Three Kingdoms: From Yinlin to Great Wei Xiongzhu

Chapter 551 Beauty output!The historical heritage of the evil Taiwan!

Chapter 551 Beauty output!The historical heritage of the evil Taiwan!
If you follow the original wheel of history.

During the Battle of Chibi, the allied forces against Cao Cao were the Allied Forces of Sun and Liu!

This "Sun" naturally refers to the Jiangdong Sun family, but Liu?Is it Liu Qi?Still Liu Bei!There are different opinions!
Looking at the situation before and after Chibi, the situation along the Yangtze River...

In the deduction, it seems that many problems have not been explained in detail.

For example, Liu Bei and Liu Qi, the two of them?Who is the boss?

Is Liu Qi really a brainless tool man?
Will he really hand over the command of the Jiangxia Navy to Liu Bei?

Did the four counties in Jingnan surrender to Liu Bei?Or surrender to Liu Qi?

Did Liu Bei really do Liu Qi's death?
There are many doubts in the middle...

However, it seems... While Lu Ziyu's eyes are on Wuhuan in the north, in the Central Plains, Zhuge Liang has already begun to step up his deployment to Jingzhou. Wolong is not just a title!
The Yangtze River is rolling against the beach, and countless waves have begun to surge!


Xuzhou, Donghai County, there is a post house near the port.

Because of the prevalence of the seafood fishing industry and the salt industry here, many post houses have sprung up here for merchants to live in.

And behind these post houses are the "Jiangbei League" that is now famous in Xuzhou!
Xuzhou is known as the world's granary, hoarding more than half of the grain in the Central Plains, while the Jiangbei League hoards more than half of Xuzhou's money and grain... It can be said that it is in full swing!

As for the government offices here, no one would find it boring to trouble the Jiangbei League!
No one knew that the leader of the Jiangbei League, the leader of the Longxiao Battalion, and the current Doctor Yushi...are the same person.

This day, facing the sea breeze.

In a luxurious post house, a woman covered with white gauze stepped out. Behind her were more than twenty Japanese maidservants, each of whom was dressed coolly, as if... During this time, it has become a port of Donghai County. Beautiful scenery.

In the twilight of the morning, Himiko was meticulously rinsing his mouth and washing his face under the service of countless maidservants...

A group of soldiers from Yamatai Kingdom guarded her side.

After rinsing his mouth and washing his face, Himiko put on a white veil again and asked about his surroundings.

"What day is it?"

"Reporting to the Queen, it's the 30th day of the landing! But...the legendary leader Lu still hasn't arrived!"

A confidant maid responded in a low voice.

People in the port of Donghai County are used to calling Lu Yu "Leader Lu", as if, in this area... Lu Yu's identity as the leader of the Jiangbei League is even more popular!


Himiko breathed out, and subconsciously clenched her hands, as if she was extremely eager to meet the leader of the Jiangbei League.

he?When will it arrive?



Lu Yu took out a small dish of salt from a clay pot.

She nodded slightly, then patted Huang Xu on the shoulder.

"The refinement of this refined salt has improved a lot."

Being praised suddenly by Lu Yu, Huang Xu scratched his head and smiled. "It's all according to the method newly sent by Master Lu. Now this sea salt is as white as snow, and the merchants call it Snowflake Salt!"

Snowflake salt, as the name suggests, is also a kind of salt.

It's just that it's the snowflake-like crystalline part of the extracted sea salt.

The particles are fine and pure, turned into salt water and poured on white gauze to filter, then observe the gauze against the sun, the gauze is still as pure as new, without any impurities on it.

This is the new purification method!

Of course, 36 steps of filtering are required in the process. Lu Yu just told Huang Xu the method. There are still many difficulties in the specific operation, which need to be overcome one by one.

Lu Yu's eyes were filled with approval, but Huang Xu took the initiative to mention it.

"Master Lu, the fleet of the Yama Empire has been at the port for more than a month, it seems... they are quite anxious."

Mentioning the Yama Empire, Lu Yu's spirit was shaken. He didn't come here for some "snowflake salt".

The Yama the purpose of this trip!

"Make arrangements to meet the legendary Queen of the Yama Empire tonight!"


Huang Xu agreed, and hurried to make arrangements!
Instead, it was Lu Yu. He raised his head and looked at the huge ocean-going ships at the port.

The thick armor looks unusually stable!
Being able to go to the ocean means that they have conquered the ocean. You must know that the turbulence of ships in the ocean is not comparable to that of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River!
do not know either…

If Lu Yu could build such a fleet, would he be able to compete with the Sun Family Fleet and Jiang Xia Fleet?Which is stronger and which is weaker?

