Wasteland Love Game

Chapter 379 376. Destined Misfortune

Chapter 379 376. Destined Misfortune

After that, Asouyoshi Chiyo and all the third-grade Class A students took Qin Jinyin to the infirmary and comforted her for a while.

Asou Yoshiyo confessed to the class that she was engaged to the class, and that it was not her intention to take away the special enrollment spot.

Perhaps because of the excitement of experiencing the rest of life after death, coupled with the sincerity of Chiyo Asouyoshi, Qin Jinyin finally calmed down and expressed apology to the chaebol lady.

After learning that Qin Jinyin was unable to pay her college tuition, some students from well-to-do families volunteered their pocket money to help her.

——It’s a really good class.
Witnessing the warm scene of classmates helping each other, Yasou Yoshiyo couldn't help sighing softly.

She is also going to help Qin Jinyin finish her college studies at her own expense. After all, this little money is just a drop in the bucket for her personal savings.

As for the class teacher who spoke rudely, Asouyoshi Chiyo was going to join the whole class to report him.However, this teacher has been an "elite and outstanding teacher" in Uptown High School for more than ten consecutive years. Presumably the school will spare no effort to keep him, and it will probably be nothing in the end.

In short, this unexpected incident finally ended in a good direction.Thanks to that classmate who suddenly appeared at the bottom of the teaching building and rescued Qin Jinyin, otherwise Yoshiyo Asou would be guilty for the rest of his life.

"Speaking of which, who was the hero who saved classmate Qin just now?" A classmate asked.

"I went out and asked about it just now, and it seems to be a junior in Class D of the second grade!" Another student replied:
"His name is Chen Entropy. He usually keeps a low profile in school and doesn't have many friends. But it is said that his younger sister is the school goddess in the second grade, so there are still a few people who know him."

"Chen Entropy?" Chiyo Yasouyi stared blankly.

"Invite him up quickly, and thank him well!" A classmate suggested.

"I went to class D of the second grade just now. The teacher said that student Chen had an arm injury, so he left early and went to the hospital to see a doctor." A classmate replied.

"Then we won't be able to see him? Tomorrow is going to be a summer vacation!" The classmate who proposed was anxious.

"But his classmate at the front desk said that he left a note for Ya Shuangyi in our class." That classmate took out a piece of paper.

Asouyoshi Chiyo took the note, on which was written a scribbled and unrestrained text:
"You don't need to thank me~ I wish you a happy wedding~"

"This guy" Asou Yoshiyo folded the paper and put it in his pocket, sighing inexplicably.

After school, Motobu Sakura came to pick her up in a car as usual.

"Well, go back to Tokugawa Club." Yasouyoshi Chiyo thought for a while, then changed his words abruptly: "No, let's go home."

The work of the Tokugawa Club has been completely handed over to her uncle yesterday, and she no longer has to go to that place.

Chiyo returned to her home in Arakawa after a long absence.This is the most luxurious Japanese-style manor in the whole region. The house is a Western-style palace villa, and every inch of wall tiles reveals a luxurious atmosphere.

"Father, mother, I'm back." Chiyo said these lines bluntly, like an ordinary female high school student who just came back from school.

Waiting in the living room was a maid of their family.

"You've worked hard at school, Miss Yashuangyi!" Seeing the little master coming home, the servant asked enthusiastically:
"Your head teacher called just now and said that you have obtained the special enrollment quota of Longmen Jiaotong University. Madam specially asked me to congratulate you!"

"Heh, the family used their connections to help me get these. There is nothing worthy of congratulations." When this topic was mentioned, Chiyo responded with a disappointed expression and smiled wryly.

"The number of special enrollment places can not only be obtained by relying on contacts, but the young master himself must be good enough!" The maid covered her mouth and laughed, and said in a serious manner:
"By the way, Madam said that you will attend the school entrance banquet prepared for you in an hour, and meet your future husband Xu Yaolong by the way. Please follow me to the dressing room as soon as possible, and I will help you dress up!"

"I see." Chiyo lowered her eyes in a little disappointment, and followed the maid towards the dressing room.

Half an hour later, the maid neatly helped Chiyo match a youthful yet elegant dress, and also outlined a beautiful makeup for her, which instantly transformed her from a campus goddess into a socialite.

Afterwards, Sakura Motobu drove her to the presidential box on the top floor of a high-end hotel.

There were about a dozen guests sitting in the box.In addition to Chiyo's parents and relatives, there are also a few unknown guys, who should be from the Xu Group.

"Ah, Xiao Chiyo is here!" As soon as Chiyo entered the box, the first person to greet her was her mother.

"Why so slow?" Her father, the current chairman of Yashuangyi Group, asked flatly.

"What do you know? Girls just need to take some time to dress up!" The mother smacked her lips and blamed: "Today is Xiao Chiyo's school entrance feast anyway, why wait for her for half an hour?"

Immediately afterwards, the mother brought Chiyo to a young man.This is a black-haired young man with a ponytail. He looks about 24 or [-] years old. He has a handsome face and a rather refined temperament.

"This is Xu Yaolongsang, Xiao Qiandai's fiancé." Mother introduced enthusiastically:
"You guys are getting married next week, let's get to know each other well!"

In fact, the families on both sides have long wanted to let the two newcomers meet, and it is best to quickly cultivate the relationship between the two within half a year.It's just that Chiyo has been using "Tokugawa's busy business" as an excuse to escape, making the meeting plan delayed again and again.

So today, Chiyo finally has no excuses to use, so she can only bite the bullet and come to see her future husband.

