Three Kingdoms: From Yinlin to Great Wei Xiongzhu

Chapter 686 "Intimately Related Extra Chapter: Yinlin, Origin"

Chapter 686 "Intimately Related Extra Story: Yinlin, Origin"

The first year of Guanghe, that is, 178 AD.

A lot of things happened in Dahan this year, such as Wuhu barbarians in Jiaozhi County, Hepu County and other places rebelled against the Han!

For example, Liu Hong, Emperor Lingdi of the Han Dynasty, began to recruit Hongdumen students;
For example, Cai Yong wrote and supplemented "Han Ji·Sequel";
For example, the imperial court opened the West Mansion to sell officials and nobles. In addition to these major events, the 23-year-old Cao Cao went to Puyang Dunqiu County to serve as the Dunqiu Order.

Dunqiu is located along the banks of the two rivers. Everyone is martial, brave, and the people love to fight.

For over 30 years...

A total of 42 officers have been transferred and replaced here, four of whom died unexpectedly, 22 applied for transfer, ten were dismissed, and six of them ran away in the middle of the night!

After all...

The biggest problem here is very similar to some places in later generations.

There are only two - incompetent law enforcement and unfair law enforcement!

There is a huge contradiction between rich and poor.

For example, the measurement and competition of land property...

The rich oppressed the people with their power, and the poor saw that they lost a few acres of Susukida and went bankrupt...even in the end, in order to survive, they had to sell themselves as slaves of the rich.

If a poor person is sick and has to borrow money from a rich person, the interest can be increased to thirty times a year, and if he can't pay it back, he has to sell himself as a slave...

The debt owed needs to be repaid by the children and grandchildren, and the children and grandchildren of the poor can only become cheap labor for the children and grandchildren of the rich!

The current situation in Dunqiu County is very real. Here... it seems that there are only two kinds of people:

—the rich and the poor who are, or are about to be, the slaves of the rich.



23-year-old Cao Cao sits in the government office of Dunqiu County.

While looking up at the sky, he whispered softly, "Qiaozi (Qiao Xuan) said that heavy codes are needed in troubled times, but the implementation of heavy codes requires a strong armed force. In the end, it comes down to money...but the funds of Dunqiu Ling here are excluded. Apart from settling down, working, and repairing, there is not much left, and want to form an armed force? How easy is it?"

Eyebrows furrowed... Cao Cao fell into deep thought.


At this moment, a soft and slow voice came from outside the door.

Cao Cao was familiar with this voice. It was a maidservant of the Dunqiu County Government Office. It is said that she had taken refuge here from the South. Her surname was "Lu" and her first name was "Wen Ran"!
When Cao Cao saw her for the first time, he even praised her for her name—gentle as water, never ending!

What impressed Cao Cao even more... was the eyes of this girl Lu Wenran.

Like... the eyes of Ding Xiang, the wife of Cao Cao's good brother Xia Houyuan...

Simply the same!
The same autumn water ripples, breathtaking!
"Master, tea..."

Lu Wenran placed the tea by Cao Cao's side. Seeing that the master was still writing, she didn't dare to disturb her...she was about to leave immediately.


What Cao Cao mentioned just now, lack of money, lack of weapons... She listened to it all.

"Go down!"

Cao Cao waved his hand, still frowning!
"Yes..." Lu Wenran saluted, then slowly stepped back...

However, the lotus steps moved lightly, and when she walked to the door...her steps paused, as if she had made some kind of determination.

She turned around and said softly: "What kind of lintel is the master's house? How can there be no money?"

Just leave such a faint sentence...

Lu Wenran quickly ran out of here.

Exactly, this sentence reminded Cao Cao.

His eyes widened in vain, and a flash of light flashed in them...

His family - the Cao family!
His father, Cao Song, was the chief minister of the dynasty, and he was in charge of the finances of the great Han...and had frequent contacts with Cao Jie, the great eunuch of the same clan. Who knows... how much his father pocketed in the treasury of the great Han, yes...the Cao family is not short of money.


