Why it never ends

Chapter 32 Volva

Chapter 32 Volva

When Hesta returned to dormitory 403, Liz just happened to come out of her room.

"came back?"


As soon as the two met each other, complex emotions suddenly surged in their hearts—they suddenly felt a subtle sense of betrayal towards each other, so they coincidentally looked away from each other.

Hesta walked towards her room, and when she opened the door, Liz suddenly stopped her.

"Your personal computer has just been applied for," Liz said softly, "When do you want to get it? Tonight or tomorrow during the day."

Hesta thought for a while, "Then... tonight?"

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Along the way, Liz kept thinking about how to tell Hesta that the base suspended the investigation of Sean, but until they came back again, Liz couldn't find a suitable entry point, so she could only watch Hesta hug her computer back to the room.

Her mood was extremely complicated, and in the afternoon she followed Molly's suggestion to find Valenti, but Valenti asked her to come back in a few days.She remembered that she had sworn to Hesta the night before that she would protect her, but now she had to accept the fact that the investigation was suspended because of the citizens' demonstration.

Liz tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep at all.

In another room, Hesta knew nothing about it.After getting the computer, her attention was quickly attracted by the black square notebook that could be carried around.After a while, she used the basic operations she had learned in the past half a month to find the relevant search page, and entered the words "Hekla Wasteland" with two fingers.

Apart from the basic introduction to Hekla, most of the remaining search results revolve around the "Hekla tragedy"—two years ago, when the Gringoire brothers arrived at the base, a large area appeared in the Hekla wasteland. chelating bacteria infection.

With the continuous emergence of chelates, the wind in the wasteland is like the breath of death, bringing continuous killings.

It was also in the Hekla tragedy that Mercury needles observed the cooperative behavior between chelates for the first time. Although it was only a very immature combination of bait and ambush, this behavior was unique in the history of previous observations.

At the same time, also in the Hekla Wasteland, the mercury needles observed a chelate that survived for up to 40 days-the previous chelate survived for no more than 28 days.

These all suggest that there may be evolutionary behavior in chelates, but the triggering conditions are not yet understood.

Hesta closed the pages and retyped the words "Brother Hekla".

Sure enough, everything was as Chiba said, news related to the Gringoire brothers immediately appeared on the page, she browsed one by one, and soon saw the deer hunting that Chiba had mentioned to her.

The debate lasted for more than two months. This behavior aroused great controversy in Tan Yi at the time. Many people began to question that if the Mercury Needle team was formed, they were all such inhumane and cruel wasteland survivors. , so how does Mercury Needle ensure the reliability and purity of its own team?

There are also many opinion leaders who stand up and publicly appeal that children who have just left hell on earth should not be demanded by the moral standards of a livable place. This is a kind of "civilized arrogance".

In the end, the AHgAs Medical Department and the First Hospital of Tanyi City jointly made a diagnosis, thinking that "Brother Hekla" had experienced acute PTSD symptoms after experiencing the tragedy in the wasteland, so he did such absurd things.

In this way, this big discussion around deer hunting behavior has really come to an end.

Among all the reports, there was only one blurry photo taken by Tanyi citizens showing the Gringoire brothers, which made Hesta really believe that the base's protection of newcomers was true—even if At the moment when the discussion was the most heated, they did not disclose the name and appearance of the Hekla brothers to the public.

Using a search engine for the first time shocked Hesta, as if she had opened the door to a new world.

Compared with searching documents and newspapers in a voluminous library, the convenience of the engine is beyond imagination.

Out of curiosity, Hesta searched for Askia, the hometown Liz had mentioned to her the day before yesterday.

Similar to Hekla, after the first basic information item for Askia, most of the remaining search results are about "Askia Tragedy".

Then, she typed in "City of Katla, District [-]" (Turan's hometown) and Sol Wasteland (Rico's hometown).Everyone's experience is so similar - after the basic introduction of the city or the wasteland, they all follow the entry of "so-and-so tragedy".

Among the above areas, only the city of Katla was originally a livable place, so after the first chelation disease appeared, the intervention of mercury needle was very timely, except for more than 11 victims who were unfortunately directly killed by chelation , the city's population of [-] is safe and sound.

Today's Katla City has been adjusted as a quarantine zone for two years. After a period of quarantine, the aborigines have all moved to other livable places and started their new lives again.

As for the two wildernesses of Askia and Hekla, they almost all ended in total destruction.

AHgAs seems to have been working hard to establish an alarm system for the residents of the wilderness, but it seems to have had little effect. Whenever they find a wilderness attacked by chelation disease, they have often reached the stage of collective attack of chelation patients. Mercury The only thing the needles can do is to try their best to find some surviving people from these hells on earth, and then bring them back to a habitable place.

This is also the source of most mercury needle newcomers.

All night, Hesta lingered in the details about this world, until she suddenly remembered a name. With suspicion, she entered the word "Volva" in the search box, and clicked Search.

Her expression slowly changed from nervous anticipation to calm—the search results on the engine were all about the heroine of a love story in District [-], "The Dagger and the Sheath".

Hesta lowered his eyes and felt a little tired at this moment. He glanced sideways at the clock and realized that it was past one o'clock in the morning.

She got up to wash up, then fell on the bed, staring at the ceiling without saying a word, until she fell asleep.


On Sunday morning, Class D students inspected the area.

When Calvin woke up, he found that Sean had woken up early for a long time—he was sitting crookedly in front of the small table in the observation room, and there was the sound of turning a book from time to time.

The sun came out from the west, Calvin thought to himself, he got up and said hello to Sean, and then walked to the bathroom.

"Carl, please lend me your computer for a while." Sean said suddenly.

"No." Carl replied bluntly.

"It's fine, I don't need it, you can search for something for me," Sean lazily turned his head, "Is this all right?"

Calvin looked at him, "What are you looking for?"

"Search for a name," Sean looked at him, "'Volva'."

(End of this chapter)

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