Wasteland Love Game

Chapter 400 397. The Autobiography of the Gundam Driver

Chapter 400 397. The Autobiography of the Gundam Driver
My name is Miranda, and I am an active soldier in Federation Special Forces and one of only five Gundam pilots in the unit.

My childhood was not good, let alone worth remembering.I was born in a slum in the Whitechapel district. My parents were low-level workers with meager wages. They could only eat cheap synthetic food and expired food for a living. Meat and fresh vegetables were even more extravagant.

My peers in the slums often laughed at me, saying that my name was for women and that I was not manly at all.

I later asked my parents why they named me "Miranda".

I originally thought that they would be like those superstitious magic sticks in Longmen District, thinking that giving me a female name would help me ward off disasters and avoid evil spirits.

But they just told me that "Miranda" was the brand name of their favorite synthetic food.

Well, I should never have expected anything from them.They are just illiterate workers who can't even write two words and have no money to install knowledge chips for themselves.

After elementary school, I dropped out of school as a matter of course, just like the rest of my peers in the ghetto.

In order to alleviate the financial pressure at home, most children will choose to enter factories or other places where they can work, and then repeat the life of their parents.

But my thoughts are different, I chose to be a soldier.Maybe it's because I don't want to live my parents' life again, or maybe it's because I was teased by my peers since I was a child, so I want to do things differently from them.

Since the nuclear war, most of the countries and civilizations in the world have been burned.There is almost no threat from the enemy country in Yeshu City, and people's minds have become comfortable and lazy.

The dream of most ordinary citizens is basically to find a stable and easy job, or to find an opportunity to make a lot of money and soar into the sky. People like me who want to join the army have become an outlier.

After joining the Union Security Army, I became a low-level soldier, and I stayed there for five years.

I have experienced hell-like training intensity, cleaned toilets for several months, been bullied and oppressed by officers and seniors, and was often ridiculed by my comrades-in-arms. Even my salary was only a little more than that of my parents working in the factory.

I thought about giving up.But when I think of that run-down slum in Whitechapel, with its stench and hopeless eyes, I don't want to go back.

I hope that one day I can move my whole family out of the slums, or at least live in a civilian apartment in Whitechapel, and eat real meat a few times a month instead of cheap and unnutritious synthetic meat.

Such days have been going on, and I have always been the leader of the bottom, without any chance of promotion.

Until one day, a commissioner from the Radiation Bird Company came to our army and said that some kind of test was going to be carried out.

"Boy, your Gundam suitability is 95%, which can be said to be the third best among those I have tested!"

After the test, the Radiant Bird Commissioner excitedly shook my hand.Haha, I still remember his flushed cheeks, as if he was looking for me for a relationship.

"The superior has decided that you will be the pilot of the Gundam "Bayemon". "The next day, the officer came to find me and solemnly announced to me:

"From now on, you are no longer a corporal of our security army, but a special soldier of the Federation's special forces!"

After that, I became a Gundam driver.My body has undergone a 50.00% mechanical transformation, and the Alaya mental sensor that can link to the Gundam cockpit is installed on the spine.

Since then, my life has also taken off.

Those officers and seniors in the army who had bullied me had to bow again and again when they saw me, and no one dared to laugh at my name anymore.

I remember a new recruit who didn't know my rank and position, laughed and said to me, "Miranda? Isn't that a woman's name?"

I punched the recruit in the face and yelled angrily, "What's wrong with Miranda being a man's name?!"

Just as the recruit was about to wrestle with me, his officer ran over and slapped him a few times, kicked him to the ground, and asked cursingly, "How dare you touch him? Do you know if he is Who?"

Seeing the recruit dragged away by the officer in aggrieved manner, I felt an indescribable sense of joy in my heart.

This is not gloating, but glad that I have finally reached the pinnacle of my own life. It is a mistake for others to even laugh at my name.In other words, "laughing at other people's names" itself is a wrong thing, but I used to have to endure others doing wrong things to me, but now I don't need to endure it anymore.

Out of preferential treatment for special soldiers, my parents were arranged to live in a relatively high-end military family building in the middle-level area.

My salary is enough to feed them real meat and veggies every meal, and as for that synthetic junk food branded Miranda, to hell with it!

