Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 656 The end of the North Xiongnu

Chapter 656 The end of the North Xiongnu

"Give me town!"

Yue Fei's angry voice almost spread all over the four fields at this moment, and the violent wind of heaven and earth even stopped amidst this roar.

The original dark golden legion talents were constantly rolling, and Yue Fei's own gold-colored inner energy endlessly emerged from Yue Fei, forming a huge bird phantom of nearly ten feet behind him.

The scary thing is that there is also the coercion of standing at the top of the food chain, which directly scares off the sluggish Northern Huns soldiers nearby.

While trembling, the phantom of the bird became more and more materialized, and Yue Fei almost tried his best to suppress the strange ball of light on his body.

"Kill them!"

In the stalemate, Yue Fei found that the power of the light ball was getting weaker and weaker, as if it was about to become a rootless duckweed.

The astute Yue Fei instantly understood the nature of the ball of light, and then quickly issued an order.

Although I don't know what it is, the relationship between the other party and the Northern Huns remains unchanged. As long as those soldiers of the Northern Huns are killed, this ball of light will become a rootless duckweed.

During this period of time, he will absolutely not let the light ball leak any breath again.

He never wanted to see the crazy Northern Huns before.

"Pengju asked us to speed up the removal of the remaining soldiers of the Northern Huns?" Han Shizhong was a little strange after receiving the message from the soldiers sent by Yue Fei.

Obviously the overall situation has been decided, why is Yue Fei still anxious to let them speed up the destruction of the Northern Huns?


The soldiers sent by Yue Fei quickly explained Yue Fei's order.

"Chen Dao, Qin Liangyu, each of you lead your own headquarters to attack. There should be some remnants in the original camp of the Northern Huns. You go and clear them. All the corpses on the road will be repaired twice. Don't leave any alive!"

Han Shizhong issued this order with a flat face. With this order, the era when the Northern Huns ruled the world was completely swept into history.

The possibility of the recovery of the Northern Huns who had been wiped out is really too small, too small.

The battle of Han Shizhong and others in the rear did not affect Attila on the front line. The rear itself was the bait he left behind. He also prepared a hard dish for the Han army in the rear.

Although he felt sorry for the dead Northern Huns warriors, he still issued such an order without hesitation.

The northern Huns in the rear didn't know that they had been abandoned from the very beginning. Even if they stalemate with the Han army for a long time, they would not be able to wait for reinforcements from the front.

Attila's heart was extremely complicated. No matter what, he didn't intend to continue living. After so many people died, he didn't have the face to continue living.

In other words, facing the pressure of the Han Dynasty, Attila couldn't bear it long ago.

No matter how powerful he is, his personal strength is too small in this kind of war based on the empire.

"Huyanchu! Come here!" Attila waved to Huyanchu. In his opinion, Huyanchu was the only one who could bring the Northern Huns into Parthia after his death.

After voluntarily abandoning wandering and merging into an empire, force is no longer the first condition for becoming the Huns, but wisdom and strategy.

After integrating into the Parthian Empire, Hu Yanchu's ingenuity will also get the best stage to display.

No matter how weak Parthia is, it still has the land needed to grow an empire. In this regard, Parthia is far stronger than the Northern Huns.

Among the current Northern Huns, there is only Huyan Chu. In Attila's view, the only one who can lead the Northern Huns to continue and inherit the belief of the Hun Empire is Huyan Chu.

For this reason, he is ready to kill himself, sacrifice himself and pave the way for Hu Yanchu.

Hu Yanchu did not suspect him, and came to Attila's side.

Attila raised his hand to touch Huyanchu's forehead, Huyanchu was taken aback for a moment, he knew what Attila gave him.

"Shanyu, this is..." Hu Yanchu felt the ball of light between his eyebrows, and felt a throbbing.

At this time, Hu Yanchu found that Attila had obvious stagnation, which obviously consumed a lot of energy.

"Don't think too much, this is what I left for you to save your life, don't die," Attila said with a smile.

"In this level of battlefield, your strength is still too weak after all!" Attila looked at Hu Yanchu with a little sigh.

Hu Yanchu nodded silently, it was indeed too difficult for him to survive on this kind of battlefield with his inner strength.

A wise man like him should stay behind and plan strategies, but now he has to stand on this battlefield, facing the thousands of troops of the Han Dynasty.

The sad thing is that their Northern Huns have no rear at all, and he has no safe place to go.

But for some reason, he felt heavy anger from Attila's words, as if Attila already had a death wish in his heart.

Attila looked at Huyanchu's expression and knew what the other person was thinking, but he didn't say anything, because Huyanchu was a smart person, the more he said, the more mistakes he made, so he simply chose to keep silent.

"Hey, although the golden eagle of the old Shang Shanyu provided us with a lot of power of the imperial will, it is still too little!" Attila silently guided the remaining imperial will of the Huns.

As the Shanyu of the Northern Huns, he was formerly the head of the Army Soul Corps, so he naturally possessed the ability to guide the will of the empire.

In order to give birth to the imperial guards and the souls of the puppet army, the will of the empire has been wasted too much. These unworthy descendants can only rest on the glory of their ancestors, which is sad and deplorable.

"How could that be?" Attila turned pale with shock, the will of the empire in his body was missing at some point.

And now he can't feel where the missing piece of imperial will is.

"calm down!"

Attila forced himself to calm down, and the situation became clear after a while.

"Will there be an existence among the Northern Huns warriors in the rear that can bear the will of the empire? Didn't expect that in this crisis, our Northern Huns will also have heroes?"

Attila laughed at himself, probably guessing where the missing piece of imperial will went.

"Hopefully it survives!"

Attila sighed, for his own existence, as a senior, he should escort him, ensure that the other party will not encounter any premature accidents, and ensure that the other party can grow up and contribute to the Xiongnu Empire.

It is a pity that the current Northern Huns have no such ability at all.

As the Shanyu of the Northern Huns, Attila could only pray silently in his heart, praying to their belief in the Kunlun God.

Pray that this unknown junior can survive, they really have no spare energy to go to the rear to protect him.

(End of this chapter)

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