Three Kingdoms: From Yinlin to Great Wei Xiongzhu

Chapter 636 One side of the saint is benevolent, the other side of the purgatory devil!

Jiangdong, Wu County.

Chen Gongben was still basking in the sun in the courtyard, looking lazy, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Lu Xun came running suddenly.

"Sir, brother has sent a letter!"

Lu Xun spoke hastily, as if his tone was urgent.

Chen Gong closed the book and got up slowly, "In the battle of Chibi, the navy of the Wei Dynasty won a big victory, and I heard that Ruxukou also fell. In such a season... what letter will Lu Ziyu send?"

ask a question…

Lu Xun asked hastily, "Brother intends to persuade the Jiangdong Sun family to surrender?"

"To persuade you to surrender?" Chen Gong subconsciously shook his head.

Jiangdong is the foundation of the Sun family for three generations, from Sun Jian to Sun Ce, and now Sun Yi...all are brave men, they are bound to fight to the death,'s hard!
"Ahem..." Chen Gong said softly. "I'm afraid this is your brother's wishful thinking!"

"In my opinion, it's better to persuade Lu Ziyu to march from Chibi and Ruxukou. The troops of the Lu family in Jiangdong should cooperate with the outside. With the power of thunder, they can take down the entire six counties of Jiangdong in one fell swoop. Why... persuade them to surrender?"

This is out of the way...

Lu Xun quickly explained. "I originally planned to do the same, but... as mentioned in my brother's letter, he intends to preserve Jiangdong as much as possible, so that the Li people in Jiangdong will not suffer from the war!"


Chen Gong was taken aback, Lu Xun hadn't realized yet...

But from this sentence, he realized more profound meaning.

Even, Chen Gong thought of the scene when Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou to avenge his father.

It stands to reason that Cao Cao, who is in a rage, is bound to kill.

But in fact...Cao Cao did not slaughter the people of Xuzhou, on the contrary...he was extraordinarily benevolent to the people of Xuzhou.

This is one of the reasons why Lu Bu lost to Cao Cao!

Of course, this is not the point.

Standing at Chen Gong at this point in time, he can see the situation more clearly!

There were two reasons why Cao Cao didn't massacre Xuzhou at that time...

One is that Lu Yu planned ahead of time and saved Mrs. Cao!
The other is the grand strategy of "following the emperor to order but not ministers" proposed by Mao Jie and Xun Yu!
And under this strategy...

The Son of Heaven belongs to Cao Cao now!

The people of the great Han, Li Shu... Naturally, they are also Cao Cao's own people!

Since they are their own people?How could it kill?

Now… same thing.

It is obvious that Jiangdong can be flattened with absolute coercion, but Lu Yu chooses to persuade him to surrender...

The reason was that he didn't want the Li people in Jiangdong to suffer from the flames of war. It turned out that he had regarded the people of Jiangdong as his own people in the early morning.

As analyzed by Chen Gong...

According to the original trajectory of history, Mao Jie proposed "serve the emperor with orders but not ministers", and Xun Yu further sublimated it on this basis.

His "holding the emperor to make the princes" is more advanced, not the superiority of the enemy, but the superiority of the people.

The so-called...serving the master to follow the fame, Dashun also;

——By serving the heroes with sincerity, roughly speaking;

——Helping Hongyi to be handsome is also a great virtue.

This is Xun Yu awakening Cao Cao, the way of virtue, people-oriented.

This is Xun Yu reminding Cao Cao-never forget your original intention!
In more detail...

The so-called awakening refers to…

Have you forgotten Cao Cao's remonstrance to Yi Lang?

You Cao Cao raised troops against Dong, have you forgotten?
Have you forgotten your bold words and ambitions of "the kings face the north, and I face the west"?
How can you mess up and slaughter like Yuan Shu, Lu Bu, and Gongsun?

hard to imagine…

In history, without Xun Yu, how many times would Cao Cao slaughter Xuzhou?

I don't know how many people will die under Cao Cao's butcher knife.

It can be said…

Regarding the solution to the massacre, Lu Yu and Xun Yu adopted completely different is to cut off the source, and the other is to awaken Cao Cao from the perspective of morality and etiquette.


Reminiscent of the current situation in Jiangdong, it is no exaggeration to say that if the troops of the Great Wei enter together... within three months, all the six counties of Jiangdong will fall.

But considering the determination and will of the three generations of Jiangdong Sun's foundation, they are bound to resist to the end.

So... this conquest will kill a lot of people.

This is based on the strategic level... It completely deviates from the word "full" in "Sun Tzu's Art of War" that Lu Yu has always practiced.

That's why he's so determined...

—— Persuading surrender is the main thing!
- Supplemented by strategy!

Thinking of this, Chen Gong narrowed his eyes slightly.

"If... that's the case... then the first thing to do is to deter the Jiangdong Sun family, and besides that... you need to hurt him!"

"Pain...deterrence?" Lu Xun rolled his eyes, "What is pain? What is deterrence?"

Well this...

