New Eternal Day

Chapter 102 Thank you for not being sensitive

Chapter 102 Thank you for not being sensitive
I am Cecil, a fortuneteller and a teacher at Achutan Public School.

As you can see, I'm having a little bit of trouble right now.

Two students fought in my class. If it was normal, my friends would say:
"Come on, Borg! Go fight them to the death!"

Because they know I'm not going to do that at all, I'm a very gentle person at heart, sometimes cowardly.

...well, not occasionally.

There must be people around you who follow the rules and are afraid to go beyond any taboos. I am this kind of person.

Before I met Ruosi and the others, my dream was to open an astrology club just like my father, and to be a magician II with peace of mind.

No matter how bad it is, it is also possible to set up a street stall.

You know, in Achutan, which has been in the dark for a long time, it is not difficult to do business profitably, and it is impossible for me to starve to death.

My sister said that I am the descendant of the Twelve Heroes who did not pursue it the least, but I think that pursuing this thing is tailor-made for people with a strong heart, and I have too many things to fear...

Just like now—Miss Verra of the family of actors is pulling the hair of the girl in the front seat of her, and the two are fighting.

The girl in the front seat is also very powerful, with long nails twisting around her face.

The carved chair fell to the side, and the table that was overturned by Vera's agitated movement overturned the boy who stepped forward to stop the fight.

He rushed down with his upper body, his hands trapped in the gap between the chair and the table, struggling to get up, but Vera stepped on him mercilessly.

She leaned closer to the girl, and cursed at a closer distance, for fear that the spit would not hit her face.

I don't even know what happened just now, these things just happened in a blink of an eye.

These students secretly set up channels behind my back, chatting with spiritual knowledge during class.

The last time their channel was blocked was last week, and a new one was created immediately. I suddenly miss the days when An he was the Minister of Security when I was in school.

At that time, almost no one dared to make mistakes. Even the senior students were subdued by An Ta's management, because An Ta was not afraid of offending people at all.

Having said that, Teyi was banned from class because An Ta reported him for fighting in a public area.

I still think it is a very great thing to be able to control the special art back then, why didn't I have such a good life?

I glanced at the Minister of Security sitting in the first row, and the moment he met my eyes, he quickly fled from sight.

I sighed and cast a separation spell between them.

"Both of you, the grade of this course will be cancelled."


Vera turned her face and looked at me with an exaggerated expression.

"If you have any questions, come to my office and say, others, you can leave after handing in your homework."

The children in the class were speaking sparsely at the end of the class:

"Thank you, Imminent."

One by one, they rolled up their textbooks and fled away as if flying away.

It's time to tell Lucius about the Hagelbergs. I've been feeling like I'm having a hard time getting things going.

Rubbing my temples, picking up my stuff, it's been a long day.

"where are you going?"

Vera stopped me to ask.

"Of course I'm going back to the mansion. What time is it?"

I take back what I said before when I was in the chaos in Yero City and felt that she was very different. As long as I was in school, Vera was a devil in chaos, and I was the poor man with a full head who was annoyed by the devil in chaos.

"Didn't you say that if there is a problem, I will go to the office to find you."

She frowned and said seriously.

"Boss, what I said is that if there is a problem, do you really have a problem? Are you ashamed to have a problem? Disrupting the class can directly suspend the class. I just cancel your grade.

Your usual grades are already very high, even if you don't have my grades in this course, it won't have much impact on you.

Please let me go back to rest. I have a class today. I am just a small teacher. I am not a professor. I don’t have such a high level. I just want to spend every day in peace. Do you understand? "

I feel a little angry, actually I don't usually talk like this, in most relationships, I am the weaker party, but today I don't know what's wrong, suddenly I feel that I have the confidence to vent.

Vera looked at me cautiously, and there were marks on the cheeks that were scratched by the girl with her nails just now.

"I didn't expect you to be so busy. After all, I only see you in the last class every day. I..."

She folded her fingers and twisted her hands together, looking like she was thinking about what to say.

And I didn't care what she wanted to say, the age difference was clearly there.

In my eyes, she is like a blank piece of paper. When I meet her in her field of expertise, I may feel a short-term amazement, but she is always different from me.

I thought to myself and interrupted her.

"I know that the Hagelberg family is very powerful in Achutan, and I know that you are a very good actor, but I don't think we are really suitable. If you say you like it, it will cause me trouble , then I think this kind of liking to tell the truth is quite naive. If I were you, I would give up as soon as possible, or spend time on other more meaningful things. I don’t want to see you in my class next semester .”

I finished speaking in one breath and deliberately didn't look at her. The little girl's feelings come and go quickly. Now she should be able to see my true face clearly, right?
Ruosi said that when I was angry, I looked like I was joking. Today I deliberately said it in a very serious tone. I guess it should be successful.

She didn't speak for a long time, I turned my head and saw a large crystal clear pimple rolled down from her eyes, but I proudly raised my sleeve and wiped it off myself.

Without saying anything, I turned around and left. After walking a few steps, I turned around and came back and said to me:

"I didn't mean to force you, I was just pursuing you, isn't that okay?

Last year I was able to skillfully use human-animal transformation, why do you always treat me like a child?

I really want to learn your class well, this class is very late, I just want to be closer to you...

Since I took this course until now, I have never caused you any trouble, have I?

Why do you make me so humble in front of you? Is it the devil in your heart who wants to see my jokes? "

After finishing speaking, Vera wiped her eyes heavily again, and left quickly.

I couldn't help being a little dazed by what she said. Indeed, although she was very clingy to me in private, she was still very obedient in class. Maybe something happened.

The strange thing is that the girl who was beaten by Vera didn't come to me to complain, and she didn't seem to have any opinion on the cancellation of her grades. What's going on?

Forget it, it's all conflicts between little girls, and it's none of my business.

On the way back to the mansion, I need to pass through the public school's public dining room. I accidentally caught sight of a figure from the back. It was the boy who went up to persuade a fight today, but was upset. He usually doesn't seem like the kind of person who meddles in other people's business.

I couldn't help but go up and ask more:
"Sis, do you know why Vera and the others fought today?"

The boy named Sisi was sucking fine noodles. When he saw me suddenly appearing, a mouthful of noodles stuck in his throat. He coughed violently, and a piece of noodles slipped out of his nostrils.

The companion who was eating together patted him on the back and helped him through the difficult time.

"Mr. Borg, I saw you criticize Vera just now, so don't blame her. She didn't fight with her classmates for herself."

I knew it, it wasn't, it was just pushy.

"Then who is she for?"

I asked casually.

Sis wiped his mouth with a square towel, rolled his eyes, and seemed to be considering whether to say something, and finally leaned over and whispered to me:

"For you."

 Note: Being able to freely switch between human and beast forms is the adult standard for Achutan half-orcs.

(End of this chapter)

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