God and mystery

Chapter 268 The Great Retribution Temple

Chapter 268 The Great Retribution Temple
Ji Xiang thought about where this daring prince would live, maybe even in the Forbidden City of Yingtian Mansion, to show his identity. If the Wanli Emperor in the north wanted to be the sun of the world, he would Be the moon of the world.

The sun and the moon are bright.

However, it seems that Lord Lu doesn't seem to have the guts to be so arrogant. Of course, it may be that as a prince, since he wants to divide the world equally, he naturally has to go through some procedures. This is called a sense of ritual.

"I thought the prince would be in the South Forbidden City."

Prince Liejie glanced in the direction of the South Forbidden City: "Whether the prince of that city is present or not, it makes no difference."

"I didn't enter the city just because I haven't completely ascended to immortality yet."

"In Yingtian Mansion, the god above the South Forbidden City prohibits the dragon aura from the feudal lord from entering. Once it senses it, it will be expelled. If you wish, you can blind that god."

"So, it's still possible to get in. It's just that it's easy to cheat the god who has no self, but it's still impossible to sit on the golden throne under the gaze of many adults from the Six Divisions of Yingtian."

"This kind of inability to do it refers to the inability to do it legally."

Ji Xiang suddenly laughed.

They have all rebelled, do they still care about legality?

Prince Liejie could clearly see what Ji Xiang was thinking, and he also laughed: "This kind of legitimacy does not mean the legitimacy of sharing the world equally, but that even if it is influenced by the wishes of all people, many people and which officials, I still know that there is only one emperor in this world."

"It is reasonable for a feudal king to appear in Yingtian, but if the feudal king becomes emperor in Yingtian, it is unreasonable and illegal."

"Even if people are affected by wishes, two emperors will still know that this is an act of rebellion. Therefore, if you enter the South Forbidden City too early, you will fall into the embarrassment of revealing your true colors. This is the prince before the immortal assembly. An unexpected event that you don't want to happen."

"But after becoming an immortal, the control over wishes can be deepened. At that time, it will be different from now. At that time, if you sit on the empty dragon chair in Yingtian, no one will feel that there is a problem. "

Ji Xiang snorted, "I see."

The Qinhuai River is brightly lit.

But the road ahead of Prince Liejie became blurred.

"The road is blurred, and I've seen similar tricks done before."

Ji Xiang narrowed his eyes slightly.

When Huo Jun first entered the Forbidden City, it was like this. One step is like taking hundreds of thousands of steps. It is a special way of walking, and it has the characteristics of illusion and blindness at the same time.

"This is fear of the road, a technique used by the gods to describe the way. fast."

"Using the road opened by this spell can greatly shorten the time to go back."

"But it's a pity that the road is a fixed route. Once it is constructed, it is impossible to change it at will. Of course, there are ways to enter this road anytime and anywhere, but the road cannot be changed. If you want to go to a new place, you must To build a new path, so this spell can only be used to go back, not to go forward.”

Surrounding the fuzzy road is an illusion made of incense, in which all kinds of human beings float up and down like water bubbles, and all they see is a distorted external scene. After entering the road, ordinary people can no longer see a few people. , these few people seemed to disappear in place out of thin air.
"So mortals will be afraid of this change and leave here. This is also the reason why Weitu got its name."

Soon, Ji Xiang led the other three people out of the treacherous way. Prince Liejie guided them, and the place where they appeared was a magnificent temple, but the name of this temple made people think deeply.

Great Retribution Temple.

"Am I waiting in the realm?"

Ji Xiang raised his brows, just as Prince Liejie was about to answer, among the three people behind Ji Xiang, Shen Xing said, "This Great Retribution Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in Yingtian Mansion."

"Who is the great Buddha enshrined in?"

"The Bodhisattva of the Six Paths, and the Incompetent Victorious King."

Shen Xing looked at the plaque of the Great Retribution Temple: "Especially this King Ming, who is said to be the wrathful incarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva."

