Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 645 Deliberation Plan

Chapter 645 Deliberation Plan
Everyone present frowned at Guo Hao's richness, but they didn't say anything.

No one can do anything about cheating players like Zhuge Liang.

Moreover, some of them are not as good at using their talents as Zhuge Liang, so there is no reason for this thing.

But this is not unacceptable. It is like Lu Bu is invincible in the world with a halberd. Could it be that many people can beat Lu Bu with a different sword?
This thing should be crushed, that is, it is crushed, God chases after it and feeds it.

I can only sigh, reality is really a garbage game.

Jia Xu recalled her mind, and found that almost all the special ones were ordered.

The rest are either not suitable for the battlefield, or they are universal panacea groups, and they will be responsible for the existence of the main body of the army at that time, and it is almost time for the final step.

"Those who are proficient in military strategy, local psychology, and tactical deduction please stay, and others can go back and prepare."

Hulala A group of people walked out, and the generals headed by Lu Bu and others could no longer hold back their restlessness. Let's leave military strategy and so on to smart people, they can still have big activities here.

Originally, Zhao Yun wanted to stay in the tent and listen in, but when Lu Bu sent him a voice transmission, he was stunned, and followed him out.

"Everyone, we need to discuss tactics together, as well as the opponent's possible way of fighting, attacking side, and arrangement." Jia Xu bowed to everyone.

Everyone also bowed slightly and returned a salute, and then got to the point.

"Zichuan has developed a Daxuanxiang army formation, which turns all the original army formation nodes into other formations, which is the so-called double army formation. We will use this as the foundation for this war."

This is the ultimate military formation that Chen Xi has opened his mind to, and it is also the so-called formation that embraces all rivers.

In this way, although every part of the Daxuanxiang army formation cannot receive the blessing of the second-layer cloud formation, it can allow the original node army formation to have the blessing of the second-layer cloud formation.

It is also possible to set up an auxiliary army formation outside the main army formation by the way.

Putting a confusing or deterrent blessing on the main soldier pawn will not directly take off the battlefield.

Chen Xi explained this thing in detail, and then he basically knew how to know Xuan Xiang in the meeting.

For their level, it is basically just separated by a layer of window paper, and it will happen in an instant when it is pierced, but the scary thing is that they often don't think of it.

Jiang Wei, Zhong Hui and others had pained faces, and they belonged to the group who didn't know Xuan Xiang.

But this is just an appetizer, the focus is still on the back.

Immediately following is the second echelon of the Han family heritage, the monarch talent echelon.

Guo Hao's sun hangs high, directly improving the offensive and defensive attributes, which is a great bonus for war.

Cao Cao's monarch talent, domineering, moderately strengthens the effects of various talents.
Yuan Shao's monarch talent, prestige, small-scale enhancement of various talent effects and weakening the consumption of various talent effects.

Sun Ce's monarch talent, Wang Dao, directly enhances the three-layer effect of all talents without consuming the power of the general.

Followed by Gongsun Zan's monarch talent, Transcendence, which enhances the basic attributes and increases the possibility of surpassing the limit by the way.

The talents of the five monarchs have a great influence on the battle situation, which can be called the heritage of the Han Dynasty.

The last time there were so many monarch talents was when playing the Yellow Turban.

"The commander-in-chief of this battle is Lu Zhi, Zhu Jun, Ju Shou, and Yang Lin who are in charge together, and then the others will cooperate with each other." Jia Xu briefly introduced.

In fact, Huangfusong was supposed to be called here, but unfortunately there are some moths in the sea, and they can only use a combination of four to command the million-strong army. Compared with these four, the others are almost meaningless .

After making all the arrangements, everyone in the battalion began to spontaneously check for leaks and fill in vacancies, and kept putting forward their own suggestions, forming a preliminary plan.

In fact, everyone has a plan long ago, but any single person's plan, placed in such an introverted environment, will directly declare bankruptcy.

Even Chen Gong's plan to destroy the Northern Huns after five years of mental energy was activated, failed to withstand all kinds of faults from a large group of people.

Those in the camp now are all players who can be called famous generals and counselors, and no plan can withstand such criticism.

In this strange tone, the plan is constantly being improved, and even the unthinkable way to break the situation of the Northern Huns has been thought of by them.

Then a large group of people sprayed real fire, like Jiang Wei, Zhong Hui, etc., who were directly sprayed to autism. Maybe they can fight these people when they are mature, but they are too young now .


For three days, this group of lunatics sprayed for three days and three nights, and then continued to fight.

Even the last group of people gave up resting directly, Xun Yu gave everyone a spiritual buff, and everyone talked hard about the plan.

"Hey, do you think there is something wrong with them here?" Chen Xi and Guo Hao squatted and chatted together, and pointed to their heads.

"Aren't you going up? Come up with your plan to subdue them directly?" Guo Haoxu asked back.

He also felt that these people had some brain problems.

Even old fritters like Jia Xu and Li Ru, as well as salty fish like Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai, are now blushing, and only one emotion is highlighted.

If it weren't for the group of dogs and generals outside who were fighting each other and pulling him into the water, he wouldn't be watching such a boring exchange in this place.

"My plan is F2A (Direct All-Army Assault), what's the use of being so vain!"

Chen Xi said angrily, there are so many ruthless people picking on faults, even Han Bai and Li Yue are useless in the field, why would he go up, go up and give away the head.

I didn't see that Cheng Yu, who had a bad temper, was about to faint from anger. That guy is suitable for a refined Confucian scholar at the level of inner qi separation. In such a big environment, he with small arms and legs can't participate.

"They just have nothing to do. Chen Gongtai's plan is enough. They just rely on their advantages to overwhelm them. Why are there so many of these guys?" Chen Xi said disdainfully.

Jia Xu and these guys have already given the Northern Xiongnu three more three talents, one military god, and there is no gap in the transmission of military orders, dozens of more breakthroughs, and by the way, the whole army will not retreat.

Except for the possibility of fighting to the death without retreating, the rest is just talking nonsense.

There are still good reasons, and they are all directly held on the head of the undead empire, saying that unknown enemies are the most terrifying, and they need to prepare for the worst.

But these outrageous things are logical in the eyes of everyone. After all, things like the God of War are enshrined in Weiyang Palace, and other things are not impossible.

Although, the ghost things they set up, even the Han Dynasty is just in its infancy, and they directly opened the acceleration hook for the Northern Xiongnu, and they didn't even see it.

 Wuhu is about to start a war.

  The Empire of the Undead is finally coming to play!
  Although they will be beaten violently, it is still very memorable.

(End of this chapter)

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