I really don't want to fight with gods

Chapter 184 The front wave is about to hit the beach

Chapter 184 The front wave is about to hit the beach

An Ning is not trying to scare Jing Xiaoqiang.

Things like bone injuries can be so big or small.

Jing Xiaoqiang, who has obtained the qualification of fighting fitness coach herself, knows very well that when her own weight accelerates and hits the concrete floor, it is considered lucky that no fracture is displaced.

But if this kind of quiet rest leaves sequelae, it may be very difficult to give birth to a child.

The doctor who made the ward round the next morning said the same thing, although it was a bit strange that the family member of the patient had been wearing a mask to cover the lower half of his face.

Didn't the criticism tell me yesterday that I should apply a cold water towel to the wound, why didn't it last at night.

An Ning tried her best to bury her face in the pillow like an ostrich, her butt became more and more conspicuous.

Jing Xiaoqiang said okay, okay, start right away, and then found two nurses and aunts, the kind with strong hands and very skilled hands.

The aunt also said that the effect of ice cubes is better, and it will be guaranteed immediately, and she will do it while talking.

Jing Xiaoqiang hastily said, "Hey, don't worry, wait until I'm gone!"

He humbly moved to the side of the pillow: "Do you have any other demands, or do you want to pay compensation?"

An Ning probably had been looking forward to the ice compress for a long time: "Get out of here! Let me think about it, we'll talk about it at night, I'm so annoying!"

Jing Xiaoqiang ran quickly.

Don't even think about going to the gym at this point.

There are still 10 minutes to go to class and go to work, so I will walk around the campus by the way.

There are no real estate agents and no new construction.

Want to buy a house...

Jing Xiaoqiang can't ask the security guard of the college, and the whole school will know about it tomorrow.

Moreover, there are old houses around here, and Jing Xiaoqiang doesn't look down on them, even if it's the kind of old alley room he rented just now, it's best to move in with a bag if it's clean.

He could only go back to school resentfully, and first went to the Academic Affairs Office to say that he wanted to see the boss.

Just go back to the office to make up for sleepiness, and now I don't waste time in the classroom at all.

Luo Li hurried in to take a look before class started: "I said I closed the doors and windows last night, and I didn't see how your motorcycle concealed the door. It's all right."

Then it floated away like the wind again, Jing Xiaoqiang just yawned and was about to fall asleep again, then swished his head again: "The sales lists of cosmetics and underwear are all on the fax machine, Sister Lu said yesterday that she would also buy a fax machine, and put the sales I sent all the information, and I called for a long time at night."

disappear again.

Jing Xiaoqiang suddenly couldn't fall asleep.

This is Lu Daxiong's secretive, subtle encirclement and control!

Unknowingly touched his own roots, and connected these little girls together to keep track of his own dynamics at any time?
Sure enough, two or three minutes later, Pan Yunyan rushed in again: "Isn't it beautiful? Sister Lu sold it to us at half price. Many students want to buy it today!"

It is almost the same as Jing Xiaoqiang's B3, but it is obviously the female version of the furry leather jacket with lapels, handsome and pretty.

The main thing is that she is beautiful, and the heavy leather jacket accentuates her delicate face.

Jing Xiaoqiang pleasingly encouraged: "Actually, this kind of leather jacket looks best when worn with a short skirt. Don't you have a pleated skirt?"

Pan Yunyan was startled: "It's so cold, why are you bare-legged?"

Only then did Jing Xiaoqiang ask and understand that pantyhose and the like are not that popular yet, they are high-end and rare items: "Okay, if I go out to do errands in the afternoon, I will buy you a pair."

Pan Yunyan never forgets the sisterhood: "Lan Lan is embarrassed to come, she regrets a bit...bring one for her too!"

While talking, he gestured to the grand occasion of carrying a schoolbag on his chest, and then ran away with a smile.

I didn't feel that I was missing a lot of talent from others, so I was happy.

Jing Xiaoqiang couldn't sleep anymore, so he simply got up and went to the morning court.

Even Mu Chunlei, who just came to work, praised it when he saw it: "Hey, this leather jacket is very handsome, it seems to be very popular this year?"

Jing Xiaoqiang introduced: "We brought one from the leather market in Haijing County to Shanghai for sale. Would you like one too? I'll send it to you later."

Mu Chunlei waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I'm not suitable. You have to keep a bookish look. How about it? What's new?"

Jing Xiaoqiang first talked about his plans for a song and dance drama album: "But don't tell them yet, it's not good if this kind of enthusiastic academic atmosphere is mixed with money, but try to let everyone have a bonus before the New Year."

Mu Chunlei asked about how much money it was.

Jiang Xiaoqiang was more conservative: "There must be more soloists, three to fifty thousand should be no problem, three to five thousand for chorus."

When the dean took a deep breath, although he later claimed to be No.1 in domestic royalties, he did not earn much at the moment: "Just an album, sing a song? It is higher than our professor's salary and bonus for a year !"

That's not.

Selling tea eggs is worse than atomic bombs, and pig-killing knives are worse than scalpels. These are the slogans that have come out these days.

The brain and the body are upside down, the market economy is too fast, the income of the system has not kept up, and the national finances have also been caught off guard.

Jing Xiaoqiang is still embarrassed: "There are too few, so I can't sell them. The main thing is to follow me, a gold medalist, to release an album, and the market still recognizes it."

