Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 782 Reinforcements Arrive

Chapter 782 Reinforcements Arrive
"Open it for me!"

A cruel smile flickered across the corner of Lu Bu's mouth. He wanted to make Ma Chao feel pain, but he dared to embarrass him. Today, Ma Chao is determined. As he said, Zhao Yun will not be able to keep Ma Chao today.


The faces of the two sides who were fighting suddenly changed, and an irresistible force appeared on the surface of the sea, and the space seemed to be forcibly torn apart by something.

"Marquis Wen! It's Marquis Wen!" Sun Ce looked up to the sky and laughed, and was immediately knocked away by a heavy hammer from the paladin.

"Hahaha, hold on, brothers, reinforcements will be here soon!" A huge amount of golden inner energy immediately surged from Sun Ce's body, wrapping himself up, apparently intending to desperately hold him back.

"Stop them, reinforcements are here, victory is at hand!" Gan Ning roared, commanding his pirates to rush up with him.

The pirates under him all saw the creation of the space rift, and they were all excited immediately. The smarter pirates had already guessed that there was a big force behind Gan Ning, so of course they worked harder at this time, not daring to lag behind.

"The three of you hold them back, the others come over, kill this guy first, and then break them one by one!"

The ten people on the opposite side were in a hurry to break the boundary. Although they didn't know what was going on, they didn't want to gamble with their lives because of the aura coming from the crack in the space and the sudden excitement from the opposite side.

Three people were separated to hold Gan Ning, Sun Ce, and Ma Chao, and the seven broke the boundary and rushed towards Zhou Tai. The reason why they couldn't end the battle was because Zhou Tai was making trouble everywhere, and his strength was much higher than that of Zhou Tai. any of them.

Even if the four of them shot together, it would only hurt Zhou Tai, far from being able to leave the stage.

"A body that has fought a hundred battles, bravely dispelling suspicions!"

Facing the joint encirclement and suppression by the seven people, Zhou Tai roared and launched a countercharge. To escape would only put Sun Ce and others in danger, so Zhou Tai was willing to use his own life to forcibly hold back.

Ma Chao was in a hurry, and frantically stimulated Lu Bu's spiritual thoughts in his body with his internal energy.


"Not good! Help me quickly, Ma Mengqi, they are in danger!" Ma Chao's crazy behavior made Lu Bu realize that something was wrong.

And he could feel that his power was weakened after being transmitted there, which was also the reason why he couldn't quickly break through the space.

Regardless of the distance issue, the only thing that can do this is a large-scale cloud.

Lu Bu's words made everyone present stunned for a moment, but they all reacted quickly.

Guan Yu held his breath, and then a blue light flashed, and the space crack further expanded, becoming the size of a washbasin.

Without saying a word, Li Yuanba and Pei Yuanqing rushed up, each forcibly pulling the edge of the space passage.

All the scenes on the other side of the space passage fell into everyone's eyes. The thick clouds in the sky alone were enough to make everyone present realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Let's maintain the passage, you go through a group of people first!" Lu Bu roared.

The roar of Zhou Taifen's death fell into everyone's ears, and everyone became more anxious.

"I'll go ahead!" Without further ado, Zhao Yun turned into electricity and rushed through the small space channel.

Ma Chao was his brother-in-law, if something happened, his family would be in trouble.

Zhou Tai's strength is obvious to all. This kind of strength is forced to desperate, which shows how dangerous the situation has become.

"Let me come!" Dian Wei rushed over directly, and cooperated with Li Yuanba and the two of them to support the space passage with all his strength, barely stretching it out of the size that a person can pass through. "You go first!"

Zhang Fei and the others did not refuse, and filed in directly.


"Pfft~" Zhou Tai knelt down on the ground, almost losing his sanity. Even though he was very strong, it was still too difficult to face seven opponents of the same level at the same time. He had reached his limit.

"Let me come, such a warrior should walk more decently!"

Zhou Tai's unyielding fighting spirit made everyone look sideways at him. Even if they were enemies, they still admired Zhou Tai for this brilliant fighting will.

Infected by Zhou Tai's courage, Dragon Warrior sighed and swung a sword energy, wanting to leave Zhou Tai with a dead body.

Jian Qi shot towards Zhou Tai's forehead, Zhou Tai could only look at this desperate scene helplessly, he no longer had the strength to stand up again.

But with a flash of lightning, the sword energy suddenly dissipated.

Zhao Yun appeared in front of Zhou Tai.

"General Zhou! You're still fine!"

"Hahaha, this little injury is nothing!" Zhou Tai pulled out an ugly smile, and passed out in relief.

Because he had already seen that not only Zhao Yun, but also Zhang Fei, Yan Liang and others appeared in front of him, Sun Ce and the others were safe.

Zhang Liao supported Zhou Tai, and carefully used the soft inner air to maintain Zhou Tai's vital signs.

The sudden appearance of the digital boundary-breaking demigod panicked the opposite demigod. It was ten to four just now, but now it is ten to fourteen.

Moreover, the space cracks on the sea surface have not yet closed, as if someone hadn't come over yet. Realizing that something was wrong, the ten boundary-breaking demigods of the United Fleet quickly stopped and retreated. They had already realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Meng Qi, what's the situation now?" Zhao Yun asked Ma Chao calmly.

Ten breaking the boundary, this is not a small number, even if they have the advantage now, they may not be able to keep all of them.

It would be bad if some kind of war started because of this and affected the plan of the Eastern Expedition.

"I am Sun Bofu. As the first governor of the Han Empire's navy, I am recruiting everyone to join this war. This battle has far-reaching implications. Please do your best and I will bear all the consequences!"

Sun Ce has completely lost his usual Erha appearance. Zhou Tai's unknown life and death made him extremely annoyed, especially because Zhou Tai almost died because he was protecting them. This made Sun Ce, a heartless guy, perceive it for the first time. What is the responsibility just on the shoulders.

The domineering Sun Ce directly spread out his talents in an all-round way, and the monarch's talent, which was about to degenerate into a legion talent, was fully spread out. Every general who was covered by Sun Ce's monarch's talent felt Sun Ce's firm will.

"I am Gan Xingba. As the second governor of the Han Empire's navy, I am recruiting everyone to join this war. This battle has far-reaching implications. Please do your best and I will bear all the consequences!"

Gan Ning on the side quickly followed Sun Ce's declaration. This campaign was launched because of him, even if he was for the development strategy of the Han Empire, such as maritime hegemony.

But it is an indisputable fact that Zhou Tai's death was almost killed. Gan Ning blocked all his duties and wanted to take revenge on Zhou Tai today.

"Go ahead and kill them!"

After Sun Ce and Gan Ning said that, what else could Zhao Yun say? As one of the most powerful men besides Lu Bu, and also the person with the highest position, he could only temporarily take the leadership position, greeted him, and rushed up.

(End of this chapter)

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