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes.

In my heart, I can't help but think about it.

It seems that, at least during this period, the days when they were living well...ah no, it was the Wa people who were living well, and their shipbuilding skills were better than those of the big men!

For a moment, Lu Yu suddenly became interested in future naval battles!


In the capital city of Xu, there are mountains of bamboo slips piled up on the table of Shangshutai.

Xun Yu had just opened a letter, and outside the door, the sound of "treading" footsteps on the wooden floor was especially resounding.

Xun Yu looked up, but it wasn't Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao, who else could it be?
"Feng Xiao is actually free to come to the Shangshutai today!"

Guo Jia walked directly in front of Xun Yu, knelt down... and glanced at the bamboo slips on the table, "It seems that Wen Ruo has not been easy these days!"

This seems to mean something else.

Xun Yu rubbed his eyes, "Abolish poll tax and restore commercial tax and agricultural tax. This is related to the overall situation of the Central Plains and the Northern Territory... It affects the whole body. Naturally, many officials wrote to propose, some support it, and some oppose it. .”

"Then..." Guo Jia rolled his eyes...

Six generations of his ancestors were Ting Wei, and he was most sensitive to the feedback from the people when such a decree was issued.

"Wen Ruo, it's probably because there are many people who oppose it?"

"Alas..." Xun Yu sighed. "This is natural. The abolition of the poll tax has caused the people's taxes to drop sharply, but the commercial tax and agricultural tax have increased the taxes of those rich and noble families! And the increase is not a star and a half... Many county officials and county magistrates have stated that this new tax The implementation of the endowment is difficult!"

mention here...

Xun Yu's expression darkened.

But Guo Jia...

"Haha", he laughed heartily, as if he didn't care about Xun Yu's mood at all.

"Bong Xiao, what is this?"

"Wen Ruo, let's see this!"

Guo Jia immediately clapped his hands...

Suddenly, there were continuous footsteps outside the door of Shangshutai.

Under Xun Yu's astonished gaze, a group of school officials stepped into the Shangshutai, each holding a volume of picture slips.


Without waiting for Xun Yu to ask questions.

No.1 school affairs have been reported: "The patriarch of the Yingchuan Chen clan, Situ Yu Chen Qun, discussed with seven Yingchuan clan patriarchs, and three of the patriarchs suggested refusing to implement the new tax! Please Chen Qun call the shots!"

While talking, the school affairs unfolded the picture...

What gathers in the picture is the scene of many officials bribing Chen Qun.

As for whether Chen Qun took it...the picture slips did not indicate it, maybe...Guo Jia left a little face for Chen Qun, who is also a Yingchuan scholar!
Xun Yu frowned, lost in thought.

No.2 school affairs continued to report: "Magistrate Qiaopei visited General Cao Hong yesterday to discuss the tax reform."

The familiar picture scroll is opened again...

In this picture scroll, one can clearly see the melancholy expressions of Cao Hong and Qiaopei county magistrate.

Xun Yu knew that Cao Hong had a large amount of arable land in Qiaopei. When it came to acres of land, he was the second in the whole Cao Ying, and no one dared to be the first!

Once the commercial tax and agricultural tax are collected this time, he is afraid that he will suffer a lot of bleeding.


It's No.3, No.4, No.5...

One by one, all the secret meetings in Xudu city are described in detail.

—— Brothel, red house!
——Tea stalls, restaurants!
The locations of these secret meetings are fairly unremarkable, the most exaggerated one is that Sima Fang of Hanoi Sima Clan and Yang Biao of Hongnong Yang Clan were discussing this matter in the hut!
It's really far from a big spectrum!
"Xun Lingjun, these people are obstructing the implementation of the new tax."

Guo Jia's eyes suddenly narrowed...

Apparently, the six generations of the Guo clan in Yingchuan have passed down not only the official title of "Tingwei", but also the ability to "seek wind and shadow" and "monitor everything"!

"Xun Lingjun thinks, how should they be punished?"


Xun Yu paused. "There are relatives of the emperor, you, my fellow countrymen, and Prime Minister Cao's brother? If you really want to punish them, there will be big trouble!"

"So!" Guo Jia smiled slightly.

Immediately, another school official handed Xun Yu a bamboo slip.

Xun Yu quickly unfolded it. It was fine if he didn't unfold it, but when he unfolded it, his pupils shrank and his heart tightened suddenly.

