Three Kingdoms: From Yinlin to Great Wei Xiongzhu

Chapter 212 It's Comfortable Here, Who Cares The World's Cholera

Chapter 212 It's Comfortable Here, Who Cares The World's Cholera
Xu Capital City, Cao Mansion.

Even in the middle of the night, Cao Cao ordered someone to remove the plaque of "Great General's Mansion" and replace it with the words "Cao Mansion".

As if, the conversation with Yu'er made him realize that he was a little drifting.

At the same time, he even sent people to fly pigeons to pass the letter overnight, instructing Jizhou's elaboration to try to spread the fact that Cao Cao invited Yuan Shao for the title of "General".

This is crucial.

In the main hall, Cao Cao stayed up almost all night, he was still pondering over the memorandum to invite officials.

In fact, there are only two core points, Yu'er's official position and Xu Duling's candidate.

Yu'er has made such a great contribution, and Cao Cao felt that he was too small to be appointed as the head of the Imperial Academy...too small.

But the key is Yu'er's temperament!
This eldest son, Cao Cao has figured out his temperament. Yu'er does not want to be bound by the rules and official position, and essentially yearns for freedom and freedom. As such, his official position can only be discussed in the long term.

As for Xu Duling... this official position is very important, but... Cao Cao didn't have a suitable candidate in mind.

However, this full favorite recommended by Yu'er...

"Ahem..." With a slight cough, several guards entered the main hall, and Cao Cao asked, "Did your investigators find out?"

Two hours ago, when Yu'er left, Cao Cao ordered someone to investigate Man Chong...

The efficiency of these personal guards is extremely high, and they have asked many people one after another, and they have some clues.

"Report to Mr. Cao..." The guard said truthfully: "Man Chong's name is Boning, and he is from Changyi, Shanyang County. What friend!"

"I was the postal supervisor at the time. At that time, there were tyrants in the county who harmed the people. The county magistrate sent Man Chong to pick it up... These tyrants heard about Man Chong's name, and they took the initiative to plead guilty, expressing that they dare not do evil again!"


As soon as this remark came out, Cao Cao raised his head slightly. Will he be able to scare the powerful and landlords when he is the governor?
His method?His ruthless temperament can be seen from this.


This is quite similar to his Cao Cao. At that time... Cao Cao was in his twenties, just graduated from the imperial academy, and served as the northern captain of Luoyang.

In this regard, Cao Cao felt that Man Chong was quite like him...

For a while, Cao Cao became even more curious about the person recommended by Yu'er.


Cao Cao asked urgently...

Qin Wei truthfully said: "Later, Man Chong acted as the magistrate of Gaoping County, and the governor of the county took bribes, filled his pockets, and disrupted the administration. It was Man Chong who sent people to arrest him and torture him. Man Chong was actually beaten to death by him, and that's why... Man Chong resigned from office angrily!"

Huo... killed the postmaster?Angrily resigned from office.

Why does this sound so familiar?

It seems... Cao Cao has done this kind of thing, hey!

Cao Cao's eyes lifted up, and immediately, he felt... this Man Chong is a bit interesting, it looks exactly like his Cao Cao's temperament.

When Man Chong was the county magistrate of Gaoping, he killed the governor...

When Cao Cao was in charge of Dunqiu Ling and Prime Minister of Jinan in the past, didn’t he promulgate the ten crimes, punish the evil and promote the good, so that the wealthy gentry and clans hated it and made the common people love it?
Hey... After thinking about it like this, Cao Cao suddenly felt that this favorite recommended by Yu'er was a bit interesting.

In the final analysis, what Cao Cao pursues is "use heavy codes in troubled times". This... has something to do with the education he received, and also has something to do with his admiration for the Legalist school. However, according to his current status, the so-called "use heavy codes in troubled times"... He, Cao Cao, had to find someone with a similar temperament to himself.

And this Man Chong looks exactly like Cao Cao, the law is merciless, he punishes the evil and promotes the good, and he hates the evil like an enemy!
Good fellow, good fellow!

"Ha ha…"

With this in mind, Cao Cao smiled, very heartily.

This candidate for Xu Duling, Cao Cao had a hard time finding it, but he never imagined that it was so easy when he got it... It seems to be in line with the sentence Yuer mentioned before - if you break through the iron shoes, you can't find anywhere. No fuss!

Ha ha…

"Where is Man Chong now? What is his position?" Cao Cao asked with a smile.

"In Yanzhou, he is a small official." The guard replied truthfully: "Because his behavior is unreasonable, and he has lost his tact when dealing with others, but he is also very stubborn. There are too many good impressions, therefore, there is no hope of promotion in Yanzhou for a few years, and Duke Cao has never heard of this person."

