Why it never ends

Chapter 39 Training

Chapter 39 Training
All of a sudden, Sean had mixed feelings in his heart, and his expression went from shock, annoyance to disdain in a very short period of time.

Sean recalled the corridor where he met Hesta for the first time. He still liked Hesta's appearance at that time—he was obviously terribly scared, but he still insisted not to act rashly. That kind of weak but stubborn attitude really made him find it interesting.

He couldn't understand how this newcomer could be so arrogant in such a short period of time.

Was it the loud Tanyi citizens outside that gave her courage?Or did she rely on Liz Fletcher to back her up, and it happened that she didn't move much this week, so she gave her the illusion that she could ride on her neck?

Sean was no longer interested in looking through other people's information. After eliminating his login trace, he left Mrs. Lavitt's room early and returned to his dormitory.

Jane Hester.

Along the way, Sean silently recited the name in his heart.A few search records seemed to be a gauntlet from Hesta, which aroused his long-lost desire to win.

How can I teach you a lesson?


On the playground at this moment, Hesta, who was running long-distance, suddenly lost her balance and fell to the ground. Her hands and knees were scratched at the same time, and she immediately felt a hot pain.

A whistle sounded almost immediately in the distance, and it was the instructor at the starting point urging her to get up quickly and run.

Hesta didn't check the wounds on his body, and continued to move forward.

The 120-hour basic life training has ended, and she thought her physical training courses would change accordingly, but she didn't expect it to be the same as before, only endless long-distance running.

Hesta learned from Liz that the other members of the base have an average of three 5-kilometer cross-country trips a week, and a 20-kilometer rush with full equipment once a month, and the rest of the time is scattered for fighting, shooting and other training and tactical guidance.

However, judging from the current assessment results, Hesta's height of 1.31 and weight of 24kg are far from enough to start training.

Because of her long-term vegetarian diet and asceticism, her figure is very thin, and the trainer often ridicules her as a body that "will break a bone after a heavy blow".When they met for the first time, Hesta was told that she should let go of the idea of ​​joining the training camp as soon as possible. Her most important task now is to grow taller and gain weight, as well as train her heart and lungs.

"Cardiopulmonary function is like a boiler," the trainer said. "It's like burning a stove. If the fire is high, at least oxygen will be supplied first."

Hesta, who was running, felt like her lungs were on fire, but for some reason, Xiao En's malicious face broke into Hesta's mind again, and she suddenly regained a lot of strength.

The whistle sounded again in the distance, "Keep a constant speed! Who told you to run at a different speed! Running fast and slow will only make you more tired!"

She adjusted her speed with difficulty.

Although Hesta had to work and hike with other people when he was in the monastery, he didn't feel pain when he walked and rested.

When he finally crossed the finish line, the trainer Arnold followed up, "What are you thinking? Why is the rhythm so bad today?"

Hesta couldn't speak, she shook her head and felt light all over her body.Even though she had stopped, she didn't feel that her breathing became easier.She felt that Arnold seemed to be ready to grab her arm at any moment, lest she fall after running like the first day.

Arnold is an old man of 65, but when Hesta saw him for the first time, he thought he was just a middle-aged man in his early [-]s with an old appearance. After all, his hair was almost completely white.

Arnold's body shape is similar to Calvin's, but slightly shorter. When he is standing still, he likes to keep his hands in his arms. This defensive posture makes him look very strong. His upper arms, which are as thick as his head, always hold up the cuffs of his short sleeves tightly.

Hesta once asked him if he could also gain such muscles through long-term training, and if so, for how long.

After hearing this, Arnold laughed, and then asked her what she ate every day.

This question is easy to answer - after starting physical training, part of her diet has changed from the previous employee self-help to targeted supply.

Every morning, her regular breakfast consists of 15g whey protein powder plus 35g cereal, with 5 egg whites and an egg yolk.In the first few days, she couldn't always eat it all, but now she can.

The first physical training session of the day usually starts within half an hour to an hour after breakfast. After the end, she will consume a lot of carbohydrates. The base does not deliberately control the amount. Hesta’s choice is usually mashed potatoes, buckwheat noodles or black bread. Serve with salt-fried ground meat patties or chicken breast.

The dinner is relatively free, and she can still choose the buffet as before, but for the past half month, Hesta has been staring at a salad called "Northern Salad", which contains chicken gizzards, potatoes, chicken breast mince, big leaves Lettuce and bitter chrysanthemum taste surprisingly delicious.

Arnold nodded frequently, saying that as long as Hesta insists on such a diet and trains according to the established rhythm, one day she will surpass him—however, it is impossible to say why, Hesta always felt that when he said this, his tone was not So convincing, as if with a joking tone.

At this moment, Hesta walked slowly along the outermost runway of the playground, and the training officer stood behind her on the right and followed her all the way.

Arnold looked at her: "Are you in any trouble, Hesta."

Hesta looked sideways, "Why do you ask that?"

"During this period, you are often distracted during training, which is not a good sign." Arnold replied, "If you really encounter any problems, just talk to me."

Hesta shook his head, "I'm not used to it, life here is better than ever, instructor."

"So what were you thinking about while you were running today?" Arnold asked.

A guy who's been bugging me lately.Hesta answered in his heart.

But before she opened her mouth, she asked, "Are you a mercury needle, instructor?"

Arnold raised his eyebrows slightly, "I'm not."

"Then I can't answer you. The matter may... be classified?" Hesta replied, "I was indeed distracted and did not do a good job. I will pay attention to it tomorrow. Please forgive me."

Arnold smiled with a little contempt.

"I'm not some quicksilver, Hesta, but I'm a retired army from the coalition government."

Arnold spoke loudly, his voice calm and powerful.

"I have participated in dozens of hunting operations against chelates, and I have also had a very pleasant cooperation with many mercury needles who have heroically killed the enemy, and these are just a small sum in my military career."

(End of this chapter)

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