"This is…"

"The people on the picture scrolls just now are all big people, and we can't move them for the time being, but these names are small people. I have already sent Manfu Lord to arrest them. There are 37 people involved, involving more than 20 families! They secretly obstructed the implementation of the new tax law. This can be regarded as killing chickens to warn monkeys, and it can also be regarded as knocking mountains and shaking tigers!"

Guo Jia said this calmly...

As if, for the new tax law promulgated by the emperor, the school teacher's office supports it with both hands!

And, with an iron fist.

"Fengxiao." Xun Yu paused, got up slowly, and took a step forward solemnly, as if he had figured something out. "Let me ask you again, did His Majesty come up with the proposal to abolish the poll tax and re-impose the commercial tax and agricultural tax? Or did someone want His Majesty to come up with it?"

"Wen Ruo, why is this between you and me?" Guo Jia waved his hand.

With these words blurted out, Xun Yu had a premonition that Guo Jia had figured out his thoughts and concerns, but he came here this time to let himself make his final decision.

"Once this new tax law is implemented, the big man will really be finished!" Xun Yu said calmly. "The Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty said that it was not the Liu family who became the king, and the world fought against it. Because of this, the road to the prime minister's claim to the king will be full of difficulties..."

"But... but if His Majesty takes this step and offends the clans all over the world, maybe...the clans all over the world will look forward to changing a dynasty! Only the demise of the Han Dynasty can relieve their anger! At that time... the prime minister ..."

Speaking of this, Xun Yu's eyes became confused, and his tone became stunned!

"Haha..." Guo Jia said with a smile: "Jiang Ziya prospered Zhou for 800 years, Zhang Zifang prospered Han for 400 years, ancient and Xia, Shang, Zhou, Spring and Autumn and Warring States, and Qin ruled the world and established an empire... Dynasties are always changing If we are moving forward, our vision must always look forward!"

"I often discuss this matter with Lu Ziyu, and he mentioned a sentence that touched me a lot!"

"What?" Xun Yu asked.

Guo Jia's expression became serious. "Xing, the people suffer, death, the people suffer!"


Xun Yu seemed to be touched.

Guo Jia's voice continued. "If there is a new dynasty that can make the people no longer suffer through its prosperity, you and I will dedicate our lives to this, why not do it?"


At this time, Xun Yu's eyes suddenly opened, and all of a sudden, he understood the meaning of Guo Jialai.

"Ziyu asked you to come?"

"I can't hide it from Wen Ruo!"

"Heh..." Xun Yu smiled lightly, but stopped talking...

It seemed that everything in the world was under Lu Yu's calculations, even his Xun Yu's mood was calculated, and he had a heart, the eldest son of the prime minister, the future son, really had a heart.

And a long time ago, Lu Ziyu told Xun Yu - don't let loyalty kill you!

Taste it now, go to savor it carefully now, time has passed, the big man refused to give it back, but now the big man handed it over!
His Xun Yu's loyalty?How much is it worth?


At this moment, Guo Jia clapped his hands again.

Another school official handed a bamboo slip to Xun Yu.

"This is?"

Xun Yu looked up at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia smiled, "Ziyu asked me to give it to you, saying that he was afraid that you would be in a bad mood!"


Xun Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and unfolded the bamboo slips again.

And the four columns of large characters in the bamboo slips are vividly displayed in front of my eyes.

——For heaven and earth;

——Living for the livelihood of the people;

——For the sake of the sages and the sages;

——Create peace for all ages!

It was these four lines of characters that made Xun Yu's eyes widen in vain, and even his mouth opened...

Surprised, horrified, shocked!
A bamboo slip with four large characters made Xun Yu's heart feel like waves and surging waves.

"For... for the world!"

Xun Yu's tone became hoarse. He reached out to touch the words on it. Every word...every sentence could make him empathize with him, and he couldn't help himself!

"For... peace for all ages!"

With a "gudong", Xun Yu swallowed subconsciously. Although he, Xun Yu, had never underestimated Lu Ziyu's pattern, but this time... the pattern was revealed, and he felt that Lu Ziyu's pattern was bigger than he imagined!
A good one will bring peace to all generations.

Xun Yu felt that his horizons had broadened a lot!

"Wen Ruo..." Guo Jia patted Xun Yu's shoulder. "You know me. In the past, I always thought that it would be good if I could eat, drink, and play with women in this life. It would be good to just live my life in such an ordinary way. There is no need to worry too much. god."