Ha ha…

Hearing this, Cao Cao was ecstatic.

The Xu Duling he was looking for should be the exact opposite of the word "smooth"!
Is the law intolerant or even paranoid?
The more Cao Cao listened to it, the more he felt that this favor was tailor-made for Xu Duling!

Immediately, Cao Cao picked up his pen, and he planned to write Man Chong's name on Xu Duling's memorial.

But... I just started writing...

Suddenly, Cao Cao thought of something, and he asked a question. "How did Lu Gongcao meet Man Chong?"


After all, it is a talent recommended by Yu'er, so it is still so merciless...

Cao Cao was very curious, does Yu'er have anything to do with him?How much does it matter?Or to put it another way... according to his personality, how could he possibly know Yu'er?
"Reporting to Mr. Cao, according to preliminary investigations, Man Chong and Lu Gongcao have never met, let alone have any intersection..."

"My subordinates really don't know. Why does Mr. Cao judge? Did he know Lu Gongcao?"

The guard asks a question...

It seemed to him that if this was important, he needed more information that would help his investigation.

"Oh..." Cao Cao nodded and waved his hand... showing that there is no need to investigate carefully...

Of course, he was slightly surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed reasonable again...

After all, Yu'er is good at spying on people's hearts, and is also good at understanding the current situation. His eyesight is also exceptional.

Calculating in this way, perhaps... Yu'er discovered early on that Man Chong is a talent... Ah no, to be precise, Man Chong is a geek, a geek who can only shine in a specific field.

Therefore, Yu'er did not recruit Cheng Yu and Cao Xiu into Long Xiao's camp like he did when he dug Cheng Yu and Cao Xiu. Instead, he proposed to Cao Cao at this time, which is very in line with Yu'er's usual style of doing things.

"Haha..." Cao Cao laughed heartily. "Okay, you can step down...Since it is the talent recommended by Lu Gongcao, there is no need to continue to investigate. Tomorrow, you will send someone eight hundred miles to Yanzhou urgently, summon Man Chong, and tell him that Xu Du The official title of Ling belongs to him! Hahaha..."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao put pen to paper and added Man Chong's name in the position where Xu Duren was selected.

Even though Cao Cao has never been in contact with him, but hearing his deeds, the most important thing is Yu'er's vision, which makes Cao Cao trustworthy...

Ha ha…

Looking at the completed memorandum, Cao Cao, who had been working hard all day, finally burst into laughter!
The dust has settled.

Next... is a new story, a new chapter.


Looking at the dawning sky outside the window, Cao Cao stretched his waist and yawned heavily.

He didn't sleep all night, although he was a little tired, Cao Cao looked very energetic.

"Let's go, it's time to go to court."

As he spoke, he stepped out, his steps extraordinarily thick and powerful.

This is the first early dynasty since the Great Han established Xudu, and Cao Cao has to work hard!


Xu Capital City, Jiaofang Palace.

As the Weiyang Palace where the queen lives, the Jiaofang Palace in Xuducheng is almost exactly the same as the Jiaofang Palace in the original Luoyang Palace.

Even the walls of the palace are painted with powder made from the flowers of the pepper tree.

The color is a shade of pink…

It is extraordinarily pink and tender, giving the emperor and empress who slept here a feeling of rising steadily and skyrocketing.


This night, the emperor Liu Xie and the empress Fushou couldn't care less about doing the upside-down thing.

I'm not in the mood...

Compared with this, the emperor Liu Xie and the queen Fushou are undoubtedly more concerned about the emperor's majesty, the court's prestige...even, they must secretly establish their own power.

And the first thing to do is to win over a group of people...

"My father, General Fu Wan, who protects the country, is loyal to His Majesty, and His Majesty's father-in-law, General Dong Cheng, will also stand unswervingly on His Majesty's side. In addition, Taiwei Yang Biaoshi is also trustworthy by Han En." …and also…"

The names mentioned by Queen Fushou are all in her eyes...the ones that the emperor Liu Xie can win over.

Although Cao Cao is now quite trusted by the emperor and the court, he can plan ahead...

The situation that the emperor has encountered for many years has made him realize that strength is the last word, and it is very important to win a group of reliable courtiers.

As for this candidate, the former ministers of the Han court are certainly one of them, Xudu, they don't have much influence, and the help they can provide is limited, so is necessary to win over a group of Cao Cao's side, and ...someone who might be wooed.

"Xun Yu and Xun You are highly valued advisers of Cao Cao. Your Majesty can try to get close to them and get to the bottom of it! Besides..."

Queen Fushou's eyeballs kept rolling...

She was thinking about who else could be used by the Han court?
Can be used by the emperor!
The most important thing is military power... military power.