"Hello, Miss Yashuangyi." Xu Yaolong knew etiquette very well, and took the lead in giving a noble salute to Chiyo:

"My humble servant, Xu Yaolong, is currently working as the Chief Consultant of the Production Technology Department of the Xu Group. It's an honor to meet you."

"How honored?" Asou Yoshiyo's mother asked from the side.

"It's an honor to finally find Yeshu City after wandering penniless in the desert for several days." Xu Yaolong replied unhurriedly.

"Ah, this child's mouth is really clever!" The mother held her face and smiled with satisfaction:
"I give you full marks for social etiquette!"

"Thank you for your approval, mother-in-law." Xu Yaolong nodded neither humble nor overbearing.

My mother made an attack on purpose just now to test Xu Yaolong's ability.As a qualified plutocrat, you should never lose your temper in social situations, even if you are deliberately provoked by the other party.

"I'm also very happy to meet you, Mr. Xu Yaolong." Ya Shuangyi Chiyo hesitated for a moment, but still introduced himself:
"The little girl is Yashuangyi Chiyo. She just graduated from high school today and is about to enter Longmen Jiaotong University."

"I'm still a student." Xu Yaolong's eyes suddenly became deep.

After a brief greeting and introduction, the banquet officially began.

Asou Yoshiyo was the protagonist of this banquet, and naturally became the center of discussion for everyone else.

However, the topic they talked about the most was nothing more than Chiyo's marriage contract.

"Chiyo will be married soon, she must be very happy!"

"Mr. Xu's family is polite and well-versed in civil and military skills. He is really a dragon among men. It is definitely a wise choice for Qiandai to marry him!"

"The wedding in a week's time will be very grand, and it will be broadcast live throughout the city. Chiyo must be impatient, right?"

"Xiao Chiyo must do her best as a wife in the future, and don't cause trouble for Xu Sang~"

The guests at the banquet chatted with each other, but Chiyo became more and more uncomfortable listening to it, and even wanted to order them to shut up loudly.

—Who would expect such a thing?You only think about your own happiness!
Chiyo wanted to shout like that, but she held back.

It is true that Xu Yaolong's first impression on her was pretty good, at least not the kind of cynical playboy.

However, this does not mean that Chiyo will fall in love with this man at first sight, because she already has someone she likes, and it is impossible to pretend to be a second man in her heart.

Halfway through the banquet, Chiyo walked out of the box and came to the balcony to get some air and calm down by the way.

"Is what those people said ugly?" Xu Yaolong also walked into the balcony, and took advantage of the opportunity to lie on the guardrail next to Qiandai:

"It's impossible for you to like someone like me, and this marriage is doomed to be unhappy."

Chiyo didn't seem to have expected Xu Yaolong to speak to her like this, and after a full three seconds of silence, he asked back: "What about you?"

"I think it's so insane that you, a child who is still studying, are tied to the chaebol's chariot." Xu Yaolong sighed softly, and replied:

"If you have a choice, I really hope you can finish college before thinking about marriage."

"." Chiyo lowered her head and remained silent.

"You should have heard some rumors, right?" Xu Yaolong continued:
"Actually, I like men. I already have a man in my heart, so I have no interest in you."

"I already have a man in my heart." Chiyo sighed and said, "I won't fall in love with you either."

"So it turns out that you also have someone you like. But we have no choice, our background dooms us not to be able to freely control our own destiny." Xu Yaolong lamented:

"After you get married, I don't care what you want to do. Even if you go to another man, I won't report you."

"Hahaha~" Hearing this, Chiyo couldn't help laughing:
"I'm very glad that you are such a reasonable person. But is this really okay? You actually take the initiative to allow your future wife to go out and have an affair?"

"The Xu family once threatened me that if I continue to associate with that man, his head will appear in my quilt the next day." Xu Yaolong clenched his fists and frowned:
"In order to save him, I took the initiative to break up with him. But I don't want other people to lose the right to pursue love because of arranged marriages, such as you."

"I" Asoyoshi Chiyo wanted to say something but hesitated.

In other words, Xu Yaolong agreed that she would go to Chen Entropy after marriage?
But is it really good to do this?Xu Yaolong is innocent, should he bear the pressure of "wife cheating" and live alone?

And according to Chen Entropy's character, can he accept himself as Chiyo's lover?

"If it really comes to a point where I have no choice, I will do my best as a wife and forget about that man." Chiyo's eyelids twitched unnaturally, almost forcing herself to speak:

"We are all victims of the chaebol, so you don't have to worry too much about me, and occasionally think about yourself."

"Then, I have no choice but to forget about that man as much as possible." Xu Yaolong smiled wryly and stretched out his hand to Ashuang Yoshiyo: "Please advise me more in the future."

Two plutocrat children who share the same illness shake hands and look at each other.They will become official couple next week, albeit with great reluctance.

In the banquet hall, the family members of the Asia Shuangyi Group and the Xu Group were still chatting:

"Xu Sang and Xiao Qiandai have both gone to the balcony?"

"By the way... they don't seem to like each other, do they?"

"What's the matter? How many of you here are not arranged marriages? Don't you all have happy families now?"

"Born into the family, you have to dedicate yourself to the family. Why do they have to be independent and play with their own personalities?"

"Besides, both of them were twisted together. Maybe they fell in love with each other gradually because of the same disease?"


On the balcony, Chiyo took out the note hidden in his pocket, the note that Chen Entropy handwritten to her today.

"Goodbye." Chiyo threw the note down the tall building, as if trying to discard the memories left in high school.

(End of this chapter)

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