Mu Chunlei combed his hair vigorously five times, calming down the literati's emotions: "Would you...would you make the music and opera majors feel particularly bad, and other majors would be jealous?"

Like a slanderous eunuch, Jing Xiaoqiang hurriedly moved closer and whispered, "If we put the Department of Dance and Music and Drama in another campus, what do you think? Out of sight, out of mind."

Mu Chunlei must have been surprised: "What kind of statement?"

Jing Xiaoqiang explained the ins and outs: "That's what it means. You see, I often have a good relationship with the dance teachers, and I have figured out the inside story of this dance major. In fact, the top dance forces in the country are all at the level of this technical secondary school. You can’t dance when you’re older, those dance academies actually go for a mixed diploma after becoming famous and famous, and those who enter the dance academies are also the leftover seedlings of dance troupes and theater troupes, which is exactly the opposite of the music academies.”

The dean of the School of Drama must also know something, but the whole situation has changed dramatically in the past few years, including the dismantling of the art troupe, the restructuring of the song and dance troupe, the fluctuation of the market economy, everything is changing.

He nodded frequently: "Well, I know the Conservatory of Music. The thorough academic school occupies a high point, but Pingjing's suppression of Shanghai and Shanghai is also serious. We can take advantage of this."

He doesn't regard Jing Xiaoqiang as a student at all, he himself is a young genius, not surprising.

Jing Xiaoqiang really heard it from Wang Qian, and the experience of foreign ex-girlfriends can also help: "The main thing is the relationship between physiological structure, even if high-level dance requires a sense of power, it is still more advantageous to be younger, and the peak If you are young, it is not your turn to speak at the college level, so Principal Zhuang has so much power to speak, but... you also said that the art troupe will be further compressed, and the song and dance troupe is not the mainstream. This time I will go to Haitian and Haijing, but Many parents want to send their children to learn singing and dancing, and the market demand will increase. Her place is really not good, so I think this direction is very effective in convincing her.”

Mu Chunlei was super satisfied: "If you put your heart into it, pay the debt!"

Jing Xiaoqiang was even worse: "The dance school is surrounded by technical schools and vocational high schools, which can't be compared with technical secondary schools. They are full of bad guys who can't go to high school, so Principal Zhuang is very dissatisfied with the environment. The Normal University probably knows this. They want to annex the dance school, they have a big land in the suburbs, and they can take advantage of the opportunity to swallow the land of the dance school, good plan..."

Mu Chunlei concentrated on it: "It's really hard for you. After spying on so much high-quality information, the Normal University will also reimburse you."

Jing Xiaoqiang finally announced: "I kept it in my heart, but I went to run an errand yesterday. You know there is an international community on the road from the western suburbs to the airport. It's a whole area..."

While talking, I also grabbed a pen and paper to draw a map.

More like a scout.

Mu Chunlei nodded frequently: "I know, I know, the First International Community, which is very important in the city, is mainly for foreign experts, investment environment construction, etc., and there are also considerations for absorbing funds. It has been several years. , It seems that we have also consulted the School of Drama for aesthetic modeling opinions, none of us have done it, and finally entrusted Hong Kong and Taiwan companies to operate it, which can be regarded as learning from the domestic construction industry, have you already moved in?"

Jing Xiaoqiang said clearly: "It costs more than 2000 US dollars per square meter. There are many RB people living here. There are experts from Hong Kong and Taiwan here. There are also some bosses here. It is said that the model of Citigroup Supermarket will open before the Spring Festival. It is very popular and very high-end. The surrounding streets and towns are jealous, and many plagiarized properties have been repaired in these places..."

Mu Chunlei suddenly realized: "This buffer zone is left as a park in the end? Is that what you like?"

Jing Xiaoqiang analyzed: "The civil aviation hospital is being built here, so there must be a large construction of civil aviation dormitories nearby. These houses are too remote to be sold after completion, but after the completion of the international community, this area will definitely become popular. For the high-end consumer groups in the high-end community, how about a high-end singing and dancing hall in this high-end park?"

Mu Chunlei combed his hair vigorously: "I think it will work! Is this area enough?"

Jing Xiaoqiang's calculation is: "Actually, the dance department is still centered on the children of the dance school. The university part may be a major in musical drama. How many people can there be, and the land of the dance school is still there. How can the two sides add up?" They've all changed their shotguns."

Mu Chunlei also has skills: "According to what you mean, it is actually impossible to cancel the dance school that recruits children aged [-] or [-]. Then we... will keep the dance school in the name of the high school attached to the Drama Academy, and then Mr. Zhuang will be in charge of the dance department..."

Jing Xiaoqiang quickly flattered her: "She seems to be very concerned about being called a dance academy, even a second-level academy."

Mu Chunlei hahaha again: "Have you heard all this?"

Jing Xiaoqiang is very familiar: "Maybe it's because she mainly takes care of children in their teens all the time. Principal Zhuang treats children like his own children. He has always been single and has a very good reputation. I think she is satisfied with the land, title, and size. It shouldn't be rejected."

Mu Chunlei got up excitedly: "Then... let's go and see it now?!"

Look, this is the person who does things, the big fool Lu spent 300 million and didn't even go to see it!
But when he came out to get into the old Shanghai car, Jing Xiaoqiang said, "I... bought a low-key car, why don't we take a ride?"

Mu Chunlei suddenly felt like the waves were about to jump on the beach!

(End of this chapter)

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