Cao Cao picked up a pen and wrote out a bamboo slip in a fluent manner.

As for the above.

——"My lord father, today I borrow ten catties of gold, and the money is thirty thousand!"

Cao Cao was also afraid that his old stingy father would not borrow so much, so he added four words on the signature, "Borrowing money to save his life!", and the signature was-"Unfilial son Meng De will be deducted!"


After writing this letter, Cao Cao seemed to be relieved. He laughed out loud, quite boldly... quite uninhibited.

Unexpectedly, such a big problem of lack of money and lack of weapons was resolved... so calmly.

At this moment, Cao Cao recalled just now...

He murmured a name.

"Lu! Wen Ran!"

"Gentle like water, never ending! Delicate and agile, with a gentle heart...a good name, and a smart person!"

For a moment, a ripple appeared in Cao Cao's heart...

Even, he subconsciously bit his lip.

If Lu Wenran left a deep impression on Cao Cao just because of his eyes... then now... this full and agile heart has moved Cao Cao a little bit!



Cao Song, who was far away in Luoyang City, felt that he was really a cheap bone.

When Cao Cao was at home, he cast five-color sticks to beat the rich and powerful, and asked him to deal with them up and down, so that he could not live in fear all day...

It even broke Cao Cao's heart... But once Cao Cao left, he was so lonely that he was dying, and he couldn't care less!

It's just too cheap!

I never thought... Cao Song was still worried about Cao Cao, but there... Cao Cao's letter was presented.

—Ten catties of gold!
When Cao Song saw such a number, he gasped, ten catties of gold... This is enough for ten families to live a lifetime!
Cao Song was extremely annoyed!

However, the most difficult thing for Cao Song is that even though he is very annoyed, he still has to give the money...

It can be clearly written on the letterhead - "Borrow money to save life"...


With a sigh, Cao Song turned over the bamboo slips, picked up a brush and wrote on it: "Now that I have all the money for my son's life, the family is in ruins, and there will be no next time!"

After writing this sentence, he gave a few instructions to his servants...

After the subordinates went to make arrangements, he sighed to Langyue in the sky, "Ah... you were born to collect debts! And I... am the creditor who took advantage of you!"

The next day, five entourages escorted a truck full of money and rushed all the way to Dunqiu County with the bamboo slip in their arms.



——Aid has arrived!
Cao Cao secretly sent people to other villages to recruit [-] brave men.

Due to the generous salary, more than two hundred Xiangyongs soon arrived... He secretly transported the Xiangyongs to the county government compound, each with a bamboo stick, and silently practiced fighting, fighting and other techniques.

The military training conducted in Taixue is now in handy...

Finally, after half a year!
In March in Yangchun, the weather is getting warmer...

Cao Cao posted a notice of "ten crimes punished" all over the city and countryside, and gonged to announce... If anyone breaks the law, he will be executed!
If there is a grievance, you can beat the drum and complain!

Those who kill and set fire, punish!Those who forcibly buy people will be punished!
Gather all fighters and punish them!Whoever provoked the trouble will be punished!
Those who harbor criminals, punish them!Those who do not report the knowledge will be punished!
Rape and looters, punish!Those who oppress good people, punish them!
Those who obstruct official duties will be punished!Those who privately enclose land will be punished!
——Issuing people: Cao Cao, magistrate of Dunqiu County.

Followed by the red square seal of the county government and Cao Cao's famous seal...

Wherever the yamen servants beat the gong, the notice will be posted, and there will be a tight siege.


There were a lot of onlookers, but almost none of them really dared to complain!

After all... who would want to offend a local tycoon?

When the tyrants in Dunqiu heard about the "ten crimes", they said one after another——Cao Cao dared to give us ten death sentences, then we will let him die ten times!

Over there...

Cao Cao, who was sitting withered in the county government office, let out a long sigh. He couldn't understand that in the past, the common people had no place to complain, but now they have, but why they still dare not go forward?
When wondering...

