Chapter 481 Angry Guo Hao
When he arrived at the county called Licheng, Guo Hao's complexion improved a lot, at least the life in the county he saw was good.

Whether it is the residents who come and go or the vendors who pass by, the faces are filled with unstoppable joy and ease.

"Come here, Feng Xiao, try this, I heard that this is the latest development project, try it and see how it goes!" Li Xin, who had already separated, got out of nowhere, and then gave Guo Hao a hand Paper wrapped sugar.

"How is this candy made? There are words on the candy?" Guo Hao looked at the candy in his hand in amazement. There was a very clear herringbone in the middle.

It's not surprising that this thing is placed in modern times, but if it is placed in ancient times, this thing is a novelty.

"I don't know. I heard that it was made by a foreigner in this city. It's very popular. I came here this time to investigate this."

Li Xin threw the sugar into his mouth and smacked his lips. I have to say that the taste is really good.

"Feng Xiao, you are a student who has seen the world, you help my brother analyze it, how about this thing!"

Li Xin said sincerely that he does not do much serious business, and he is always easy to be fooled when he listens to people's hype. It happens that there is a fellow who has seen the world.

"This thing is good, but I don't know how many kinds there are. Brother Li has seen a treasure this time. This thing is worth investing in!"

Guo Hao sighed a little. Sure enough, players can change this era very much. This candy seems not worth mentioning, but in a subtle way, it has indeed begun to enlighten the people.

"My brother is illiterate, but I heard from the shopkeeper that this candy is in the thousand-character script, a pack of [-] pieces, and it sells for five yuan, and it can also be disassembled for sale."

Li Xin scratched his head. He heard the hype from the shopkeeper, and almost paid for it at that time. After all, there were quite a lot of people buying candy in the shop at that time, but he was cautious and planned to wait and see.

Because although the shopkeeper is talking about hype, there are really very few people who talk about cooperation. There must be a reason for abnormal things, and he doesn't want to be involved in some strange incidents.

After listening to Li Xin's words, Guo Hao grasped the aura. It seems that this is not a normal situation. There seems to be an invisible thread connecting the robbers on the road and the abnormality of the store.

"Let's go, brother, take me with you. I'm also very interested in such a project!" Guo Hao thought for a while, and decided to participate in it himself. This kind of project is indeed beneficial to the country and the people, so he would rather See what's tricky here.

When Guo Hao came to the store, the retail store on the first floor was busy, but the second floor seemed deserted.

The shopkeeper had a sad look on his face that couldn't be erased, but seeing Li Xin go and come back, and bring Guo Hao and the others back together, the shopkeeper still forcibly cheered up and came in front of them.

"Several, but are you interested in my candy making?" The shopkeeper greeted him with a professional smile, but the sadness on his brows couldn't be removed.

"Shopkeeper, it's a good thing, we are all interested, but you seem to have to tell us the truth, your situation is not normal!"

Hearing Guo Hao's words, the shopkeeper's smile faltered, and he was silent for a while, inviting a few people to sit down rather decadently.

"To be honest, everyone has seen the situation. You also know that our boss is a stranger. This project is also a good project. It's a pity that someone is eyeing this thing."

The shopkeeper organized the language, and Guo Hao, who had an aura of being friendly to the people, asked in person. It was difficult for anyone to refuse his question, not to mention that it was a well-known thing in Licheng, and there was nothing to hide.

"Our boss used to build the factory by himself. The Thousand-Character Candy we researched together with a few friends is also very popular in Li City."

The shopkeeper recalled bitterly that he followed the owner from the very beginning, and he saw the establishment of the store with his own eyes. The current situation really made him a little sad.

"But the tree attracts the wind. The biggest business in Licheng is the Zhen family. The Zhen family has their eyes on the owner's technology and directly blocked all raw material factories. We have no technology and factories, but no raw materials. There is no way to produce."

"What's being sold now is the stock from the past, and it won't last long." The shopkeeper sighed, saying that their owner is capable of opening a factory, but he is also a person with energy, but it's a pity that he is far behind the Zhen family.

"That's why you want to use technology to cash in? Are you planning to leave this place and start developing again?" Guo Hao probably understood the whole thing.

This is indeed a fact that has nothing to say, normal business competition, but the size difference between the two parties is too large, causing Yiren to surrender and admit defeat, admitting his failure and planning to exchange cash for a comeback.

"Theoretically speaking, it wouldn't be so deserted. This thousand-character candy discerning person seems to know that it is definitely beneficial." Guo Hao continued to ask.

"Didn't you encounter bandits who robbed the way when you came here?" The shopkeeper asked angrily.

"I understand!" Guo Hao nodded, expressing his understanding of this. Collusion between government and businessmen, monopoly, this capitalist method is not clever, but it is indeed very effective.

Regardless of whether the officials in the county were involved in Zhen Ji's incident, it is the greatest dereliction of duty to allow robbers to run rampant outside the county.

"Call your boss over here, the old man next to me wants to discuss a business with you!"

Guo Hao shook his head, expressing his extreme dissatisfaction with finding a loophole in his first private visit on a micro-service. If such a thing happened in a majestic county, the city guard thought it was in the previous dynasty?

Even in the previous dynasty, such behavior can be called dereliction of duty, which is really infuriating.

Just thinking of this, Guo Hao's nameless fire rose. He thought that the atmosphere in the county was good, but he thought there was something hidden in it.

Collusion between government and businessmen, bullying shops, these are nothing, no one is perfect, these are actually not considered faults in Guo Hao's eyes, and it is enough to warn and make corrections.

What really made Guo Hao angry was that the government condoned robbery and hurt people. Although Li Xin passed through safely, where did those caravans who were not as tough as Li Xin go?
From what happened in the sugar store, it can be seen that none of the caravans came to this city, and the surrounding cities did not receive any news.

So how many bones were buried on the outskirts of the county?
How many innocent people are in these bones?
"Zilong is going to take over the camp of the county city. If you come to evil, go and arrest those guys before me!" Guo Hao didn't bother to hide it. This county city disappointed him so much.

(End of this chapter)

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