Why it never ends

Chapter 88 Red Velvet

Chapter 88 Red Velvet

Soon, the signal started to become unstable.

Just as Chiba was about to turn off the computer and bury his head in eating, the number of prompts in the inbox next to him suddenly jumped from 21 to 22.

She refreshed the page and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Jane wrote back, but her reply was also short.

Hello Miss Chiba:
The gold coin has been received, I like it very much, it is a meaningful gift, thank you.

I will listen to your suggestions carefully, please rest assured.

jane hester

Qianye looked at the screen, folded his hands behind his head, leaned back slightly, and looked out of the window at the sea.

That's right, it's already free time at night, and Jane has no mission to go out now, so she must be in the apartment, and everyone in their dormitory sleeps late, so she should be able to see it.

But it's strange, why didn't she ask anything about Jiaozhi Mountain? Chiba thought that Jane would be very pleasantly surprised after seeing the photos, so she came to ask about the details of Jiaozhi Mountain soon.

"It's almost ten o'clock, Miss Chiba." Helu whispered across the street, "It closes at ten o'clock."

When Qianye came back to her senses, she put away the computer and started eating.

The sea under the night is calm, the semicircular moon casts broken light scales on the black sea, and the huge cruise ship sails on the vast and boundless water, leaving a trail full of white foam.


The next month was like a war for Jane, with several things piled up, leaving her with almost no leisure time.

Although the daily training has been very hard, Liz's accordion lessons are unshakable.From recognizing the piano, reading music, holding the piano posture to fingering, she taught these boring introductory knowledge very solidly, which often reminded Hesta of Chiba’s experience of correcting her shooting habits—between learning the piano and learning the gun, it seems There is no difference at all.

The days flew by, and in the last week before Liz left, Rico had her menarche, her first period.

The first person to notice this was Hesta, who saw blood on Rico's pants as he walked past her.

Later, Hesta's exclamation attracted Liz and Turan, who comforted Rico who was also frightened, and soon taught her how to use a tampon. Listen nervously.

Liz and Turan shared some ibuprofen prescribed for them by the base, but Rico didn't have any menstrual symptoms, except for a faint bloating, she didn't feel any pain.

That night, as the girls got together to celebrate Leco, Turan made Katla's baked specialty "Scarlet Shirley," a red raspberry pie big enough for four.

Liz gave Rico a red velvet blanket, and Hesta had one too.In Liz's words, "This is prepared in advance."

In addition, they took some pomegranate juice and fresh red plum puree from the canteen, honey-roasted beetroot and cherry tomatoes.Li Ke originally wanted to go to the back kitchen to steal a bottle of red wine, but Liz sternly refused.

All these preparations come from the custom of Askia. Whenever a girl's menarche comes, her family will prepare a lot of red food for her at home, not only to celebrate her life about to enter puberty, but also to let other The elder women share some experiences or anecdotes so that the children can understand what it all means.

"A woman will go through about 450 menstrual periods in her life. It takes 28 days as a cycle and will accompany us from adolescence to middle age."

In the living room of 403, several girls were sitting together. Liz simply drew a schematic diagram of the female reproductive system on the paper, including an inverted pear-shaped uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes hanging on both sides of the uterus.

"When we are born, there are already thousands of follicles in our ovaries, they are like small bags one by one, and each bag contains an oocyte, which is the prototype of the egg.

"Despite their abundance, only one egg per month - the most mature one - breaks out of the follicle, across the ovary wall, and towards the fallopian tube.

"At the same time, the follicle begins to release progesterone, a hormone that stimulates the lining of the uterus to produce blood and various nutrients in preparation for a new life.

"If we don't get pregnant, the progesterone and estrogen in our body will drop after a few days, and at the same time, the uterus will stop replenishing nutrients, and the endometrium will start to degenerate and shed. When it leaves our body, it becomes menstruation.

"And if we are pregnant, that is, a sperm meets an egg in the fallopian tube and combines to form a fertilized egg, then this fertilized egg will leisurely fall to the uterus and begin to implant.

"Our womb will be like a piece of warm red velvet, catch it, care for it until it becomes a mature baby - each of us, is born this way."

Both Hesta and Rico let out a slight "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

This series of changes made Hesta feel miraculous—it turns out that the hormones in people's bodies control the inner workings of the body so precisely.A clock with a cycle of 28 days will tirelessly run for the next three to forty years, and she didn't know it before.

"In two days, the teacher from the support center will come to tell Lico about these things. She will go deeper than me, but that's basically it," Liz raised the bright red pomegranate juice in her glass, " Let's congratulate Rico—"

The cups of the four collided together.

Li Ke stepped on the chair with both feet and took a sip of red plum fruit juice in a squatting position.

Her hair was loose, and the earphones that had been hanging around her neck bent her hanging mid-length hair upwards. From time to time, she reached out to straighten her hair again, and then threw it behind her head.

After Lico put down the cup, she looked at Liz, "So, can I understand that... I can get pregnant when I have my period?"


The corners of Lico's mouth sank immediately, and he made an exaggerated grimace, "Oh, that doesn't sound like something worth celebrating."

Turan, who had never had a deep relationship with Lico, suddenly raised his glass when he heard these words, and took the initiative to touch Lico.

"I agree, but we still have to celebrate - because your childhood is over from this moment too, Rico."

The two clinked glasses happily again.

Hesta propped his face aside, "Why isn't it worth celebrating? You have a new ability."

Li Ke laughed, and when her chest rose and fell with her breath, the raven tattoo extending from her shoulder to her heart trembled accordingly.

"Have you ever been around a pregnant woman before? It's the kind of woman who has a big belly, a blue belly, and only cries all day long."

Hesta shook her head—there are no pregnant women in Duanming Lane, but there are often women who need to rest after miscarriage. She helped her mother take care of them.

Rico moved towards Hesta, "Come here, I'll tell you what it means to be pregnant."

She looked into Hesta's eyes very intently, with an expression that was always alive with the vividness of being about to do something bad the next moment.She ticked her fingers at Hesta, and when Hesta approached, Rico whispered again in a voice that both Turan and Liz could hear.

"Pregnancy means that when your man hits you in the future, you won't have the strength to fight back."

(End of this chapter)

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