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a sound of beating drums outside the door... and the sudden resounding sound was like a stone, one stone stirred up thousands of waves... and quickly spread around.

Countless people gathered to watch...

Countless tyrants and tyrants also came together...

But to everyone's surprise, it was a frail woman who beat the drum!

——"The daughter of the people is wronged..."

Besides Lu Wenran, who else is kneeling in the lobby?
Cao Cao didn't expect that the first person to ring the "drum of grievances" would be Lu Wenran, a maid of his county government office!

—— "Where does the injustice come from?"

——"Minnv's father was originally the school lieutenant of Puyang Chengmen, because he offended Dunqiu Haoqiang... was framed and killed in prison, my brother fled back to Jiangdong, and I was abducted and sold by these tyrants...It was a coincidence that I was sold to the county government. It's only...that the Elder Master has complained for the daughters of the people!"

The words blurted out.

All the people onlookers gasped. No matter who they were, they could realize... Lu Wenran's words will cause an explosion... It will be that this young "Magistrate of Sheep County" is bound to confront the "wolf circle" of Dunqiu County head-on !
"Investigate..." Cao Cao suddenly got up, "My official is above this government office, and all relevant people should investigate thoroughly! Find out to the end!"

next three days...

Cao Cao made an open and secret investigation, and he did not hesitate to use more than a hundred soldiers!
More than 50 people have been questioned!
Of course, this case is not difficult to investigate, just because of the background of the other party...

But Cao Cao didn't care so much. To a certain extent, he was grateful to Lu Wenran. If she hadn't been the first to stand up, I'm afraid this Dunqiu county would never see the blue sky!
Finally, on the third day...

With all the witnesses and material evidence, Cao Cao personally led [-] Xiangyongs and surrounded the Du family's house on Dunqiu North Street.

The principal culprit, Du De, had to explain the whole story of the case because...he once had a problem with Lu Wenran's father, so he conspired to frame their family...

Take the Lu family's [-] mu of fertile land as his own!

Cao Cao was furious!

One of the "ten punishments" is that obstructing public affairs is also a capital offense!

The principal criminal, Du De, gave a one-fifth and one-fifth explanation. I thought Cao Cao would be lenient. In addition, his family is the leading family in the local area. Who would have thought... After signing the painting, he, together with the 12 accomplices, were all tied up in the east of Dunqiu County. city!
Cao Cao ordered the twelve chief culprits to be shown to the public...then interrogate the Du family's housekeeper, servants, wives and concubines, and children in order...


From the accountant of the Du family, who is in charge of reciprocity and reception of favors, I received a book called "Book of Favors"...

All the current accounts here are clearly written on it!
this time...

There is something to catch!
Cao Cao personally led the troops to take action, and every time a family was arrested, a report was published-"There are XX families who have been arrested for breaking the law. We are now consulting the sufferers. As long as the evidence is convincing, the occupied land and population can be returned, the body can be redeemed, and the occupied good land can be obtained. , if it is a false accusation, a false accusation...the offender will be executed!"

Because of Lu Wenran, Cao Cao almost detonated the volcano that had been dormant for a hundred years, and the whole Dunqiu was boiling!

The suffering people who were suppressed, oppressed, and exploited rushed to tell each other, and they went to the county government to file complaints and petitions...telling the grievances of many years!

——The people of Dunqiu have finally made it through!
The tyrants are not idle people, they want to resist, but Cao Cao has two hundred well-trained brave men, so he can't be moved!

for a while...

The entire Dunqiu County is boiling, completely boiling!

The Buddha said: "If I don't save all the ghosts in hell, I swear I won't become a Buddha!"

Cao Cao planned not to return to Beijing until he finished punishing the villains in Dunqiu and saved the last oppressed suffering common people.

Remediation of current disadvantages, excavation of silted river channels, reinforcement of the Yellow River embankment, development of agriculture, handicrafts, commerce... and education. After a year of careful rectification, the folk customs of Dunqiu are awe-inspiring!
Cao Cao's actions made Dunqiu "Great rule!"

