Live Immortal Cultivation: Ask Daoists to Believe in Science

Chapter 441 Don't Panic, It's Normal to Hit Ghosts at Night

Chapter 441 Don't Panic, It's Normal to Hit Ghosts at Night
Jiang Yun only felt a gust of cold wind blowing behind him, but found nothing.

The drone was also photographing Wang Xun and the others, but did not capture the flash of the white shadow.

However, Wang Xun and the other three were really frightened and slumped in their chairs.

"You two, did you see clearly the white shadow that just flashed past?"

"Well, it seems to be a person, right?"

"I said at the time, don't put the control room in the morgue, you must listen, now recruit ghosts!"

"The mortuary is on the first floor of the basement. There should be no one here. That person might be the person who participated in the script killing."

"Director Wang, Brother Wang, my dear brother, you said back then that no one would come to the mortuary, so you chose the control here."

The reactions of these three people were completely out of the truth, without any acting elements.

Although the audience in the live broadcast room didn't see it, the atmosphere was really created.

Zhao Bingbing looked back, but saw nothing, she asked curiously: "Director Wang, didn't you just say you believed in science?"

"Nothing, what's going on with you three?"

Wang Xun and the others swallowed, and the three of them said in an extremely exaggerated modified tone that there was a white shadow floating past the door.

And the biggest problem is that among the people participating in the script killing today, there is no woman in white.

"Jiang Daochang, have we really hit a ghost?"

Jiang Yun looked at the three people, remembered the laughter just now, shrugged, and said, "It's hard to be sure about this poor man."

"Don't panic, the yin and yang decline at night, coupled with the environment of the mortuary, it is reasonable to recruit some ghosts."

"So, whether it is true or not, it is very scientific."

The three of them, including Wang Xun, nodded their heads, speaking submissively and scientifically.

Jiang Yun didn't embarrass the three of them, but took out the three remaining evil spirit talismans from his arms, and asked the three of them to wear them close to their bodies.

He opened his mouth and said: "You guys wait here and don't move, I will buy a few oranges... no... I will go out and have a look."


Jiang Yun walked out alone.

He went out a little late, the elevator door just closed, and it was already in the process of going up.

The moment it was closed, the drone clearly captured that there was indeed a figure in white standing inside.

The audience in the live broadcast room, the anger just now was gone in their hearts, and they were more or less faint.

"Fuck me, there is really a figure in white clothes, and he went up, so the people up there are in danger?"

"I just said that this building is not normal. I often walk by the river. How can I not get my shoes wet?"

"The locals said that this place is really haunted!"

"Master Dao, please explain to us."

Seeing the elevator going up, Jiang Yun returned to the morgue where he went first, and picked up Xiao Bai who was already drowsy.

Afterwards, the six people came to the elevator together and watched the elevator go to the ninth floor on the top floor.

"Fellow laymen, the poor are also a little uncertain about this matter."

"You will contact everyone later and inform them to withdraw the exception first." Jiang Yun urged.

The elevator was on the first floor and stopped for a while.

Zhao Bingbing, Wang Xun and others went out here, and then contacted the staff and the participants of the script killing through various methods such as phone calls and WeChat.

Be sure to take the stairs down, never take the elevator, and if you see a person in white, you must walk around.

Jiang Yun held Xiaobai in his arms, took the elevator up to the ninth floor, stood by the window in the corridor, looked down, and saw that many people had left the main building one after another, and he was slightly relieved.

He was on the ninth floor, and began to look for the figure in white, but instead of finding the figure in white, he found the power distribution room of the entire building.

What a ghost, this script kills the crew, in order to create a scary atmosphere, they actually removed the fuses of most of the lights in the building.

No wonder the elevator works and the lights in individual rooms work.

The most important thing is that they are quite well disguised, and if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to find them.

While Jiang Yun was complaining, a white figure floated leisurely past the door of the power distribution room.

Xiao Bai's whole body exploded, and she roared violently towards the door.

The drone's camera also captured the white figure, the audience in the live broadcast room, and now it's finally confirmed.

"Sadako, that's definitely Sadako, absolutely unmistakable!"

"Don't study the circuit, Daoist, go and take medicine!"

"My home is near this hospital. If the Taoist priest can't catch the female ghost today, I dare not sleep."

"From the perspective of figure, it seems to be good, you can make a move."

"Fuck, the current people, even a pervert like me think they are perverted, even female ghosts will not be spared."

Jiang Yun found that something was wrong with Xiaobai, so he finally put down the fuse in his hand and chased him out.

Four or five meters away from him, a man wearing a white gauze skirt, barefoot, walking silently, and with loose hair was walking forward.

As she walked, she kept muttering in her mouth: "Little Strawberry, Little Strawberry, mom is here to find you."

Jiang Yun took out a Yin-gathering Talisman from his arms, and waved it casually.

The talisman burned, and a puff of blue smoke came out. The blue smoke condensed and did not disperse. It rose straight and hit the ceiling before disappearing.

"There is a lot of yin on my body, but it's not a ghost. It's weird, weird!" Jiang Yun frowned and said in a low voice.

He quickly chased after him, Jishou saluted, and asked: "Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, this female layman, poor Taoist Tianyuan Daoguan Jiangyun, what is my name?"

"Hello, lady, what are you doing in this building if you don't rest at night?"

The woman in white ignored Jiang Yun in front of her and walked straight forward.

Her eyes were very empty, and she was in a trance, and she kept chanting about Little Strawberry.

After Jiang Yun tried a few times in a row, he found out that he was mentally disturbed, so he was relieved, and then called Zhao Bingbing.

The identity of the woman in white cannot be determined for the time being, so the program team called the police.

During this period of time, he has been following the woman in white, for fear that something will happen to her.

The two stopped and walked all the way, and soon reached the top of the building.

The woman in white walked to the side of the building and was about to climb over the guardrail, but Jiang Yun hurriedly stepped forward to stop her: "This lady, this is the ninth floor!"

"There is nothing we can't think about, and there is no need to jump off the building. You should calm down first. If there is anything you can tell the poor Taoist, if you can help, the poor Taoist will definitely help."

The woman didn't seem to hear, she was still climbing over the railing on her own, and she was very strong.

Jiang Yun blocked for ten minutes, but in desperation, he used the hand knife to knock the man unconscious and lay him flat on the ground.

The wind on the top of the building was very strong, and it made a whining sound, much like the sound of a ghost.

"Every layman, yesterday's unsolved case has finally been solved. The ghost screams are the wind, and the figure on the roof is probably this female layman."

"Please believe in science, let the bullets fly for a while, give Poor Dao some time, and let me lead you into science." Jiang Yun said to the camera.

When he was talking, he suddenly felt someone slapping him from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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