Chapter 348
"It was true that there was no such a pothole before the bandits took over there. After confirming that the bandits there had disappeared, the local villagers dared to go to that mountain again. Only then did they realize that it was not just a big pit. , To be precise, the small half of the mountain in Shanyin has been hollowed out."

Yuan Mu answered Mu Liuyun's doubts: "Then by chance, someone picked up some stones from there and went back. The blacksmith in the village saw it and said it was iron ore. The villager Lizheng hurriedly reported it to the government. Someone went over to check and found that the mountain was indeed an iron mine, but the iron ore on the mountain had been mined and there was very little left.”

"What kind of bandits are these! Isn't this a group of miners at all!" Mu Liuyun slapped his thigh angrily, "I see, this is no bandits occupying the mountain as king, and they are using bandits to make trouble In name, the surrounding villagers were too scared to approach them, and the government had nothing to do with them, so they took the opportunity to stealthily dig out the iron ore!
Looking at this posture, running there from the very beginning to burn, kill, and looting is just a plank road to confuse outsiders!They should have known for a long time that there is a mountain with iron ore hidden there, so they took aim early in the morning! "

Yuan Mu nodded: "Coincidentally, similar things happened in other places. After the banditry in Longgu was lifted, the local government also discovered a sulfur mine that was almost hollowed out."

"Sulphur...iron ore..." Mu Liuyun frowned even more tightly. These two things are nothing if you take them apart. It sounds far less attention-grabbing than gold ore or silver ore, but when placed in the It's different together. These things have flowed out in large quantities, and they were all taken away by a group of so-called bandits of unknown origin. What is their real intention is chilling.

Smoke, scimitars, iron ore, sulfur, and those swindling and cheating...

Mu Liuyun felt as if someone had poured a basin of ice water on her, which made her shiver uncontrollably.

She used to live in the small Taiping County, thinking that the world was peaceful and peaceful, but unexpectedly, in places she couldn't see, there were already dangers everywhere!

She looked at Yuan Mu, her eyes were full of worry, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Recently, I have been paying attention to the transfer of officials in various places on Gyeonggi Road, and I have also found out the situation in some nearby places." Yuan Mu continued, "In recent years, the personnel from various places have The changes are not insignificant, especially in taxing counties and military fortresses. Almost no one left after sitting in the same position for a full term. There are often some who performed well in their original official positions and their term of office has not yet expired. He was suddenly promoted and transferred to another yamen, and the positions were often idle."

"Isn't that just going up and down!" Mu Liuyun felt that there was nothing he heard that night that didn't make people feel frightened. Those who don’t perform well are getting better and better?”

She thought that maybe it was because of the way Yanzhou was like, Yuyong County was turned into that way by Wu Rongzhi, if he hadn't hindered other people's plans, maybe he was still tyrannical there now.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Mu shook his head: "The ones who performed poorly were even worse. Many of them were not only stripped of their official uniforms, but also put on shackles because of committing crimes. It can almost be said that in those more lucrative positions, no one able to die well.”

Mu Liuyun was a little confused. She couldn't understand this situation. If it was said that talented people were placed in idle positions, but operators were occupying lucrative positions to make a fortune, she could more or less understand. .

But the good ones were set aside and left unused, and the bad ones were severely punished according to the law. She didn't know whether it was a clear supervision or a joke.

Yuan Mu could also see from her eyes that she was at a loss at this moment, so he said bluntly to her: "There are more than one party in the court, and each of them wants to eliminate dissidents, and the water is muddied when they come and go."

After hearing this, Mu Liuyun understood in his heart.

To put it bluntly, isn't this similar to the situation they faced in Yuyong County before!There are more than two factions in a small county, colluding with each other, but also guarding against each other, each with its own small calculations, each with its own eyes and puppets.

And in the process of investigating the case of Wu Rongzhi's sudden death, those forces lurking in the dark used extermination and arson twice to cut off all the clues in their hands, which almost made their previous efforts come to naught.

At this moment, Mu Liuyun finally solved all the doubts in his heart: "My lord, that's why you handed over the account book given to us by Mrs. Wu at that time to the two Lord Shangshu? It's because of that At that time, whether it was the black hands behind the secret buying and selling of official positions in Yanzhou, or the barbarians, they completely stared us down?"

Yuan Mu did not deny Mu Liuyun's conjecture: "Everything we do in Yanzhou is closely watched by people, and judging from the difficulties we encountered, the other party has many eyes and ears, and they are all in the dark, so they can't figure out the details at all. .

On the contrary, it is us, everything is in the clear, who is Daozu and who is fish, it is clear at a glance, continuing to investigate will be detrimental to finding the truth, there is no need to be too stubborn.

Handing over everything at hand to the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Officials does not mean that the Department of Criminal Justice will stop asking about it, but we also need to turn from the open to the dark, and turn passive into active. "

"Hmm! Your Excellency is wise!" Mu Liuyun knew that Yuan Mu would not push out the things he had checked halfway for no reason. At first glance, Mu's arrangement of his own busy affairs seems to have nothing to do with it, but in fact it is also related to this matter.

She couldn't help sighing in her heart for the city and foresight of the eldest son, and she couldn't help admiring him even more.

Although Mu Liuyun is a daughter, when it comes to blood, she is not inferior to an ordinary man.In Yuyong County before, I witnessed that the local people were devastated by the colluding barbarians, bandits and corrupt officials. Those poor women who were imprisoned by thieves and monks and almost starved to death, who can do that? to peace of mind?
What's more, it was smothered in smoke and set on fire, which almost cost her her life there.

Seeing the whole leopard at a glance, it is just a small Yuyong County, which can be made into a hell on earth by these people. What if one day this scope expands to the entire Central Plains?

Those secret actions over the years are like an ant's nest, and Mu Liuyun dare not dare to say what will happen if the current peace collapses.

(End of this chapter)

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