Chapter 233

It seems that Chen Xi has a lot of money and has nowhere to spend it, where is he engaging in extravagance and corruption.

But in fact, Chen Xi just threw some sprouts of the industrial chain into the palace, and then copied the template to other places when the process matured.

There are so many places in the palace that are useless. Anyway, as the eldest princess, Liu Ying has nothing to do, so it would be nice to help out as a tester.

And this move is also to prevent the various aristocratic families from messing around, before the industry is mature, after all, the small industry in the bud cannot withstand the ravages of the aristocratic family.

Throwing it in the palace, with the palace guards there, greatly reduces the chance of being messed up by the aristocratic family.


When Li Ru walked back to his house, it was already dawn.

Talked with Huangfusong all night, most of the time he was answering Huangfusong's questions, even he couldn't help feeling tired, Huangfusong had too many questions, but he had to pinch his nose to admit Well, he was the only one who made the Manchu Dynasty both political and military, and he was the only one who could analyze Huangfusong.

"nailed it?"

Just when Li Ru was about to open the door to enter the house, Jia Xu appeared in the shadows.

"Successful, Huangfusong is exactly what you thought." Li Ru was not surprised, it was normal for Jia Xu to appear, this matter was promoted by Jia Xu, without Jia Xu it would be difficult for him to convince Huangfusong.

"In this case, military training will not be a problem, and the predicament we faced before has finally been improved." Jia Xu followed Li Ru into the door, thinking brokenly.

"What do you want to say?" Li Ru turned to look at Jia Xu, he didn't believe that Jia Xu came to him to confirm Huangfusong's attitude.

"Dong Bai's problem..." Jia Xu said angrily, he couldn't get away with this matter.

"Hehe, the general will handle it himself, Jia Wen and you should do less work."

Li Ru directly grabbed Jia Xu and threw him out of the door. What a joke, he asked his brother-in-law how to break up the engagement, Li Ru would be ashamed.

Jia Xu patted his buttocks and stood up from the ground, his expression was full of helplessness, he had screwed himself to death with this matter.

The matter between the eldest princess and the general is not easy to deal with. You can't really let the eldest princess be a child. You can't let him personally take charge of this matter. Obviously, it is most appropriate for Li Ru to come forward in this capacity.

"Oh, hard work!" Jia Xu shook his head and disappeared into the shadows.

Guo Hao was a little manic, he couldn't gather seven legions to wipe out the seven thieves.

To say that before sending seven full-scale legions to deal with these thieves, it would be over, but after the system is balanced, he really has no way to estimate the strength of these thieves.

The Black Mountain Army in Jizhou is not a big problem. Qu Yi took the lead and landed in Jizhou first, and cooperated with the local soldiers in Jizhou, they can completely deal with the Black Mountain bandits in Jizhou. It's too outrageous, the system is completely targeting the Han Empire.

Guo Hao reckoned at most seven full-blown dual-talents plus dozens of internal qi separation bodies. It would be impossible to have more, and he couldn't really deal with him according to the previous scale.

The aristocratic family that has already been cut once can still make up the lineup of Hulaoguan, so Guo Hao has nothing to say, so he can only smash the basic board, bring back all the troops, and deal with the mess first.

The commanders of the large army at hand: Xu Rong, Zhu Jun, Lu Zhi, Yang Lin, and Han Shizhong, there should be no problem for one person to be paired with some fierce generals and counselors, but there are only six armies, and he can't be the last one. Let's fight?
Do you want Huangfusong to go? Guo Hao threw this idea out of his mind in a second. Huangfusong should stay in Luoyang honestly. The Eighth School of Xiyuan and the shield guard are still waiting for him to train. We can't delay it for the sake of suppressing bandits Will you support the plans for the Western Regions and Yizhou in the future?
By the way, let the players go!
Guo Hao clapped his hands suddenly, thinking of certain groups that he had ignored.

Just let the players go to brush the dungeon, and throw Liangshan in Qingzhou to the players, and just after the battle, some soldiers can be trained to serve as the pioneers of Dongdu.

Do as soon as you think of it, Guo Hao summoned all the players on the list in Huaxia.

"Everyone must have received the notice from above, you must cooperate with my actions in this world!" Guo Hao's words silenced the chaotic players below.

Isn't that right, people are more popular than people, Guo Hao can talk to the country on an equal footing, but they can only be checked by the water meter, that's it.

However, they all got their jobs because of this, and for some of them, it was a blessing in disguise.

"Very well. Everyone in the eastern countries also knows that our first target in the national war is them. Now we need a group of pioneers. Is there anyone who is not willing to go?"

Guo Hao's words, a stone will stir up a thousand waves, hit Dongpu, this thing is too delicious.

However, some players raised their hands: "General, we life players still have development projects on hand, should we stop?"

Guo Hao frowned, he really didn't know about this aspect, "What project?"

"Magnetic levitation transport vehicle!"

Guo Hao has heard of some projects, and Guo Hao has never heard of some projects, but just by the names, he knows that they are all important projects.

"Forget it, the development of these projects will be a great contribution, and both sides will reward you when the time comes."

Guo Hao thought about it, and let these life players develop honestly. There are also many players who are mainly engaged in combat, so there is no need to give up eating because of choking.

After some life player representatives left, the rest of the hall were Guo Hao's familiar faces.

"Is there any support you want?" Guo Hao broke the silence. After all, they were fighting to death before, and now he has turned into their boss. It feels really weird.

"Is there a general in charge?" Li Changsheng hesitated for a moment, but he was the first to speak out. After all, he and Guo Hao had nothing against each other. His generals were about to run away with Yuan Shao. He insisted that he had a grudge against Yuan Shao, and now he is My own boss, there is no need to be deadlocked.

"Tai Shici, Gan Ning, Xu Sheng, Ding Feng, just a few of them, the rest may be Sun Ce and Zhou Yu from Youzhou to help you." Guo Hao thought about Liangshan's lineup, and there seemed to be nothing particularly worth paying attention to. The people who have been recruited, they dragged a few Jiangdong military generals who have researched water warfare over there.

"Materials and other things are enough, but the strength can only give you two full-staffed single-talented double-talented mixed legions. When the time comes, you can recruit soldiers on the spot. Whoever has the highest contribution will be the governor of Qingzhou, who will be in charge of Qingzhou. things."

"Can I take away my former army?" Zhang Su raised his hand and asked.

"Well, Huangfusong was upgraded to a shield guard. You can take it away with you when the time comes. As for how to divide the work at that time, that's your business. I don't care." Guo Hao waved his hand, signaling Zhang Su to do whatever he wanted. He seemed to remember it too. Even if the [-] people are still there, the others have already returned to their hometowns in the three frontier states.

(End of this chapter)

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