Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 565 The regret of the pig teammates

Chapter 565 The regret of the pig teammates
Not to mention Guo Hao's chaotic Second World, Ma Chao's journey of cheating on super gods is still going on.

The barbarian soldiers who were blessed with the gift of the sun by Guo Hao only felt that infinite power surged out of their bodies. The invincible attack and unshakable defense reappeared in the world with the gift of the sun.

Of course, this thing is only a theoretical double enhancement of attack and defense, if it can really reach the so-called level of destroying everything and defending everything.

The Sun Knight would not be pushed to the ground by the Habayashi Army. The so-called invincibility is relative, and theoretical invincibility will always be on paper.

But even so, it was an irresistible crisis for Yakino.

The savages already had the will to fear death, coupled with the terrifying bonus, the sixth triumphant soldier who had fallen from the peak couldn't stand it at all.

Yakino knew how powerful Ma Chao was, so he deliberately avoided Ma Chao. The barbarians saw Yakino appearing and rushed forward. Yakino was basically equivalent to a moving golden mountain in their eyes.

Yakino stabbed the barbarian soldier with a gun, but there was no wound on the barbarian's surface, but as Yakino shook his hand, a huge force poured into the barbarian soldier's body, and then the barbarian soldier bled to death from all seven orifices .

"Damn it, this level of defense and attack!"

Yakino's face was full of resentment. He didn't understand Ma Chao's slaying, the reason why Guo Hao appeared, and he didn't understand the gold content of the will of the empire.

In his eyes, it was just a brilliance similar to the eagle flag, which directly raised a group of single-talented barbarians to the threshold level of the Imperial Guard.

If it weren't for the fact that the Triumph Legion is a heavy infantry, penetration and strike with power is a must-have skill. If you change to another Eagle Banner who is not good at force strike today, you have to explain it here on the spot.

This is just defense, what makes the sixth triumphant pawn really tricky is attack.

The powerful attack force forced the two sides to the same starting line, and the attacks of both sides would cause a fatal crisis. In the dense battle of weapons, no one can guarantee that they can survive.

Shield blocking is meaningless, the two sides have completely abandoned defensive means, and instead use death to survive.

Looking at the bad situation, Yachino was full of resentment. Although the sixth triumphant team was very strong, they just couldn't win the opponent. This was undoubtedly a huge irony for them.

"We have to retreat!" Yakino directly broke away from the entanglement of the barbarians, returned to the formation, and began to direct the sixth triumphant breakout.

The state of the soldiers who erupted before has fallen to the bottom. If one-third of the soldiers did not enter that state of explosion, they would be able to surrender directly and be smashed now.

The enemy's state is very strong, and he can fight against them for a short time. He is still confident that they will win in the end.

But there is still Thor watching outside, and Yakino knows that he must not fight for a long time, and now he must break out and leave.

According to the intelligence, the No.20 Legion and the Third Legion are on their way. He breaks out to fight with them and then outflanks them. In this way, he can still win by cooperating internally and externally.

Even if the barbarians in the city can't hold it, it's the same. The manpower he left behind is enough to destroy the city with a single fire.

Yakino thought well, but he ignored a problem, that is, where did the information he received come from.

After Yakino withdrew, Ma Chao also stopped the pursuit in good time.

Liu Hua told him that once Yakino was defeated, he must not pursue him, but must take advantage of the momentum to attack the city.

Anyway, there was a ball of light hanging in the sky, and the surroundings were like daytime, so there was no problem at all in attacking the city at this time.

"Soldiers! We have defeated the Sixth Eagle Banner of Rome. This is the first powerful legion we have defeated, but it will definitely not be the last...Follow me now, let's go..."

Ma Chao, who was mobilizing impassionedly, was taken aback. He received Liu Hua's voice transmission, but why was Liu Hua's voice full of anger.

"...Go and rest!" Ma Chao changed the subject, then left the bewildered barbarian soldiers behind, and ran back to look for Liu Hua. He didn't know why Liu Hua was so angry.

In his impression, Liu Hua should have always been a gentle and elegant image with wisdom in his hands.

"What happened to Ziyang? Did I do something wrong?" Ma Chao asked cautiously. He knew that he was not smart enough, so he was convinced of the arrangement of these wise men. He was worried that he would disrupt a certain plan of Liu Hua.

"No, Meng Qi, you have done a good job, even better than I expected. From today onwards, your barbarian army should be regarded as a real entry into the house. You have done a good job in this regard!"

Liu Hua shook his head and praised Ma Chao a lot.

"I'm angry with those two idiots, Loki and Thor. They left an empty city and didn't want it, but they led troops to chase the retreating Sixth Triumph Legion."

Liu Hua looked like he had seen a ghost, he really didn't expect that he would have such a pig teammate.

You are all infantry, and the quality is not as good as the sixth. How can you catch up when the sixth retreats first.

If the Roman army came to support them on the road, they might be defeated.

It's unbelievable that the chief and deputy of an army don't understand such a simple truth.

"Without them, this city cannot be taken today!"

Liu Hua was helpless, he had calculated thousands of times, but he still missed people's hearts.

He had missed his heart, forgetting that this is not the Central Plains, not the big pit full of wise men, these people outside are really... plain, without any wisdom at all.

It can be seen from the fact that Loki and Thor left the camp to go after Yakino, and it was so stupid that it couldn't be more stupid.

But what Liu Hua didn't expect was that this was the reason for the different worldviews of the two sides.

For Thor and Loki, it doesn't matter whether they take the city or not. Winning the sixth eagle flag is the greatest achievement. They have never valued cities in the west.

From Liu Hua's point of view, taking a city is not as important as taking a mere legion.

Relying on the city can fully achieve the value of offensive and defensive aliens, and then they will be able to advance, attack, retreat, and defend.

Instead of being entangled by a nail like it is now.

Even though their strategy at the beginning was to surround the spot and fight for aid, it will be more meaningful if they can win this spot.

The strategy is that the dead are the ones who live, and the stupidity of Loki and Thor made it hard for Liu Hua to accept.

"It's a pity!" Liu Hua shook his head, looking at the city not far away, and missed the best chance to win the city.

Waving his sleeve angrily, the light ball in the sky was instantly extinguished.

(End of this chapter)

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