Chen Gong's eyes flickered, "If you can repel tens of thousands of people with thousands of people, this is the most effective deterrent, but now... Great Wei has a lot of troops, if it's just the momentum of thunder, it doesn't count" Pain' won't make the Sun family surrender, will arouse their fighting spirit even more.

"Victory with less?" Lu Xun repeated, "Then... what is deterrence?"

Chen Gong paused when he mentioned this, "Fifty miles south of Chibi, I remember a wave of Shanyue people, they didn't surrender to you? Did they?"

"Not bad." Lu Xun nodded.

In the past, he persuaded Shanyue to surrender by himself alone, and Shanyue surrendered to him in every step, except...a single mountain, Yue had more than 1 soldiers and more than 5 Shanyue people.

"These Shanyue people are not many in number, but they are in the deepest part of the mountain, building a city with stones, and all the paths are guarded by one man! It is for this reason that they are determined not to surrender!"

Hearing this... Chen Gong stroked his beard.

"It's so good!"

"Bo Yan, send a letter to Lu Ziyu immediately. If you want to persuade him to surrender... you should use the power of thunder to exterminate this group of Shanyue people!"


Lu Xun was taken aback.

"Sir, this disciple just mentioned... There are not many people in Shanyue, but they are located in the deepest part of the mountain... How easy is it to break through?"

"Haha..." Chen Gong laughed, "Lu Ziyu has a way...Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang are no match for him, so it's no problem to deal with this group of Shanyue people who don't know the current affairs."

"You just need to send a letter, Ruoshan Yue's extinct clan... Even the major families in Jiangdong will gather in your Lu Mansion to discuss the surrender plan!"


Although he still had some doubts, Lu Xun still nodded!
For his elder brother, he should have a lot more... confidence!


Chibi, a military tent.

Surrounding this military tent in the distance... are countless tiger and cardinal troops, heavily guarded!
In the army tent, there were only two people, Lu Yu and Cao Cao.

There is a table with two people sitting on both sides.

"Ziyu intends to persuade him to surrender?"


"But the three generations of the Sun family may not be so easy to surrender!" Cao Cao hesitated, "Sun Wentai and I met when the princes of the Eighteenth Route begged for Dong... His son is known for his bravery, and he will fight to the last moment!"

"So... still missing something..." Lu Yu had a lot of meaning.

"What is missing?"

"Lack of sufficient deterrence?"

"Deterrence?" Cao Cao was taken aback, and then quickly asked: "You are the commander-in-chief of the Great Wei Navy, what do you plan to do?"

This is out of the way...

Lu Yu took out two letterheads from his pocket. "This is the handwriting handed to me by Lu Xun and Zhou Yu respectively!"

"They all mentioned a force... If my Great Wei can sweep this force with thunder, it will definitely be able to fundamentally...deter Jiangdong, and terrify the clans and people in Jiangdong...and make Jiangdong Sun's fear!"


Cao Cao didn't answer, but immediately unfolded the two letters.

At first, nothing...

However, with the deepening of the letter paper, both Zhou Yu and Lu Xun's pens pointed to "Shanyue" fifty miles south of Chibi...

"Ziyu wants to conquer Shanyue?"

"It's not a conquest, it's an extermination of Shanyue's branch!"

"But they are in the mountains... My soldiers and horses of the Wei Dynasty are good at fighting on the plains, but not good at fighting in the mountains..." Cao Cao hesitated.

Indeed, there were not many soldiers in the Great Wei that could fight mountain warfare. Except for Zang Ba's Taishan Army, there were only a small number of Danyang soldiers from Xuzhou... But neither the Taishan Army nor the Danyang soldiers are in Jiangdong now.

And... In the land of mountains, the advantages of the terrain are too obvious... One man is in charge of the gate, and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it!


Compared with Cao Cao's doubts, Lu Yu looked unusually calm, as if his whole person was calm and breezy. "King Wei, there is no need to attack..."

"We burned the entire mountain, naturally... the Shanyue people who built the city! It will be destroyed without attack!"


Set fire to the mountain?
He was a little surprised when he heard this kind of words at first, but... soon, his mood calmed down.

It seems... In the eyes of his son, there are only two strategies, either "attacking the heart"... subdue the enemy without fighting... or be cruel to the extreme, not giving the enemy a chance to breathe!

The "mercy" of the "saint" on one side and the "devil" of "Purgatory" on the other...

After so many years, Cao Cao has been able to understand Yu'er!


Jiangdong, Wu County.

In the Sun's mansion, in a study room.

Sun Quan sat opposite Lu Su.

"Chibi was defeated, Ruxukou was lost, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang withdrew, and Zhou Dudu was captured... Is this the so-called sudden collapse?"

Sun Quan's green eyes narrowed tightly...

The whole person looked extremely decadent.

"The most frightening thing is not defeat, but the disintegration of people's hearts..." Lu Su said with emotion: "I heard that little sister Sun was released by Lu Ziyu, and even became Lu Ziyu's lobbyist!"

"Heh..." Sun Quan sneered...

Thinking of this made him angry.

