Calamity Island: Endless Trials

Chapter 133 [Tentative launch time: No. 31]

Chapter 133 [Tentative launch time: No. 31]

Currently, this book is tentatively scheduled to be released on the 31st of this month. At that time, half of the third story should be written.

I still hope you will support me a lot.

Although it is a hobby and the expectation of making money is not too high, the number of subscriptions is a manifestation of recognition for me.

I hope that readers who think this book is okay, if you have spare money, please subscribe after it goes on sale on the 31st.

As for readers who don’t have enough money and feel that this book is not up to the level of making you spend money, you can turn to the qq browser to read the book at that time.

There is also a channel, with a little more advertising than pirated copies, but it is definitely in sync with the book, and the author will benefit from it.

And I went to the pirated site to check some of my post-edited things. Many pirated sites are not synchronized at all, especially the first story is completely messed up.

Anyway, I hope you can support me more!

Finally, I plan to delete the character card in the past few days, because it involves spoilers, and I will open a post in the book review area to record the characters.

(End of this chapter)

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