And the relationship between Cao Cao and Lu Wenran...has also become more familiar, they are no longer pure master and servant, and even have a little more "unspeakable" friendship.

Lu Wenran thanked Cao Cao...

How could Cao Cao not be grateful to her?



In August of the following year, fifty shipments of grain were sent from Dunqiu County to Luoyang.

This is Dunqiu's contribution to the emperor, including five thousand dendrobium wheat, five hundred dendrobium black beans, five hundred dendrobium broad beans, five hundred dendrobium buckwheat, five hundred dendrobium millet, and some playthings and local specialties!
Since no more ships could be called up...this is just the first batch.

And it was precisely this batch of offerings that caused a shock in the government and the public!

In this chaotic period when everyone protects themselves and cries for poverty everywhere, who will take the initiative to hand in food?What's more, a place as bad as Dunqiu has been burned every year without the court's assistance!

Who would have thought that there would be taxes, money and food here?
This incident naturally reached the ears of Emperor Liu Hong. Liu Hong was very happy, and the court rewarded Cao Song for "teaching his son well"!
Cao Song stood at the bottom of the steps... Although he bowed his head and thanked him, he could feel the affirmative gaze cast by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Of course...he knew in his heart that he had given away ten catties of gold, and was not enough for him to lose!
But... After all, his son's hard work in Dunqiu earned him respect and affirmation in the court.

This made him feel relieved, he can finally unload the burden he has been carrying for more than 20 years, and enjoy the sense of accomplishment of being a father for the first time.

Cao Song knelt down to thank the emperor, and when he got up, tears were shining!
In September, the emperor issued an edict to commend Cao Cao, making Cao Cao a model for local officials to learn from!

On the day the commendation order was promulgated, Cao Jie asked the powerful eunuch Zhao Zhong to lead the team personally, leading more than 60 royal ceremonies, [-] gifts from the emperor, and [-] tiger and cardinal troops to set off from the palace. Cao Mansion is here!

The one who blew the gong to clear the way also shouted while beating the gong:

——"Dunqiu county magistrate, loyal and respectful as an official! Da Si Nong taught his son, there are quite good prescriptions, and the emperor's kindness is mighty, I hereby commend it."

"Bang, kuang, kuang..."

A well-known imperial plaque was hung high on the lintel of the Cao Mansion.

There are four big characters in the letter - teach your children well!
The Cao family can be said to be the lintel Dengxi, everyone is smiling, Cao Cao's monogamous wife, Ding Hui forced a smile, this "god damn" finally did a human thing, the concubine Liu Chun burst into tears...

In fact, the Ding family, which is inextricably linked to the Cao family, came hundreds of miles away to congratulate the Cao family after hearing the good news!

——Daughter of the Ding family...

When investing in Cao Song...

Investing in Cao Cao now seems like a sure-fire business!

But only Cao Song...

His eyes were deeply condensed, because, like the food that Dunqiu paid tribute to the emperor, he sent a letter from his son Cao Cao at the same time.

In my memory…

The last time I sent a letter, this son asked for money!

Even after a long time, Cao Song still has lingering fears!
Expand the letterhead to see...

Cao Song's pupils suddenly widened.


He exclaimed...

The master of the in-laws Ding's family who was at the side quickly asked: "But what's the matter, Ah Man?"


Cao Song hastily waved his hands...

He tried his best to appear calm and indifferent, but his heart was full of mixed feelings.

——Ah, ah, he... is he going to marry... a woman as his wife?

He already has a wife?How can?
Finally, I hoped that my son would attend, but my son... and...

Cao Song looked helplessly at the patriarch of the Ding family. You must know that his original wife was from the Ding family, and now his son's first wife is also from the Ding family!
The relationship between Cao's family and Ding's family is intricate, broken bones and connected muscles!

At this moment... Cao Song's mood——




 Everyone can see that the end is coming soon...

  Many things are not water, and must be clearly stated.

  Dependence arises and extinction...everything has a cause and effect, let milk sugar finish this story from the beginning to the end!

(End of this chapter)

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