"It's a bit bad. The effect on the opposite side has turned these tauren into difficult existences!"

Caracalla frowned, Lucius' attack route was blocked, even if he crossed the complicated environment, he might not be able to cause much trouble to the opponent.

Undoubtedly, the opponent's response was excellent, especially the opponent's commander-in-chief, there is absolutely no problem with a good general.

The tauren in front of the opponent are a bit too powerful for the barbarians.

Every time there was a drumbeat, all the tauren took a big step forward, then swung their axes to kill the barbarians who were attacking the defense line, and then retreated when the drumbeat paused.

It's like the waves are hitting the reef, and the cycle goes on and on until the reef is swallowed.

Although the barbarians were attacking frantically, the Han army's front line suffered a heavy blow, but as long as these tauren don't fall, the opponent's front line will never collapse. On the contrary, they have suffered heavy losses.

"Report, Legion Commander, we found that Sun Quan of the Han army is coming here, he should be planning to pinch our army!" The centurion of the Fifth Skylark brought bad news.

"Karakala, I'll lead someone to charge head-on, pay attention to the timing!"

After Ania heard the words, she said a word to Caracalla, and then set off with the headquarters.

Taking the risk of flanking is not what good generals do. Even if they intend to train the reserve force, they have to defeat Cao Pi in the front first.

In the headquarters led by Ania, the talent is the integration of strength and the talent of preparing heavy infantry.

When Ania led the headquarters to meet the tauren, the invincible tauren finally stopped pushing back for the first time.

When the tauren struck down with the big axe, Ania's soldiers only slightly tilted the big shield, and the big shield that was cut made a dull sound, while the soldiers attacked the tauren without incident.

"The Praetorian Guard? If I remember correctly, only the Eagle Banner Legion is the Praetorian Guard in Rome, right?" Cao Pi looked at Ania solemnly.

"Newly promoted? Rome is really tricky!"

Cao Pi observed it and found that it should be some kind of legion that is better at dealing with force strikes. Although it can block the attack of the tauren, the counterattack also does not pose much threat to the tauren.

"I remember this should be the integration of forces? Is it just to restrain the tauren fighters?" Cao Pi was indifferent. When the tauren was restrained, the pressure on the front line would be infinitely magnified.

Sure enough, when the tauren's counterattack disappeared, the originally dangerous defense line was instantly broken, and obvious loopholes appeared one after another.

However, Cao Pi had already estimated that he had set up three layers of defense. The moment the first direction fell, his second line of defense would win, but the problem still could not be solved.

There are too many savages on the other side. If the impact goes on like this, it is very likely that the formation will be overwhelmed. Even if there is a camp to defend and counterattack, it will probably be ugly.

"Excuse me, Karl hasn't brought Sun Quan here yet?" Cold sweat began to break out on Cao Pi's forehead. It was really bad that he didn't have a general who could handle it alone.

He vaguely understood why Cao Cao denied his way. Did he need someone to help him after all?

Shaking his head, he pushed the distracting thoughts out of his mind.

"Move the battle line back, enter the camp to defend and counterattack! Chen Chi, lead your troops to build a defensive line in the camp." Cao Pi took a deep breath and continued to command the army to fight.

His current goal is to hold the opponent back, and when Sun Quan arrives, he can flank the opponent. The opponent has at least three times as many people as him, so the odds of winning the fight are too small.

"Wolf cavalry attack, run circles from the flanks, harass the enemy, and buy more time!" Cao Pi understood that after the wolf cavalry attacked, there was a high probability that it would not come back, but in order to buy time, he had to send the wolf cavalry Throw it out as a scapegoat.

At this time, I can only lose the army and protect the commander-in-chief.

Accompanied by the sound of dull drums, the wolf cavalry rushed from the flanks to Manzi's rear diagonally, interspersed back and forth, disrupting Manzi's hands every time.

This scene fell in Caracalla's eyes, he hesitated for a moment, he threw out the headquarters and the Demon Sword Legion, and tried his best to encircle and suppress the Wolf Cavalry Legion.

He knew that this was the other party's plan to delay the attack, but the five thousand wolf cavalry was indeed a valuable bait. If they could strangle them faster, then the other party would accompany his wife and collapse again. This was a very tempting temptation.

Even though Cao Pi's strategy could be seen, Caracalla chose to swallow the bait.


