daily bloodline

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

In the evening, when everyone came out of the bar, it was already 11:30.

"Next time!" Su Ying greeted: "Go take a bath, I will arrange a car to take us to school tomorrow morning!"

He is a typical type who can't stop playing, and if he doesn't play, he will die. Once he starts playing, he has to stay up all night and have fun.

"Your treat?" Zhao Linglong stood beside Su Ying, tilted her head when she heard this, looked up at Su Ying, and asked coquettishly.

"My treat!" Su Ying Bangbang patted her chest.

"Let's go then."

"Come on, you have to go to class tomorrow, what about your homework?" Yun Duo asked, "Old Zhang can't get mad tomorrow, right?"

"No, no~" Su Ying waved her hand, pointing at Zhao Linglong, then at Luo Jiuqian and Li Shuzhe who was drunk: "The top three in our class are here, so let's say we're staying at my house tonight, homework first Take it in two days, and the two squad leaders are here, what are you afraid of?"

"It's true to say that, but don't forget..." Yun Duo pointed to Su Ying and Wan Zihao: "The bottom one and the second in the class are all here..."

"..." Su Ying: "Oh, it's okay, I'm going to take a bath later, have a massage, wouldn't it be nice to sweat? I've already drank, and I might be scolded when I go home."

Li Shuzhe muttered in confusion: "Why do I feel like I'll be scolded even harder if I don't go home?"

"Let's say I'm staying at a classmate's house hahaha~"

"Then I'll call home." Yun Duo said helplessly.

The gate control of the little girl's house was relatively strict, but fortunately, several girls from Zhao Linglong were there as guarantees, and Yun Duo's family agreed.

Luo Jiuqian drank a little too much, with a slight drunkenness on his face, holding Su Ying's arm, everyone came to take a bath.

"It's outrageous..." Bai Yuzhu laughed and said, "A group of high school students don't go home to take a bath at night, it's nothing, the problem is that you still have class the next day."

"Still with boys..." Yun Duo said helplessly, "My mother will scold me to death if she knows..."

"It's good to be rebellious once in a while." Zhao Linglong said with a smile.

Yun Duo squinted at her, but said nothing.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Linglong asked.

"It's nothing." Yun Duo shook his head: "I'll talk about it later."

Over there, the three boys from Su Ying rushed into the men's bath with towels and hand cards, and several girls also took their hand cards into the women's bath.

"This is the first time I've come here, the bath is so big!"

After taking off his clothes, Yun Duo went into the bathroom and exclaimed, "Isn't this pool about ten or twenty meters long and wide?"

Bai Yuzhu plunged into the water, lapping happily a few times, her delicate body with bumps and protrusions was as nimble as a fish swimming in the water.

"Sister Yuzhu looks so happy..."

Bai Yuzhu stood up, looking a little excited: "I've never been to such a big bathhouse!"

Yun Duo: "???"

Zhao Linglong: "???"

Luo Jiuqian: "???"

"Not so?" Yun Duo was surprised.

Bai Yuzhu smiled: "I used to go to junior high school in the south, and there were basically no baths there, and there was a bathroom at home, so..."

Luo Jiuqian and the three looked at each other, and then, the three smiled.

Zhao Linglong raised her head and smiled like a little devil: "Sister Yuzhu, do you want to take a bath?"

Bai Yuzhu blinked: "Huh? Will you rub it for me?"

Zhao Linglong stood up, stretched out her hand and pointed in the direction behind her, Bai Yuzhu followed the direction she pointed, and saw several big and three thick aunts.


The screams echoed in the bathtub, and a strong aunt rubbed Bai Yuzhu's bath, holding the towel in front of her from time to time: "Look, girl, there is a lot of mud from rubbing off!"

Bai Yuzhu lay on the bath bed covering her face and screamed, "Impossible! I take a bath every day!"

"The north is different from the south. It's cold and dry here, and it's not easy to sweat. Dust will accumulate in the pores. After a long time, the pores will become enlarged and the skin will be rough. So even if you take a bath every day, you have to come to the bathroom to scrub every once in a while. of."