What nonsense, broken sword, flying snow, sky...Even if the story was not finished, Sun Quan could tell that the younger sister was bewitched by Lu Ziyu, and used words like "the world" and "unification" convince his mother and third brother...

But the two actually listened...

They even began to doubt...whether their persistence was right or wrong!


Sun Quan snorted coldly. You must know that Sun Quan has never been soft-tempered. His favorite entertainment is tiger shooting...

He asked the workshop to specially design a "Tiger Shooting Cart", the surroundings are closed, leaving only a place for archery... He sits in it and shoots the tiger without injury...

In his opinion... the tiger is Cao Cao, and Lu Yu is the tiger's wings and minions!

The three generations of Jiangdong Sun's foundation... how could it be ruined in his generation?

"Zijing also thought about surrendering, right? After all...Xuzhou is Zijing's hometown. Who doesn't want to return home after he has been fighting all his life?"

Sun Quan looked up at Lu Su.

Lu Su hesitated for a while before replying: "Who doesn't want to go home? But... I sold my property and brought my family to live in Jiangdong. Xuzhou... where is my home?"

Indeed... As a representative figure of Liuyu School, Lu Su and Zhou Yu have completely different ideas.

Zhou Yu wanted to escape from Jiangdong...Because he was a conquest faction, he had attacked too many Jiangdong clans, and the death of the little overlord Sun Bofu was a wake-up call for him!
But... Lu Su never went on a conquest, he lived in peace with the major clans, even... his Lu family has a tendency to become the ninth largest clan in Jiangdong.

He has long regarded this place as his "home" could he possibly want to escape?
"The opportunity is not without..."

"Although it is a stubborn resistance, it should be able to fight hard!"

Lu Su said lightly.

Sun Quan hurriedly got up and bowed his hands. "Zijing taught me..."

Lu Su also stood up, he reminded. "There are still soldiers and horses in Jiangdong today, but...the morale is low. At this time...if you want to resist a strong enemy, you must first awaken the morale of the three armies and give the people confidence and determination!"

Speaking of this, Lu Su paused, and his tone became more serious.

Sun Quan quickly asked: "How... can I regain my confidence? Determined!"

"We need a victory... we don't need a big victory, just a victory." Lu Su explained.


Sun Quan raised his eyes and looked at the topographic map in the study.


Lu Su opened his mouth and said: "I heard that Cao's army in Ruxukou is only [-], while Lu Xun has [-] soldiers, and Zhongmou has [-] soldiers, right? Zhongmou asked Lu Xun to help... [-] men rushed to [-]... Ruxukou battle , Zhongmou will win! And this battle... will also break the myth of Lu Ziyu's invincibility, and give the people and soldiers of Jiangdong unlimited confidence!"

One hundred thousand and eight hundred...

If he hadn't known that Lu Su had good intentions, Sun Quan would even feel that Lu Su's words were humiliating him.

Confronting Lu Ziyu, ten times the strength of the troops cannot guarantee victory, so it must be a hundred times more...

"If I didn't borrow Lu Boyan's 3 soldiers, I would only take [-] soldiers and wipe out [-]...should it be possible?" Sun Quan asked with his mouth open.

I never thought... Lu Su shook his head very realistically.

After pondering for a long time, he finally said: "I'm telling the truth, don't be angry with Zhongmou, this Ruxukou enemy army is the Longxiao Battalion... Lu Ziyu's direct descendants, 10 people... may not be enough!"


Sun Quan felt his voice hoarse.

One hundred thousand?Can't beat [-]?

He...he also practiced martial arts since he was a child, and even commanded the Jiangxia battlefield, killing Huang Zu to avenge his father, why...why did he command 800 troops, isn't...wasn't he the opponent of the [-] soldiers of Longxiao Battalion?
"Zijing..." Sun Quan opened his mouth to argue again...

But soon, he found that his defense was weak and meaningless.

Alas... with a sigh.

"I'm going to Lu's mansion right now, and borrow soldiers from that Lu Boyan!"

"I'll go with Zhongmou!"

The two had one last word...

Quickly walked out of the gate of the Sun Mansion, got into the carriage and went to the Lu Mansion.

The Sun family is in the east of the city, and the Lu family is in the west of the city...

As the saying goes - polar opposite!


Red Cliff Port.

Zhou Yu was very surprised today... Early in the morning, he was invited out by Lu Yu.

Take a horse and go to an open area.

And here... Countless hot air balloons are ready and ready to go!

Zhou Yu is no stranger to these flying balls... On the contrary, what he cares more about now is, where is it?Where is Lu Yu's figure?

"Where is Nanshouhou?"

Zhou Yu hurriedly asked...

Dian Wei pointed to the rattan basket in front of him, "Master Hou is waiting for Governor Zhou inside?"


Zhou Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and subconsciously asked one more question. "Dare to ask, Nanshou Hou called me here today...for what?"

This blurted out... Dian Wei pointed at the hot air balloon.

Immediately blurted out four words: —— "Send you to heaven"

That's right...

Today is to send Zhou Yu to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun!



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