The wolf cavalry rushed towards Caracalla's headquarters with the momentum of a charge, and as a result, both men and horses retreated a few steps. Caracalla's headquarters is a dual-talented headquarters trained through the Rose Army Soul, which is similar enough to the original Thirteen Roses.

The position itself is a guard. After all, Caracalla's identity is quite special, so it is also special in the legion.

The damage from the defensive counterattack caused the crispy wolf cavalry to fall instantly.

Realizing that something was wrong, the commander of the wolf cavalry shouted, as if leading his troops to fight out from the chaos and regroup.

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, the Demon Sword Legion entered the formation forcefully, instantly blocking the retreat of the Wolf Cavalry Legion.

Lu Wu's big sword frantically beheaded the Wolf Cavalry Legion, and the blood spurted out was absorbed by the big sword of the Devil Sword Legion, followed by a coquettish blood light, making the Devil Sword Legion look more evil at the same time become stronger.

Even at the end, the soldiers of the Devil Sword Legion could split the wolf cavalry soldiers in half with a man and a wolf.

Cao Pi, who lived on the high platform, watched the death speed of the wolf cavalry with a gloomy face. It was much faster than he expected, and there were actually two guards on the other side.

And one of them is the Eagle Banner Legion, if he is not mistaken, it is the Devil Sword Legion of Rome.

Lucius of the rear battalion finally overcame many obstacles and began to march towards the main formation.

Although it is a double talent, the light from the eagle flag held high by Lucius on the other side casts a red glow on the weapons in the hands of his reserve soldiers, and the lethality visible to the naked eye becomes stronger.

All of a sudden, the mercenary groups that Cao Pi arranged on the periphery died suddenly, and the rate of damage was astonishingly high.

However, before they died, they also took away many Roman barbarians and soldiers. Basically, if a small group of hundreds of people did not die, the same number of barbarians and a small number of soldiers would die on the Roman side.

"Hmph, it's almost there!" Cao Pi snorted coldly as he looked at the camp being pinched from front to back, and activated his talent as a monarch. As a young monarch who can come out and be independent, he naturally has it too.

"Xing Sha!"

The effect of Cao Pi's monarch talent is also simple. In layman's terms, it can pull the power of dead soldiers back to living soldiers.

This is why Cao Pi chose many mercenaries to be placed on the periphery, because each of them has a special racial talent and does not have the organization and discipline of a regular army.

But Cao Pi's talent as a monarch makes up for this, first let the mercenaries fight the enemy, and then call their power back to bless the elite under his command.

Although it cannot be summoned back 100%, the bonus it brings is extremely impressive.

Especially the soldiers who fought against the front line, it seemed that everyone had become tauren fighters for a while, and the originally crumbling formation instantly stabilized.

"Flame! Thunder! Wind Blade!"

The moment the Blood Elf Legion was blessed, they began to unleash the magic storm they had been brewing for a long time, attacking like a rain of arrows and falling into the formation of Roman barbarians.

Cao Pi has already seen that these Roman barbarians occupy the main body, and he can only stop Ania and others from advancing by disrupting the attacking rhythm of these barbarians.

He recalled that Sima Yi once taught him how to command and decisively shrink the line of defense, so that the Roman Citizen Legion was stopped by the Barbarian Legion, and the frontal pressure was instantly reduced a lot.

After this stalemate lasted for a while, Caracalla, who finally wiped out the wolf cavalry, noticed the chaotic battlefield.

While recalling Lucius, he ordered the barbarian army to encircle Cao Pi's camp in one go.


The explosion of the army's attack aroused Cao Pi's joy, and Sun Quan's troops had arrived.

Although there are only vanguard troops, it is excellent news for him.

"Kill!" Xu Sheng rushed to the battlefield with three thousand cavalry, and then directly slammed into Manzi's lower back.

Although there was an early warning from the Fifth Skylark, it was still difficult for the barbarians to change their formation. If they could complete the formation quickly, they would not be barbarians.

Formed barbarian archers frantically set fire to the iron cavalry led by Xu Sheng.

However, when the first wave of arrow rain fell, Caracalla recognized it instantly. This was the Xiliang cavalry of the Han Empire. Arrows below a certain level were meaningless to the opponent.

"Come on, kill these Romans!"

Xu Sheng laughed wildly, directly ignoring the arrow rain and entering the Roman formation.