Zhao Linglong lay down beside the bath bed with a smirk, kneaded a small ball with ashes, and smiled like a little devil: "Look, stretch your legs and stare at the pill."

"Let me die thank you!"

"I used the mud rubbing treasure, it doesn't hurt, this girl is so delicate." The scrub aunt laughed straight: "This is the first time to scrub?"

Bai Yuzhu hummed.

"Then I'll take it easy."

As the aunt said, she moved lightly and rubbed the bath towel on Bai Yuzhu's body. Compared with the feeling of being on fire just now, Bai Yuzhu felt that the strength of her hand was much more comfortable now.

The forehead, the back of the hand, the fingers, the back of the foot, the toes, and finally slapped the sole of the foot, and Bai Yuzhu hummed comfortably.

"Is it exciting?" asked the aunt.

"Hmm..." Bai Yuzhu was trapped by rubbing, and she really liked this feeling a little bit.

After a long while, a few girls went upstairs after taking a shower. Luo Jiuqian called the service staff: "We open two private rooms, and we need four female therapists who can pick ears and massage. They need to be regular, thank you."

The young lady at the front desk kindly opened rooms for a few people.

Bai Yuzhu smiled: "I have tried ear picking and massage. I used to invite masseurs to my home."

Yun Duo was speechless: "It's Versailles, isn't it?"

"What are those three doing?"

"I sent a message to Su Ying but didn't get back to me, it should be washing."

Zhao Linglong was a little puzzled: "Three big boys, are they more ink-stained than girls in the shower?"

At the same time, in the men's bath, the three of Su Ying slid back and forth on the floor tiles with their bare buttocks: "Catch the shrimp! Aiwo blew up and killed the soldier of the Special Forces Battalion, Beverly..."

Upstairs, Luo Jiuqian tilted his head: "I think I heard Su Ying's voice?"

"Are these three people drunk too much?" Yun Duo smiled: "Wan Zihao was too drunk before going to the bar, Li Shuzhe...is somewhat sane, Su Ying is all excited."

Luo Jiuqian waved his hand: "No... Su Ying can't get drunk at all, he's just having fun."

"Come on baby! Get dry! Oh—"



The shouts of three people came from downstairs, Luo Jiuqian shrugged with a relaxed expression.

The technicians came over with small boxes in their arms. There were two rooms for four people, one room for Luo Jiuqian and Bai Yuzhu, and one room for Yun Duo and Zhao Linglong.

"Make me a full set!"

Zhao Linglong said a little at ease when her flat and petite body fell onto the flat bed.

"me too."

Yun Duo lay down on the bed, enjoying the massage comfortably: "Sure enough, it was the right choice not to go home..."

"So what did you want to say before?" Zhao Linglong asked while enjoying the ear picking.


"Recall for you, I said it's good to be rebellious once in a while." Zhao Linglong closed her eyes and said softly.

"You have a hard drive installed in your head, right..." Yun Duo was speechless: "It's nothing, I just feel that you have rebelled a little too much recently."


"For example, when you beat Ma Hongwei in groups before, you hit him right off the bench. I feel like you weren't like this before..."

"That's it? Didn't we all do it in the class?"

"You seem to be out of personal enmity, right? Because he scolded Su Ying? Although I am very angry, but I feel that you... your personality... seems to be stronger..." Yun Duo thought for a while: "You can also say Are you more confident? Not sure..."

"It's not a big deal." Zhao Linglong snorted comfortably, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "If I have to say it... it should feel more secure."

Yun Duo turned her head: "Because of Su Ying?"

"Huh? Can't you?"

"pretty good…"

After a long while, the massage was over, and the two female technicians left with a small box. The moment the door closed, Yun Duo jumped up and hit Zhao Linglong with a pillow.

"Die, little bitch!"

"I knew it!"

Zhao Linglong stood up and stood up to fight, the room was filled with joy.

 First update today~
(End of this chapter)

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