Chapter 732
Early the next morning, Ke Ke invited Zhang Enya and her younger brothers to recruit all the employees of the advertising company as soon as possible while taking advantage of the free time before school started.

Plans are not changing fast.

I don't know what happened, the completion ceremony of the Brisbane sub-base was suddenly brought forward to mid-March.

Years ago, she had already received advertising orders totaling more than 500 million from her cousin, and she didn't have enough time left, so she had to act immediately.

Half an hour later, the five arrived at the largest talent market in downtown Sydney by car. At this time, it was the peak recruitment season at the beginning of the year, and there were many job seekers, and there were crowds of people everywhere.

The three Dabao brothers removed the tables, chairs and display boards from the car. The relevant procedures were completed yesterday. After a little preparation, the five of them officially started the recruitment work.

In order to recruit the best employees and in order to meet the deadline, Ke Ke raises the salary very high, which is much higher than the market rate.

This move quickly attracted many job seekers.

Crowd the recruiting booth to the brim.

After working all morning, the five of them left with a thick stack of resumes, and stopped by Lele's for a simple lunch.

The next step is to screen resumes.

After staying up until eleven o'clock in the evening, Ke Ke finally read all the resumes and made a list of 150 people for interviews.

When Xu Dong came back from a social event, he saw that the light in the eldest daughter's room was still on, so he immediately walked over and knocked on the door.

"Dad, you're back."

Coco welcomes Dad into the house.

"Well, what are you doing? Why don't you go to bed so late?" Xu Dong asked concerned.

"I went to the talent market this morning, received more than 1000 resumes, and just finalized the interview list."

"Don't be tired, your body is more important."

Ke Ke smiled wryly and said, "I also want to take my time, but the reality doesn't allow it. My cousin moved the completion ceremony a month earlier, and the time is too tight."

"This is impossible. The company has just received news that the big leaders will come to Kangaroo Country to inspect the work in early April. The Brisbane sub-base is fortunate to be included in the candidate list, so it must be put into production before April."

Xu Dong immediately explained.

Ke Ke suddenly realized: "I said, why have roads been refurbished everywhere in the urban area recently, and they didn't stop working during the Chinese New Year. So that's the reason!"

"This matter is a rare opportunity for your company, so you must pay more attention."

"Dad, where did you see the opportunity?"

Coco asked curiously.

"Think about it, if the big leader casually praised your company's works during the inspection process, you just wait to be famous!"

Xu Dong explained with a smile.

"Is this reliable? The big leader has such a tight schedule and runs around all day, how could he have the heart to pay attention to these things?
Besides, our company is just a new small advertising company, how can we compete with those established companies?You think too highly of me. "

Coco seemed a little unsure.

"Whether it works or not, be prepared!"

Xu Dong paused for a moment, then comforted him:
"Besides, what are you afraid of as a young man? Show the courage of a newborn calf, the big leader is also a human being, not as rigid as you think.

Dad will teach you a trick. You should try to design signs and other things as delicately as possible. It is best to catch people's eyes, and there may be unexpected surprises. "

"Dad, you are so right. I really think too much."

Coco was encouraged.

Xu Dong smiled gratifiedly, picked up the resume on the table and flipped through it, but the more he flipped his brows, the more he frowned.

Coco asked anxiously, "Dad, is there anything wrong with these resumes?"

"Are these all interview candidates?"

"Yes, I personally screened them out. Whether it's academic qualifications or work experience, they are the best among all the applicants."

Xu Dong immediately shook his head: "It's too much. As an advertising company, it only needs a few sign designers. For other positions, try to give priority to young people."


"There are too many masters, and no one will accept anyone. Sooner or later, the company will fall into serious internal strife. Besides, you are a start-up company, don't think about eating one bite and becoming fat, or you will suffer from indigestion."

"But I'm in a hurry..."

"Then we should recruit more young people. Young people have just entered the society, have low qualifications, are obedient, and work hard. They are much better than those old fritters."

Xu Dong explained patiently.

After hearing what her father said, Ke Ke was stunned and said:

"Dad, you're too...too capitalist, aren't you?"

"Cough... In fact, Dad is also doing it for their own good. Think about it from another angle. If everyone doesn't give young people a chance, how can they get ahead?"

After Xu Dong finished speaking, he quickly added:
"Your father came here in the same way when he was young. Young people should endure more hardships, and endure hardships in order to be a master."

Coco thought about it, and always felt that something was wrong.

"Dad, I misunderstood you, I will re-screen the resume immediately."

Xu Dong pointed to his watch: "It's getting late, don't mess with it, go to bed quickly."

"No, do you have an interview tomorrow?"

"Then postpone the interview time by one day, which is not bad."

"The cousin is in a hurry, what if it's too late?"

Coco worried.

Xu Dong smiled and waved his hands: "Time is squeezed out. It is really impossible to let the employees work overtime, or invite more temporary workers to come back. As long as they are willing to spend money, there are more solutions than difficulties."

"Okay, I'll do it tomorrow."

Ke Ke took the resume from her father and stuffed it all into a drawer.

Last year, the old man Huahua couldn't survive the winter.

The five siblings felt sad for a long time.

After the flowers were gone, two little raccoon cats were added to the family. The kittens are full of energy and run around in the manor all day, so they must be careful.


Three days later, "Blue Creativity" opened smoothly.

Including Coco, the company has a total of 30 employees. In terms of scale, it can definitely be regarded as a medium-sized advertising company.

Xu Dong did not attend the opening ceremony.

With his current popularity, the probability of being recognized is very high, and he doesn't want to take risks.

If people know that the boss of "Blue Creativity" is actually the "princess" of the richest man's family, then it's okay, all monsters and monsters will flock to him.

Not only does this not work as an exercise, but it also burns the body and puts the eldest daughter in danger.

Before opening, the father and daughter reached a consensus.

Lele no longer has this concern.

She has always had the closest relationship with her eldest sister. This time, she not only wrapped a big red envelope of 88 yuan, but also cooked a large bucket of winter melon ribs soup to warm the stomach and delivered it over.

The new employees were flattered to enjoy such a blessing on the first day of work.

When she got home from get off work, Ke Ke returned all the red envelopes she received one by one. As the eldest sister of the family, she was more eager to prove herself than her younger siblings.

ps: Ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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