With the best charging distance and almost no damage to the morale of the rain of arrows, the Xiliang iron cavalry led by Xu Sheng directly smashed the two legions of the Roman barbarians in less than a quarter of an hour.

"Xiliang iron cavalry?" Cao Pi's face showed deep fear. If Rome hadn't blocked the knife for him, this team of Xiliang iron cavalry would be attacking his army.

He didn't expect the appearance of this legion at all. It can be said that if the other party hadn't taken the initiative to expose it, this move might have become a lore.

"However, how can Xiliang cavalry run so fast?"

Cao Pi looked at the Xiliang iron cavalry who were killing and slaughtering in a strange way, and did not advance the front line, on the contrary, it further shrunk the front line.

Sun Quan's army is about to arrive, and he must not collapse at this time.

"Checking and balancing is really a magic skill!"

Xu Sheng was extremely excited. Sun Quan's checks and balances helped the Xiliang iron cavalry to achieve a breakthrough in speed. Although it was still not very fast, it was no longer a disgrace to the cavalry. At least it was much faster than the heavy cavalry on the way.

Speaking of which, Sun Quan was also inspired by Cao Pi. With the idea that Cao Pi could hire soldiers, so could he, Sun Quan, and spent money to hire a Xiliang iron cavalry to fight in Xiliang.

The instructors of the Xiliang iron cavalry also intentionally let these iron cavalry recruits participate in the war to temper them more, so they were put on Sun Quan's territory after reporting.

Originally, Sun Quan wanted to give Cao Pi a surprise, but this time he agreed with the outside world, so he didn't continue to hide. The people who smashed Rome are more valuable than Cao Pi.

"Lucius, go and kill them, I'll help Ania break through, the other side's reinforcements are coming!" Caracalla roared, took the headquarters to take over Ania's position, and resisted the tauren's attack , Let Ania destroy Cao Pi's front.

The talent of power integration is not only reflected in defense, but also has a powerful effect when converted into power attack.

In order to deal with the strong slashing of the tauren before, she couldn't move her hands. Now that Caracalla is replacing her, she can finally flex her muscles.

The Ania Headquarters, which got rid of the tauren, quickly attacked, and the sword and shield soldiers on the front were almost destroyed at the touch of a touch. For a force of the Imperial Guard level, the dual-talented sword and shield soldiers were still too weak.

Cold sweat broke out on Cao Pi's forehead. If he hadn't shrunk the battle line just now, he would have sent it if he had done more. The caution and suspicion inherited from Cao Cao helped him.

Soon Xu Sheng's assault was stopped, and even a dual-talented iron cavalry could hardly face the Demon Sword Legion led by Lucius, after all, it was a regular Eagle Banner Legion.

Even the weakest group cannot be suppressed by dual talents.

"Ha!" Xu Sheng slashed at Lucius fiercely with a big knife, intending to break through the gap through Lucius.

But when Lucius's big sword easily parted his big knife, and left a deep and visible scar on his chest with his backhand, Xu Sheng turned around and left.

What a joke, such a young breaker, it can't be that old guy pretending to be tender.

After Xu Sheng withdrew with his cavalry, the three thousand cavalry shrunk by half, and nearly a thousand were lost while fighting Lucius.

The cautious Xu Sheng began to attract Lucius' attention from the periphery. The advantage of the cavalry lies here, they can take the initiative in the battle and cut in at any time.


Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, a wave of arrows rained down. It was a longbow from Danyang. After integrating the strength of several people, no matter what kind of strong bow it was, it could be pulled away.

"This is really troublesome!" Caracalla smiled wryly, regretting her decision to eat the wolf cavalry just now, she should increase the frontal oppression, and first overthrow Cao Pi.

It's a pity that they were blinded by the bait, and now they are caught in a double attack. Maybe they will lose.

"Caracalla, don't give up, kill through the camp, we still have a chance!" Ania seemed to see Caracalla's thoughts, roared, and then stepped up her attack on Cao Pi's front.

Caracalla smiled wryly, and followed Anyia to attack.

Rome can lose, but Rome must not be persuaded, and it will not really die, kill.

See who can't hold on first, they will eventually have more numbers and occupy a greater advantage.

"Finally caught up!" Lu Meng looked at the chaotic battlefield in front of him, and instantly found several entry points.

Even without the help of the God of War, he is still the commander of a large army, and he can still command at least 5 people.

Posted a bit late, next time will post sooner

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