About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 24 Anna's History

Chapter 24 Anna's History

"Of course I said it, but these people have their own original intentions, you should listen to their explanation." Yu said lightly.

Chris first said: "As the main person in this incident, and your senior, I should have stopped you."

"But to be honest, after I came to the inner world, although my memory disappeared, I always felt that I had something to do."

"Those things always haunted me until I met you, Chen Zifan, and then I kept watching you secretly."

"In the martial arts competition, I also looked at you silently in the corner, and then Yu told me the story of you and me before I was alive. I am even more sure that the inexplicable things in my heart are not inexplicable, so if it is as you said, our relationship is true. Deep, then I decided to help you, of course, also for myself."

In fact, there was one sentence that Chris didn't say, and it was the sentence that moved him the most, "Senior brother helped me, this time it's my turn to help him!"

Chen Zifan looked at Chu Lumang with tears in his eyes.

"It's me! It's me!" Maria hurriedly raised her hand, looking very cute.

"As for me, there is actually no special reason. One is that I like exciting things since I was a child, and the other is that the three of us should already be an iron triangle. If you two want to take risks and don't take me with you, it makes no sense. "

Chen Zifan and Yu were rescued in time in Anna's duel, and this moment touched Maria's heart instantly. From then on, she believed that these two men were reliable, and they were even worthy of entrusting their backs on the battlefield!
"Then I'll come next." Cha Tu said.

"I am a mixed race, my mother is of Indian descent, and my father is of Asian descent, so you can also call me Chatus, but for various reasons I am more used to my father's surname, so I have been called Chatu since I was a child, and you all know that I learned boxing since I was a child, and my grandfather was my teacher. Grandpa taught me a whole body of skills. He has been guiding me in my practice until he died, and I want to pursue the ultimate in physicality."

"Only suffering can temper me. Breaking into the central soul archive room is perfect for me. At a critical moment, I can turn on Baji Beng to help you block the enemy. Another important point is that I appreciate you Chen Zifan. When you were half dead, you counterattacked me, I thought you would kill me, but you chose to push me into the spring for treatment."

"So I think you are a good person, Chen Zifan, we can be brothers!" With that, Chatu gave Chen Zifan a thumbs up.

Chatu is the kind of macho guy with a carefree personality. Although he is taciturn on weekdays, his heart is burning and he is loyal. Even in a class like the seventh class where monsters gather, his prestige is the highest, and secondly he is a human being. Very just, I like the road to see injustice the most in my life.

Lu Yuan said expressionlessly: "I have nothing to do, firstly, I want to have a chance to fight with you, Chen Zifan, and secondly, I have the same reason as Chatu, the stronger the enemy, the more I can hone my swordsmanship. I failed in the martial arts test, I admit, so I need to get stronger."

"So, if I die easily because of this operation, it can only mean that I am just such a man." Lu Yuanyi's voice suddenly became heavier. He knew the danger of this operation, but he loved it more. Challenge, keep challenging the unknown, keep getting stronger.

until it surpasses that man.

Wu Xiaoyu watched the crowd silently.

Seeing that Wu Xiaoyu didn't speak, Anna said, "First of all, I think Chen Zifan, it's not that I need you or you need me, but that we get what we want from each other."

"Your strength is obvious to all. I have to admit that this can attract me. The following is my reason."

"First, my strength is strong. I have the domain and the seventh-ranked famous sword in the whole continent: thorns and vines, if I fully open the domain, you are not necessarily my opponents." Anna's tone was still arrogant, "I will join you. It will be of great help to you, you should be clear about this, and the second point is that if this thing is done, I need you to help me with one thing."

Chen Zifan asked: "Of course your joining will be of great benefit to us in terms of strength, so what do you want me to help you with?"

Anna's mood suddenly became lonely, and she talked about her own history.

Telling the unknown history.

"I was born in the Heiland family with a prominent status in the empire. Eighty years ago, the Heiland family was actually two families. One was the niece Heiland, and the other was the patriarchal Heiland."

"The natural responsibility of the outer family is to protect the clan, and the power of the clan is above that of the outer clan, and my father was the eldest son of the patriarch of the clan's Holland family. It is no surprise that I will be the head of the Holland family. Princess, when I grow up, I will naturally become the head of the Holland family."

"However, 80 years ago, the Highland family was dissatisfied with their position of being ruled, so they led the members of the outside family to attack the Zong family without warning at night. Although we resisted desperately in that battle, due to the sudden attack of the outside family and their seeming With the help of some powerful and evil force, the clan was defeated in the end, and my grandfather was executed as the head of the clan."


"From then on, Heland and Heland became a family. Black Heland, the clan rules set by the new patriarch are extremely strict. Our children will undergo brutal training after the age of three, practicing various physical skills and Spiritual arts are subject to extremely severe assessments twice a year, that is, the children of the clan fight one-on-one, and the loser will be expelled from the clan and deprived of the right to use the surname."

"Wait! So you only called yourself Anna when you entered the school, because you were deprived of your surname, but why were you expelled from the family when you were so strong?" Lu Yuan was puzzled.

"My parents were not killed, but then my mother became pregnant with me. In fact, I didn't cause much of a stir in the clan when I was born, but the current patriarch thought my parents were a threat to him, so he murdered him on the basis of unwarranted treason. took them."

"I was still a baby at the time, and they moved me with compassion and let me survive. The ten-year-old children of our family were forced to undergo trials to open the realm. This is also an assessment. The patriarch believes that the earlier the child masters the realm, the better Skilled use of the field early, will become extremely powerful in the future.”

"The current Heiheland family advocates the bullshit theory of 'the supremacy of force', but he does not know or deliberately does it. A child who opens the realm too early will cause great harm to the soul. Some children are lucky to open the realm, but If some children are not turned on, they will die directly due to the backlash of the trial stone, and the patriarch does not care about the dead children at all, he will only focus on cultivating those who survive."

“Still, I struggled hard to get through hurdle after hurdle, and I got the realm without a hitch, and in that environment I became selfish, ruthless, and ruthless.”

"All children are, but no matter how hard I try, the higher-ups in the family still doubt me because I am the orthodox blood of the clan."

"Finally, not long after I got the realm, they didn't choose to kill me but expelled me from the house, probably because they thought it would be good for an abandoned child like me to survive outside, but before I left, I secretly took a The famous sword was only seen as a strange shape at first, and then I realized that it was a famous sword."

"Afterwards, I wandered around to work begging for food, and finally I decided to apply for the Central Spiritual Arts Academy, so I hated your class. You were placed into a top class with nothing, and I worked hard and even started it since I was a child. field, but I still didn't get into a class."

After listening to Anna's life experience, everyone knew that she was carrying such a huge fate at such a young age

(End of this chapter)

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