Chapter 574 I have a close friend

Jiang Yun glanced at the whimpering Kurosawa mistress and said, "Mr. Zhang, he said you are amazing and your aphtha no longer hurts at all."

Old Taoist Master Zhang Zhishun smiled confidently and explained: "That's nature, kid, the five Taoist arts."

"The mountain doctor tells fortune-telling. I can't compare to you in terms of spiritual practice, but in terms of medical skills, you are not as good as me!"

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at Kurosawa Xiaosan and were a little shocked at this moment.

This dog was grinning in pain just now, but now he seems to be fine?
"What kind of magic medicine is that?"

"It's fake. It works so quickly. It's not scientific."

"Perennial dental patients would like to call this a miracle, and I kneel down to ask for a prescription."

"If it's a person, it's possible to fake it, but if it's a dog, it can't be fake, right?"

“I used to think that traditional Chinese medicine was slow to produce results, but now I feel like I’ve been slapped in the face.”

“I can still drink water and eat, it’s amazing, it’s amazing!”


After Kurosawa mistress felt that his mouth no longer hurt, he stared at the peach cakes on the table next to Jiang Yun.

This is a snack that is taken out for the Taoist audience to eat after worshiping the ancestor.

There are them every day, new ones are added every day, that’s enough!

Jiang Yun took a piece for this guy, poured a bowl of water for it, and then asked: "Mr. Zhang, what is this guy putting on his mouth?"

"Although the little one has never had oral ulcers, he has seen them. Doesn't it hurt for ten days and a half?"

"Hey, you kid, there are nine doctors out of ten, and there is one who has just started, and you have become the master of the temple. Has your master really not taught you any medical skills?" Mr. Zhang sighed.

Jiang Yun shook his head, mainly because he had never been sick since he was a child, so he was not very interested in Chinese medicine.

Mr. Zhang once again took out the bag of powder from his Taoist robe, picked out a little with his fingernails, and explained: "This is Rose Seed, also called Ying Shi Seed."

"After this thing is fried, it is ground into powder and has a very good closing effect. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it clears away heat and detoxifies, dispels wind, activates blood circulation, diuresis and reduces swelling."

"It has miraculous effects on oral patients. After applying it, the effect will be seen within 15 minutes."

Jiang Yun nodded repeatedly after hearing this. He opened Kurosawa's mistress's mouth and took a look.

The mouth ulcer has indeed formed a white film.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

"Damn it, is this our Chinese medicine doctor?"

"Thanks to the old Taoist priest for popularizing science, my mother no longer has to worry about my oral ulcers."

"What the old Taoist said, to me, I am worthy of enjoying the Ancestral Temple."

"Suddenly I felt that I had some misunderstandings about traditional Chinese medicine, and the results were slow to come out, but this quickly disappeared."

"I just checked Douyin, Kuaishou, Taobao and Pinduoduo, and they are all selling. Although the sales are not good, the reviews are very good."

"Indeed, it's a bargain. Something that costs more than a dozen or 20 yuan can last for several years."


Senior Taoist Zhang Zhishun looked at Kurosawa Mistress and said, "Boy, this dog you raised is very angry."

"Heart fire is inflamed, and the heart opens to the tongue, so there are many herpes and ulcers on the tip of the tongue, which are red and painful, and the heat disturbs the mind."

"I'm going to prescribe him some Chinese medicine now to inflame him and get rid of the root of the disease!"

"You go to the Wudang Sect later and catch him. Remember to cook it in a clay pot for half an hour. A copper pot is also acceptable. If not, it will affect the properties of the medicine."

Then the two came to the study.

While Jiang Yun was grinding his ink, Taoist Master Zhang picked up the brush and wrote, "This medicine is called Xiexin Daochi San."

"It contains coptis, rehmannia glutinosa, light bamboo leaves, Tongcao, and licorice."

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard about Huang Lian, they immediately shook their heads.

A mute who eats Coptis chinensis cannot express his suffering.Most bitter things, such as balsam pear and lotus seeds, are irritating.

This medicine is definitely effective, but the taste is a bit off, and the dog will suffer from old nose.

The Wudang Sect has its own traditional Chinese medicine dispensary, with Taoist priests who study traditional Chinese medicine on duty to prepare medicines and cook them on their behalf.

Two sets of medicine, a total of 20 yuan, and the OEM fee is 5 yuan.

After Jiang Yun insisted on paying, netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked by the price of traditional Chinese medicine.

"It's too outrageous. How expensive are things outside? Two pairs of Chinese medicine only cost 20?"

"Is it true or false? Can I use my medical insurance?"

"My child has a cold. I bought two boxes of cold medicine, both costing more than 100 yuan. Alas."

"Is it possible that the Taoist priest is from the same sect, so the price is cheaper?"

"Although prices have increased in recent years, and my salary has also increased, can our traditional Chinese medicine doctors also be able to grow a little longer? I am afraid that doctors will starve to death. Where will they treat diseases in the future?"

The Taoist priest on duty next to him was chatting with Jiang Yun. The two of them looked at the barrage and chatted about this matter.

The Taoist priest of the Wudang Sect smiled and explained: "As long as those Chinese medicine dealers don't speculate, the price of Chinese medicine will always be the same."

"It's not easy for everyone to make money. The fees here are a little more expensive. The elderly and aunties nearby should be reluctant to spend money on medical treatment."

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all amazed.

These days, an eyebrow pencil costs 79 yuan.

If you are told that it has always been this price, you have to think about whether you are not working hard.

Damn it, one gram of eyebrow pencil is more expensive than gold, and the robbers are not that ruthless!
Without comparison, there is no harm. What is the benevolence of a doctor?

"I love it, I love it. From now on, when I see a doctor, I will go to a Chinese medicine doctor first."

“I am a fan of traditional Chinese medicine in the future.”

"I'm throwing it away, please don't. Now I go to the traditional Chinese pharmacy to drink sour plum soup. I can also pay for my medical insurance. It's cheaper to be healthy. If you all go, I have to queue up."

"You can still pay for medical insurance, do you want to be so conscientious?"

"The anchor is a good person, Taoist Master Zhang is a good person, and this Taoist Master of Wudang Mountain is also a good person!"

"I just want to know if Chinese medicine can be sold on the yellow carts. Now I have the urge to consume."

After the audience in the live broadcast room handed out a bunch of good guy cards, they gave Kurosawa-san a shot of gunpowder and it was done.

After taking a sip, this guy grimaced in pain.

However, under the threat of Jiang Yun Leifa, it still pinched its nose and drank it quickly.

"Good medicine is bitter in taste and good for the disease. Junior uncle, take this medicine and drink it tomorrow."

"I'm busy first, you can do whatever you want." The Taoist priest next to him said with a smile.

Jiang Yun returned to the Taoist temple with the medicine and Kurosawa Xiaosan.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Taoist Master Zhang still sorting out Chinese medicine.

The audience in the live broadcast room became even more excited to see Taoist Master Zhang.

A big brother who is always in the top ten of the reward list swiped a treasure map and asked questions.

"Director Jiang, I have a close friend who has encountered a small problem recently. Please help me ask Mr. Zhang."

"He is 49 years old, and suddenly he feels powerless. He often suffers from backache and back pain. It's about sexual intercourse. How should he solve it?"

After seeing this barrage, most of the viewers in the live broadcast room laughed like crazy.

Many people laughed but couldn't stop laughing, and they also became interested in this issue.

People in middle age have to soak medlar in a thermos.

As you age, who doesn’t have such a close friend?

(End of this chapter)

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