"However, when talking with Lu Ziyu, he mentioned these four sentences, especially when this sentence is 'to bring peace to all ages', I suddenly felt that it seemed that we could do some earth-shattering things without delaying drinking and playing with women. , A great event to carry forward the past and open up the future! Let my descendants and clansmen of later generations give a thumbs up when talking about me, Guo Fengxiao, and be able to say a word, the Guo family, the six generations of court officials are not as good as the first generation of Guo Fengxiao! Think about it this way, Pretty interesting too, isn't it?"


Xun Yu looked at Guo Jia dumbly...

He felt that the Guo Fengxiao in front of him had changed. It seemed that under the background of these four sentences, he suddenly became much taller.

Peace for the world.

If...if the loyal monarch is Lu Ziyu!


He...he can really do it - to establish a heart for the world; to establish a life for the people;

No, he can definitely do it!

And only he can do it!
Thinking of this, Xun Yu seemed a little excited...

"Feng Xiao, do you have wine there?"

"I brewed it with Chunyu Qiong, the best Moutai!"

"Then? Have a drink?"

Rarely, Xun Yu offered to go drink...

"Haha..." Guo Jia laughed and patted Xun Yu on the shoulder. "If you don't get drunk tonight, you won't go home!"



Xuzhou, Donghai County.

As the sun goes down, the post houses near the port are brightly lit...

Lu Yu's carriage came to the gate of the post house, and when he got off the carriage, Lu Yu was really startled.

The welcome ceremony of Yamatai Kingdom is a bit grand!
Countless women dressed in cool clothes lined up on both sides, all saluting Lu Yu with the ninety-degree bowing etiquette of the Yama Empire.

Using the not-so-fluent Chinese in his mouth, he said in unison:
"Meet Lord Lu!"

The whole posture gave Lu Yu a sense of sight as the pinnacle of martial arts and the leader of the martial arts alliance.

"Where's your queen?"

Lu Yu looked around, all of them were maids wearing one type of clothes, there were a thousand of them... Lu Yu was surprised that there were so many maids with kelp!
But...According to the news, Queen Himiko is wrapped in a white veil, as if she is not among the thousand people.

"Where's your queen?"

Lu Yusheng was afraid of the language barrier, so he asked again.

At this time, a head maid walked out, this time she bowed to Lu Yu in the manner of a Han Chinese, and her Chinese was very fluent.

"The queen has been waiting in the post for a long time..."

"Master Lu, come with me!"

While walking, this maid leads the way...

And the thousand or so maids gave way tacitly to a path, and Lu Yu walked in it under the escort of Dian Wei, as if he was shooting a blockbuster movie in an island country!

Living among the flowers, the petals do not touch the body, if a man is the king of this evil horse empire, he must be very happy!

Just as Lu Yu was dreaming...

The maid in front of her said, "Master Lu, the little girl is from Xuzhou..."

The maid was dressed in plain clothes.

The appearance is better... the proportion of the body is also very attractive.

She turned her head and opened her mouth to continue: "Ten years ago when the Cao army came under pressure, the little girl fled to sea, boarded a ship in Yamatai, and learned the local language. Because she is proficient in bilateral languages, she was brought by the Queen's side. The Queen has learned Chinese since she was a child." ! Now quite proficient!"

Ha ha…

Hearing this, Lu Yu said "hehe", the Yama Empire, which had a good life, was formerly my Great China!
According to legend, during the Qin Dynasty, Xu Fu took five hundred virgins and five hundred virgins to the east... and established the current Yama Empire!

As for the language, it's the same line...

Naturally, it doesn't take much effort to learn!

Lu Yu just thought of this...

Unexpectedly, this beautiful maid continued to speak.

——"Leader Lu, Queen Himiko has ordered that [-] maids including me, as long as Lord Lu likes it, the queen will give it all to Lord Lu!"


The words blurted out.

Lu Yu's footsteps paused, and he suddenly understood why...the ships of the Yamatai Kingdom were not carrying soldiers, but a large number of maids!
It's beauty offensive!

Beauty output!It is this empire... the inheritance from the past to the present!


As long as the maids you like, give them all... Hehe, the way this queen of the Yama Empire makes friends is really simple and low-key!


 "Three Kingdoms: Buried alive at the beginning, Lingdi helped me ascend the throne" also known as "Three Kingdoms: From Yinlin to Great Wei Xiongzhu Extra Chapter"..
  Author milk sugar sugar pond
  Don't ask, if you ask, it's just that the one called milk sugar is my trumpet.

  There are already tens of thousands of words, and readers can read it as Yinlin's side story, at least 20 words are free.

  Many questions in Yin Lin, this book will be able to reveal the answers.

(End of this chapter)

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