Prince Liejie smiled: "That's right, what Master Xuezheng said is correct. During the daytime, the six Ksitigarbha Bodhisattvas are enshrined, which are the six Ksitigarbha incarnations of Tantuo, Baozhu, Chidi, Baoyin, Sunlight, and Obstacle-removing. In the evening, we will worship the Incompetent Shengming King, but no matter which one of them is, it is the incarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, representing Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's kind thoughts and... retribution."

As Prince Liejie said, he led everyone in, the gate of the temple opened slowly, and he saw the incense courtyard, and in the Great Retribution Temple, at the front hall, there was a second plaque, just in front of the main hall, which read "The Evil World of the Five Turbidities" Four extremely dark characters.

The words were written in ink, of course it was black, but Ji Xiang discovered that the black thing was not ink.

But dried blood.

There are no monks in the temple, and the monks have already rested after nightfall, and the atmosphere of Buddhism is very strong in all directions, and countless Buddhist sounds linger and sing, filling every corner here.

Just entering here can calm the mind and make all the anger disappear invisible, and even Ji Xiang's own Yuqing demon energy has been affected to some extent.

This place is like a solemn pure land, a holy temple of Buddhism.

In the main hall, the statues of the Six Paths of Ksitigarbha are arranged on both sides, and there is a huge statue of King Ming in the middle, and the person waiting here is not King Lu.

"Master Yao, I have invited the Shangxian here."

"Ah good."

Mr. Yao, who had been waiting for a long time in the main hall, looked at Ji Xiang and the others. His body was covered with copper coins, he was wearing golden-red festive clothes, he had a square head and big ears. Although his appearance was ordinary, his eyes were as bright as torches. The last ray of fortune soared straight into the sky, and it was even more golden in this holy place of Buddhism.

"If you can be driven by the immortal law, the Great Retribution Temple will be full of brilliance."

"It's just that the prince has something to do, and he can't get away for the time being, so let me discuss cooperation with you."

"My surname is Yao. As for the name, it is insignificant. As you have seen, it is the God of Fortune, the God of Wealth."

Mr. Yao made a brief self-introduction.

"Lishi Immortal Official is the North Road God of Wealth among the five Gods of Wealth. No wonder this Great Retribution Temple can become the largest temple in Yingtian. It turns out that there are gods who attract wealth and treasure."

Ji Xiang and the others entered the hall, straight to the point: "I'll just say it straight."

"If you want to cooperate with me, you must have real sincerity, and you can't make a big deal. I won't agree to it."

"Also, these people around me, don't bother them any more."

Mr. Yao smiled: "It's natural. I'm the official of Lishi, and I'm in charge of buying and selling. If you want to find a partner, you must first treat him with integrity."

"Rihua is already ready, right here, please ask Shangxian to inspect it!"

Mr. Yao took out a small copper box, which contained a crystal bottle, which was crystal clear, and the thick and vast solar energy was rolling in it, condensing into a liquid, which seemed to be only about ten drops.

"This is Rihua, also known as the essence of the sun. Without the help of the dew plate, it would take 120 years to condense a drop or two in a place with strong yang energy."

"As for Shangxian's other requirements, we can also meet them, but we also have a small request here, and I hope Shangxian can listen to it."

Ji Xiang looked at Mr. Yao, and Mr. Yao respectfully said, "This sun flower, please come to the Ascension Immortal Assembly, and the Shangxian will take it in public."

"I see."

"You want to use me to take Rihua to make a big splash for this Ascension Fair?"

Ji Xiang laughed, and Mr. Yao also laughed: "Shangxian is wise, that's exactly it."

"The essence of the sun can rejuvenate the old, bring the dead back to life, and raise the talent of the immortal bone to a higher level, that is, 'emergence'."

"Insects of the ten types dare to feather and rush under the sun. If they encounter cloudy weather, their wings will not be able to stretch and there is a risk of premature death. Cultivation is just like the transformation of the ten types of insects. However, when taking it, it is also Like the ten types of insects, they will feel great pain during the process of becoming immortal, but as long as the process of becoming immortal is over, they will witness the omen of ascending to immortality."

"However, if you take something like Tiansui once or twice, it is difficult to complete the transformation completely. With the talent of an immortal, I think at least [-] drops of Rihua are needed to complete the transformation into a feather."

(End of this chapter)

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