Suddenly, Fu Shou seemed to think of a name...

Her eyes opened suddenly, and her spirit was lifted.

"There is another person...he...if he can be used by His Majesty, with the support of His Majesty and all the officials, maybe...maybe he can cultivate a power not weaker than Cao Cao in the court, and he can stand against Cao Cao in the future..."


Is it against all courts?
Empress Fu blurted out those words...

Emperor Liu Xie's eyes also opened suddenly.

The experience of the Han Dynasty for more than 400 years told him that if the imperial power is to be stable, the powerful officials in the court must check and balance.

For example, when his father, Emperor Lingdi, was in power, even though he was sensual, sold out officials, and was persecuted by the party...

But after careful calculation, during his lifetime, there has never been any turmoil in the court... The so-called court is as stable as Mount Tai, but the world is full of cholera!

The reason for this lies in Emperor Ling's technique of check and balance. While he endowed eunuchs with great power...he also reused relatives!

The ten permanent servants headed by Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong and his relative He Jin fought against each other, so that Emperor Ling could sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, as stable as Mount Tai.

To put it in an exaggeration, let alone Emperor Ling ordered the maids to wear open crotch trousers, even if he ordered the maids and concubines not to wear trousers, who would dare to say no?
to the opposite…

If one family dominates the imperial court, it will definitely lead to the fall of the imperial power. This point... There have been countless vivid examples in history, which are vivid in my memory!

"The queen is right..." Emperor Liu Xie also cheered up, "If Cao Cao's family dominates the court, then with the increase of his territory and the strength of his troops, he will inevitably have other thoughts..."

"But if there are still people in the court who can fight against him, two tigers will fight, our big man, my position as the Son of Heaven will be as safe as a rock, but..."

At the end of the sentence, the emperor Liu Xie hesitated...

Now... in Xudu, how easy is it to cultivate a person who can stand up to Cao Cao?

Take ten thousand steps back and say, besides the clansmen of the Cao and Xiahou clans, who else has the military power now?

The candidate the queen mentioned... probably...

Thinking of this, Emperor Liu Xie sighed and did not continue.

But... on Fushou's side, he read his name directly, and it was precisely this name that made the emperor Liu Xie's eyes flash with a brilliant light.

"Your Majesty... the shogun's meritorious serviceman, Lu Yu, the leader of the Long Xiao Battalion! He is young and innocent, and the Long Xiao Battalion he holds in his hand is the most valiant soldier in the Cao Battalion... If... Your Majesty can win him over...then..."

The innocence in Fushou's mouth means that Lu Yu and Cao Cao have no blood or family connection. From the perspective of background, they are the ones who can be wooed!
Having said this, Fu Shou paused, and continued:
"Your Majesty, the ministers and concubines listened to what my father said...the reason why Cao Cao was able to enter Luoyang westward to welcome His Majesty this time was all due to Lu Yu's strategy! Including what kind of cooperation and planning in the middle, and what kind of planning and deployment are inseparable from him. It has nothing to do with it... Your Majesty also suspects that this son is related to Yinlin who disappeared from the big man two years ago?"

"...Your Majesty, have you forgotten that there was a saying in the Yuedan Commentary——Those who get the Yinlin can be safe in the world!"


Fushou's last sentence, "Those who get the hidden forest can be safe in the world" is exactly what the emperor Liu Xie subconsciously thought of.

It has only been a day since he entered Xudu, and he has already heard many legends about Lu Yu. It seems that... Cao Cao was able to snatch him, the emperor, from the hands of various warlords so smoothly... Lu Yu's plan is very important.

And...if he is really Yinlin, is not a question of whether to fight for it, but a must... definitely bring Yinlin into the court!
Even, in Liu Xie's view, it is not Cao Cao who can help him to help the Han Dynasty, but Yinlin who "safes the world"!
The words from the Yuedan Review "Deyin Lin can make the world safe"

...The current emperor, Liu Xie, would rather believe it, and it is the last straw he can grasp.


With a long breath, Liu Xie narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What the queen said is very true, and I think so too... But, the most urgent thing is... how can I win him over? Didn't the queen hear... Tomorrow morning, it is Cao Cao who will invite the ranks of the great man... Is this Lu Yu so important? He How could Cao Cao not invite officials for him, add officials to ranks, and entrust him with important tasks!"

"Tomorrow morning is the opportunity for His Majesty to express his favor!"

Before the emperor Liu Xie could finish speaking, Fu Shou interrupted directly. "Cao Cao can reward Lu Yu, so can Your Majesty... If Cao Cao granted Lu Yu an ordinary official position, His Majesty would entitle him to the position of Jiuqing. The old officials of the Chinese...Han Dynasty are all on His Majesty's side, and they will definitely not object! Cao Cao will not object! This is His Majesty's grace!"

