Chapter 773 Dog bites dog

"What? Someone attacked? What are you kidding?" Kim Tae-joo said angrily.

He was having a drink with him when his cronies came in and poured a basin of water on his head. If it wasn't for this cronies being his most trusted subordinate, he would have already drawn his sword and cut him down.

"My lord, the opponent has already started throwing stones, and it will be too late if we don't send out troops!" The confidant was extremely anxious.

"Let's go, let's go! Organize the troops and set off!"

When Jin Tae-joo arrived, he happened to see Gan Ning, who was dressed fancy and had mockery written all over his face.

Although he didn't understand why Gan Ning would take it with him on the road again, but Gan Ning's expression made him feel uneasy.

Jin Tae-joo believes that if he used to be, he would definitely react, but unfortunately, his body was hollowed out by wine and sex, and he didn't have time to react at all, and he saw the last image of his life in the next moment.

Gan Ning, wielding a chain sickle, easily took Jin Taizhu's head. Hengjiang iron chain directly cut off Jin Taizhu's neck from behind, and rolled the head into Gan Ning's hands.

"The enemy general is dead, you have not surrendered yet!"

Holding the head, Gan Ning yelled in Korean, and the soldiers brought by Kim Tae-joo fell into chaos.

"Attack with all your strength, don't hold back!"

Gan Ning's personal guards raised their crossbows, and when the opponent was in chaos, they directly forcibly sent out a wave of arrows, causing a large number of people on the opposite side to fall down, and everyone else was in danger, unable to organize a counterattack at all.

"Take things by hand, take all the surrounding ships can take away, throw out the corpses of those Japanese pirate prisoners, and leave enough evidence for them!"

Gan Ning simply ordered Dayue Wan who was on standby, and then returned to his boat from the sea.

With mental calculations and unintentional calculations, the Koryo garrison at the port has no resistance at all.

Now that the overall situation was settled, he didn't bother to watch the next part of burning, killing and looting.

"Withdraw!" Several hours later, Gan Ning ended the small-scale naval battle, and then left with a lot of gold and silver treasures.


Seeing the burning of the port, the watchman in the city in the distance was blindfolded for a moment. He immediately took out his horn and announced the sound of the crisis information. After blowing the horn, he immediately slid down the tall wooden pole.

"What happened?" The watchman's captain rushed towards the watchtower and asked the moment the horn sounded.

"The port is on fire. I can't see the specific situation clearly, but the fire is in a large area. I'm afraid it was attacked." The watchman said nervously.

This was originally a leisure position for the elderly, and there have been no accidents, but it turned out that such a big accident occurred when he was on duty today.

"What?" The nobles in the city were stunned when they received the news. They never thought that the port would be attacked.

"It's not the time to be cold, lead the troops to attack quickly, and we must keep the port!" You noble said calmly. There are a lot of their wealth transactions in the port, so there must be no mistakes.

It's a pity that when they arrived, there was only a raging fire and a mess left.

"Where's that bastard Jin Taizhu!" The noble who led the team looked angry. After such a big incident, there was no figure of Jin Taizhu stationed here.

"My lord, Lord Jin Tae-joo is dead!" The remaining soldiers reported cautiously.

"What? What happened here? Who attacked you!" the noble asked furiously, grabbing the collar of the soldier.

"I don't know, my lord, they fly the banner of pirates, but many of them have the faces of Japanese people!" The soldier said in horror.

"People from Dongying? Go find a few corpses and identify them!" The nobleman thought calmly with a downcast face. This is not a simple signal.

The Dongying people have friction with them, but it is not necessary to directly cut off the trade between the two countries for the sake of plunder, right?

But after he personally inspected the corpses left behind, he could only accept the reality that they were indeed attacked by the Dongying people.

Moreover, it was probably the Japanese regular army that attacked them. The surviving soldiers said that they saw a lot of sea monsters.

"They are starting a war!" The old nobles were extremely annoyed.

"Gather all the navies outside and teach Dongpu a lesson who dared to provoke us!" The old nobles shouted angrily. Their families suffered a lot of losses, and what's worse, their ports were almost smashed.

An old hen that laid golden eggs was killed for its eggs, and all the golden eggs were taken away. How could this make them not angry.

Accompanied by the mobilization of these old aristocrats, a large-scale fleet rushed towards the port of Dongpu.


"It's already started?"

When Guo Hao received Gan Ning's letter, it had been a week since the attack on the port, and the hatred between Japan and Korea was constantly escalating.

At the beginning, the old nobles could still occupy a considerable advantage by relying on sneak attacks, but as Dongpu reacted and began to dispatch troops, they began to be defeated in an instant.

But the two sides were already jealous, and the old nobles of Goryeo even began to bow their heads to Gao Xianzhi in exchange for Gao Xianzhi's military support.

Gao Xianzhi pretended to agree, and then sent out the sand left by the old nobles and a group of disobedient troops, and secretly informed Gan Ning.

Goryeo's strength is actually not weak, but the strength of their essence has been destroyed by the Han Dynasty before, so facing the Japanese who have been recharging their energy, they are particularly powerless.

It even caused the Japanese fleet to counterattack to the mainland of Koryo again. If it weren't for Gan Ning and the others secretly fighting, the coast of Koryo might have fallen.

"Then let the fleets set off, I guess the big fleets can't wait long ago." Chen Xi said with a smile, since they decided to fight, they would naturally not show mercy.

"Well, I'm going to send some more people out this time, and by the way, directly send people to take over the entire territory of Koryo!" Guo Hao nodded. Gan Ning has done a good job, which will be very beneficial to his next performance.

"Who to let go? Sun Ce? Zhou Yu? Zheng He?" Chen Xi asked suspiciously. Since he wanted to vacate the position, it is estimated that he must draw someone from the main position.

"Ask Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Zheng He, Lu Meng, Xu Sheng, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, all those who have experience in water and sea warfare to attack, and then transfer a group of people from the Government Affairs Office to take their vacant seats, by the way Pick another batch of people from the bottom to fill the places they vacated."

"Are you deciding to take Dongpu directly?" Chen Xi frowned slightly. Too many people is not a good thing sometimes.

"No, the previous plan remains the same, but this time the troops will be divided into two groups, and Dongying's attention will be drawn to Korea first!" Guo Hao said with a sneer.

"When they are in a hurry and mobilize their troops, our elite troops will go straight to their hearts."

(End of this chapter)

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