liao family was finally found out of his study by the servants of the family!"

"The study?" Mu Liuyun was indeed a little surprised, "On the wedding night, did the groom spend time in the study? And didn't you say that the whole family searched for it before? Could it be that they missed the study before and didn't look for it? "

"That's not missing, it's just that the eldest son of the Liao family is different from others. He is a bookworm. The reason why he is in his early twenties and has not been married with such a family background is because he has always been obsessed with poetry and books. He didn't have any thoughts on the other side at all. This time, he heard that he was not very willing. Later, he heard that it was made by his parents. He felt that he should keep his word, so he nodded and agreed to the marriage arranged by his parents.

Because he has been obsessed with poetry and books for so many years, Master Liao built him a very large study room at home, with two floors, and moved all the books he had collected throughout his life. This young master of the Liao family In addition to studying in the academy on weekdays, I basically soak in the study when I go home. Sometimes I eat in it and sleep in it. "

When Mu Liuyun first heard about the study on the second floor, he was almost drooling with envy, but later he heard how Liao Wenbo was obsessed with poetry and books, and couldn't help feeling ashamed, thinking about the place where he spent most of his time in his father's study. Just reading story books, travel notes, or the letters left by my father...

Ahem... such a good study, it seems that she is really unworthy...

"Because the study room is too big, at first the servants went inside and shouted around, but they left without seeing their young master." County magistrate Wang continued, "Later, the master of the Liao family asked them to look for it carefully. Looking for all signs of abnormality, a servant at home remembered that the box originally placed on the second floor of the study was not in that position, and it was originally empty, so he opened it and took a look, unexpectedly found..."

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as if he was still digesting this strange thing: "I found that Liao Wenbo was in the box, he had been dead for a long time, and his body... was not covered..."

Mu Liuyun frowned, showing a little surprised expression.

When County Magistrate Wang saw her reaction, he immediately clapped his hands together: "Does the pusher also think this is extremely weird? The ghost who went to Mrs. Liao and his wife to cry the night before, called Dad and Mom, He said it was cold, but the next day he found a look like the young master of the Liao family... This really makes people feel flustered!"

"Oh, it's true. It's really scary when you think about it." Mu Liuyun echoed without sincerity, and immediately asked, "Then the groom and the official have been found, but where is the bride? Can you also find her?"

"I didn't find it." County magistrate Wang shook his head, helpless, "If we found it, this matter would be easy to handle, because the bridegroom was found but the bride was missing. Said it was the other party's problem, and later dragged the dowry maid from the Tang family who went to the Liao's house with the bride to the yamen for interrogation.

The little girl was stubborn at first, saying that she didn't know anything, but she couldn't bear the board in the yamen after all, so she honestly said that the bride didn't want to marry, but she couldn't resist her parents' wishes. Not from.

The little maid said that the bride had been in love with her natal cousin long before she got married, and after she couldn't resist her parents, she sent a letter to her cousin, agreeing that the two would elope together on the wedding night.

When I heard this, it was fine!He hurriedly arrested the bride's cousin, and interrogated him again.

But this guy is not as knowledgeable about current affairs as that little maid. The trial has been tried, and the punishment has been used, but he just doesn't let go. If he beats him again, he will die. He couldn't get out all the things he hid, and I didn't dare to continue to torture him, so I could only temporarily put him in the prison.

Over there, Mrs. Tang was upset again, saying that the Liao family had insulted her daughter and the reputation of the entire Tang family with bloody spouts. She also wanted to drag her natal nephew into trouble.

My lords, please forgive me for being stupid, now the groom died strangely, the bride could not be found, the maid confessed that the bride had an affair with her cousin, and the cousin refused to admit it, the Liao family and the Tang family had a quarrel when they met Don't stop, I'm one of the first and two elders, I really lost my way, so I had to ask the two adults to come forward and help me settle this case. "

Mu Liuyun rubbed her temples. It wasn't because she thought the case was difficult, but from Wang Xiu's statements, she only felt that there was chaos. The rules are more chaotic.

"As for whether the affair between the bride married into the Liao family by the Tang family and her cousin is true, let's not reveal it for the time being. There is one thing that Mr. Wang didn't seem to mention just now." Mu Liuyun hurriedly followed his own train of thought. Go to ask, "Since the young master of the Liao family died in the big wooden box in his study, Nanshun county government has sent an assistant to conduct an autopsy? What's the result?"

"Return to the officer, check it out, of course it needs to be checked!" Magistrate Wang nodded hurriedly, "Our county magistrate's foreman has been there for many years. After he examined Liao Wenbai's body, he decided that Liao Wenbai was the Died from a broken head.

The servants of the Liao family also said that the box was originally placed there open, and there happened to be a ladder next to it, and Wu Zuo also found blood marks on the side of the box, so it is speculated that Liao Wenbai should have accidentally climbed up to get things. It slipped down, fell into the box, hit its head on the side of the box, and died like that. "

Mu Liuyun started to sneer when he heard what he said about the experienced veterans. During the years when she served as the manager and joined the army, although she had seen experienced veterans, such veterans were often less conscientious and perfunctory many.

It sounds now that the old masters in Nanshun County obviously belong to the latter.

(End of this chapter)

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