Having said this, Fu Shou paused. "This Lu Yu made such great achievements when he greeted His Majesty. This award is nothing to exaggerate, but it just...can make him feel His Majesty's kindness, and like this, it will appear that His Majesty will win him over again... It's a matter of course!"


Emperor Liu Xie's eyes narrowed.

He thought for a moment...

Immediately after…

"Okay, okay, okay!" Three good words in a row, the corners of Liu Xie's mouth curled up, and a sad smile was about to come out...

"It's still the empress who wins my heart... Haha, good... I will focus on rewarding Lu Yu. First, it can show my good intentions, and second... Even if Cao Cao is suspicious of Lu Yu, it will be a good strategy! At that time , if I win over and support him again, it will be a matter of course!"

As soon as this statement comes out…

Empress Fushou nodded.

Just at the moment of nodding, the emperor Liu Xie saw a strand of white hair, and his face suddenly changed, showing the utmost concern. "Queen? Why do you have gray hair?"

"Oh... Maybe it's because you haven't slept well recently?" Empress Fushou casually made up a reason.

In fact... She was very tired along the way. She was always thinking about the emperor and the Han court...

Whether it is a rainy day or a precautionary measure...

She worries much more than Liu Xie!
As for the white hair, it's because she didn't sleep well. For several days in a row, even when she closed her eyes, her mind was still running fast... she couldn't sleep!
Who would have thought that in this troubled world, it is difficult to be an emperor, but how easy is it to be a queen?


dong dong...

Dawn is approaching, and with the sound of solemn chime bells, after two years, Dahan finally ushered in its morning court again.


The quaint chime bells are constantly being rung.

Deep and stable!
People say that "Zhong Ming Ding Shi" is the atmosphere of a wealthy family, like a big bell, the more wealth and status, the higher the position, the deeper and more stable the voice!


Each of these chimes can produce their own constant sound, and the harmony and coordination of several scales can produce the rare sound of nature in this world!
The chime bells sounded in the morning of this long-lost reunion, which seemed to indicate that... the revitalization of the great man requires more people to work together and work together to complete it.

Of course, this is nothing more than a beautiful vision.

——"Your Majesty, I have played..."

——"Cao Aiqing, you might as well speak out in this hall."

—— "Please rebuild the Taixue and re-establish the Taixue Shijing!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Almost all the ministers of the court thought that Cao Cao's first memorial letter in this long-lost early court must be to invite officials for his subordinates, so that the meritorious officials who welcomed the emperor this time will be promoted to rank...

But... What Cao Cao proposed was to rebuild Taixue and re-establish Taixue Shijing?

All of a sudden, the house was full of discussions.

Even the Emperor Liu Xie was dumbfounded... What does Cao Cao mean by this?Rebuilding Taixue... is it more important than adding officials to his subordinates?
He blinked his eyes...

Cao Cao continued: "25 years ago, Situ Qiaoxuan expounded on my great Han with an article "On the Origin of the Country"...Education is the law of strengthening the country. Even today, this theory is still extremely important!"

"Your Majesty asks for your permission to rebuild the Taixue and re-establish the Taixue Stone Classics, so as to tell the scholars all over the world that my big man is back, and my big man has never forgotten every scholar!"


Undoubtedly, these words made the entire Han Dynasty officials look sideways at Cao Cao. When mentioning Taixue, those famous figures undoubtedly came to mind-Qiao Xuan, Cai Yong, Duan Jiong, Zheng Xuan...

Don't these names symbolize the prosperity of Han culture?

When Cao Cao greeted the emperor, he did not ask for merit in the first letter of tribute, but instead asked for the establishment of the Taixue. This really captured the favor of the officials and the court.

"My minister agrees!"

Yang Biao was the first to stand up...

"The minister also agrees!"

After Fu Wan also stood up... Immediately afterwards, almost all the officials of the Han Dynasty stood up.

Taixue means too much, of course... the construction of Taixue is not as simple as a word, it needs to consume a lot of property... Cao Cao mentioned it on his own initiative, how could they not support it!How could it not be moved!


They were moved too early, and they pretended to be sentimental. Cao Cao Jian Taixue has nothing to do with the court, the emperor, or even the big man!
It is only related to one person... and that is his eldest son——Yu'er!
This is what Cao Cao promised Yu'er before he went west to Luoyang and greeted the emperor...

This long-lost early dynasty, this edict, Cao Cao is not for the world, not for the common people, not for grand plans and hegemony, but for the most solemn promise made by an old father to his son in the past!


(End of this chapter)

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