Chapter 1 Prologue

heaven on fire
hell closed
God left me on earth.

Human beings are the shadows projected by God on this planet, reflecting God’s psychology all the time.

Humans are made up of body and soul.

The world we live in is called the "present world" or the "surface world".

After a person dies, the soul will not immediately ascend to heaven or hell. The soul will come to the "inner world", and the souls who come to the inner world will be automatically purified of their memories before death, and they will wait here for the judgment of Libra from the heavenly kingdom.We call it "God's Judgment".

The things done in life will accumulate into a base, and the base of good and evil is on both sides of the scale. The scale is judging the human soul all the time to judge whether it will ascend to the kingdom of heaven or fall into hell.

In the world, there are beasts that continue to devour human souls to survive. We call them "soul eaters".

Soul eaters cannot exist in this world, they are in the world to find people's souls and devour them.

With the advent of Soul Eater, most souls are swallowed up before being judged, which makes it difficult for God.

So God selects people who are very obsessed before death, purifies their souls, forgets the memories of their lives, and gives them a power called "domain", and these people who are endowed with power become slaves of God from now on.

They set up institutions and even countries in the god-given world, and are responsible for hunting monsters like Soul Eater. These people are called "Soul Destroyer"!
According to the seniors in the Soul Destroyer, Soul Eater actually comes from the evil in the human mind.

Humans come into the world with the five primordial evils, "eating, drinking, excreting, breathing and sleeping".

God did not punish mankind because of the five original evils, because it was set by God himself. According to God's words, his greatest creation is not mankind, but these five original sins.

But when God created human beings, he also endowed them with thoughts. Over time, people began to have their own thoughts, and acquired evil was born in these thoughts.

The so-called acquired evil means that after the five original evils are satisfied, human beings will pursue more material things to meet their spiritual needs.

This is not wrong in itself, but some human beings will use non-good means in the process of chasing material things. The so-called non-good is evil.

The acquired evil in the hearts of all human beings has become a breeding ground for Soul Eater. Gradually, with the increase of these evils, the first Soul Eater was born in the sky above the inner world, somewhere in the dark space.

Soon after, soul eaters appeared one after another, and they would come to the inner world through the dimensional exit of the "weird circle" to hunt the souls of human beings, and they could survive by devouring these souls.

The powerful "evil" generated by the "arrogance, killing, greed, laziness, betrayal, fear, and anger" in the world reaches the vicious circle through the surface world, and eventually nourishes the Soul Eaters continuously, and their group gradually grows.

Chen Zifan, when you see this letter proving that I have left this world, I went to look for my so-called evidence, and I am gone, you must be strong, don't cry, don't be sad, remember to hone your character, so Others will not bully you. If you meet an opponent who cannot escape, you will beat him to death. If your limbs are broken, you will crawl over and bite his throat.


(End of this chapter)

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