I can have such a beautiful life, on the one hand, thanks to my daring to fight, and on the other hand, I have to thank the Chaebol Federation.It was the Chaebol Federation who offered me an olive branch and gave me a chance to change my life.

As a Gundam pilot, I usually don't need to participate in combat missions, as long as I persist in training every day to ensure that I can pilot the mobile suit proficiently.

Until today, I ushered in the first mission in my life.That is to drive mobile suits and defeat the rebels who are trying to attack the central area.

I drove my mobile suit "Bayemon" and appeared on the battlefield with the other four Gundams.

My officer told me that these rebels are trying to overthrow the Plutocratic Federation and disrupt the order of Yeshu City, so they will kill without mercy.

As a soldier in the chaebol army, my life achievements and superior life are all given to me by the chaebol federation.So I, Miranda, will never tolerate the existence of these rebels, let alone allow the chaebol federation to be overthrown by these troublemakers.

I activated the laser sword of "Bayemon" and began to sweep at the enemy.

Wherever the laser sword sweeps, smoke and blood will be splashed.I could hear the screams of the enemy from the cockpit, which filled me with both horror and excitement.

That's right, just keep killing like this.Get rid of all the enemies of the Zaibatsu Federation, because it is my benefactor!
"Bayemon, it is detected that an unknown missile is coming from the sky. The speed is extremely fast, please dodge!" Suddenly, another comrade-in-arms driving a mobile suit sent me an urgent message.

"Missile? What's going on?!" My nerves suddenly became tense, and I tried to continue talking to him:

"Bayeli, please speak clearly! Please report the direction and speed of the missile!"

Before I could finish my question, a huge impact blasted into my cockpit.

The missile named "Gungnir Holy Spike" penetrated the cockpit, and I also felt a sharp pain in the waist, and I almost lost consciousness. No, my lower body has already lost consciousness, and I can't feel my arms at all. leg.

"Bayemon was hit?Are you alive, Miranda? "I heard my comrades ask me through the wireless communication equipment in the cabin, that guy is the pilot of the mech "Bayeli".

But I didn't have the strength to answer him.

In the wireless communication device, several other drivers are talking to each other:

""Beret" was also hit by an unknown missile in the cockpit, the driver was seriously injured! "Asmodeus" and "Baram" were only injured by missiles, and they can continue to fight! "

Damn, I can't say anything.If my guess is correct, I should have been amputated by the impact of the missile.If I look down now, maybe I can see my upper and lower body separated.
I chose to use my last strength to open the door of the cockpit. I knew that my life was not long, but I wanted to breathe the air of Yehu City at the last moment, and take a look at this city that made me fight for it.

At that moment, my five senses seemed to be infinitely magnified.Countless noisy voices poured into my ears, and I heard voices from the battlefield:
"Fight for the people!"

"We can't let the chaebol federation continue to oppress us and make them pay the price!"

"For a better tomorrow for the city, attack!"

Strange, where are these sounds coming from?Seems like it's coming from the Rebels?

It is clear that the rebels are troublemakers who disturb the stability of the city. Why do they say "fight for the beauty of the city"?

No, I get it, I seem to get it
If it weren't for Gundam's high adaptability, I would still be a low-level leader who can be bullied, and my parents would continue to live in the slums and eat the damn "Miranda".

I have made great achievements because the Chaebol Federation has taken a fancy to me.

But the peers in the slums, they want their ancestors to stay in the slums for generations and continue to live a lingering life.

As for the soldiers in the army who were at the same time as me, I am afraid they will only be the top soldiers for the rest of their lives, receiving meager wages and being bullied by the officers and seniors.

Obviously, the chaebols are so rich that they can improve everyone's lives by just distributing some money every year.But the Chaebol Federation never thought of doing this
It's really unfair, this city. Why can there be such a big difference in life between the bottom and the top?And why do I take all this for granted, and even feel grateful to the chaebol federation for giving me a little favor?

If it was those people in the slums, they would definitely support the actions of the rebels, right?

If I wasn't the driver of the Gundam, I'm afraid I would support the rebels, and even stand on the same front as the rebels below.
Haha my thoughts are so strange
What a lousy city, what the hell.
How stupid am I? What am I guarding?
so tired and sleepy
I'm asleep, don't wake me up, Bayemon
(End of this chapter)

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