after waking up.

Chapter 309 Fighting

Chapter 309 Fighting
Without the use of magic power, the physical strength of normal superhumans is limited, but the existence of the Silent Knight breaks the rules. They cannot use magic power themselves, but their explosive power far exceeds that of ordinary superhumans.

Don't underestimate this slight difference. Misjudgments with poor information make the Silent Knight a terrifying assassin.

The magic pattern on Phoenix's knife dimmed, he inserted it back into the scabbard on his back, held the minky man's head with one hand to prevent him from falling off, supported his back with the other hand, and gently put him down on the ground, It wasn't until this moment that the man's head broke away from his body, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

At the same time that the man was lying down, the mink coat was already in Phoenix's hands.

"Death Mage, the upper echelons of the Ilhan Kingdom will be very angry if they didn't arrange suitable guards."

Ivan also came over and looked at the corpse on the ground.

"The moment we actually make a move, we must make all preparations. The nature of this war has changed. Mulan is right. It's time for them to wake up."

At the location of Hirkin City Hall, the last living corpse on the periphery fell under Renault's knife.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang".
The sound of gunfire came suddenly, and the support of the insurgents from the outside, who did not know why, rushed to the scene and opened fire as soon as they saw Renault.

Renault directly blocked two bullets with a knife, and then moved quickly like a ghost, dodging on the surrounding buildings.

More and more rebels arrived and all opened fire on Renault.

"Stop—" "Don't stop—"

The Workers' Party and the rebel army in the city hall were just waiting in line before, and it wasn't that they didn't observe the situation outside. Seeing Renault being attacked at this moment, they all rushed out.

Under the yelling of everyone, the gunfire finally subsided gradually, and Renault also jumped off the roof of a building.

However, the muzzles of a large number of insurgents were still subconsciously aimed at him, and some even whispered in the crowd.

"Did you see his movements just now?" "Too close to see clearly"

Renault was expressionless, and checked the two snake-shaped swords that had been bumped by bullets. After confirming that there was no problem, he inserted the two swords into the scabbard behind him. He walked out step by step, ignoring the moving muzzles around him.

The leaders of the Workers' Party were also extremely nervous at the moment. Although Renault rescued them, it was difficult for them to be calm because of the unknown purpose of this inconceivably strong stranger.

Polly was the first to step forward.

"I am Pauli Basso, the leader of this uprising, thank you for your help."


Renault simply said his name, reached out and shook Polly's hand.

"I know you must have doubts, but someone will answer it later, well, they are here."

As Renault's voice fell, the rebel army outside seemed to have some commotion again. Ivan and Phoenix were walking from outside, and Renault quickly walked to Ivan's side.

"Put down the guns!"

Polly yelled at the people around him, and then paid attention to Aiwen and others like everyone else, and Aiwen walked up to the leader of the Workers' Party, but simply gave a heart-warming salute.

"Hi everyone, this is the first time we meet. We are not your enemies, and we have no intention of hurting you. We are just watching you as observers."

"Your struggle made us see the flame of justice and made us realize that you may help us in the future, so when you are in danger, we will act decisively."

"What do you mean?"

"Why did those corpses come back to life just now? What do you want us to do?"

Someone asked this, and Ivan shook his head.

"Your current power can't help us yet. We just don't want the flame of justice to go out. This matter is not as simple as you think. If you don't mind, let's go in and say, it's still quite cold here."

Who is Evan?He was originally one of the most promising young priests in the church, and he was the one who received the highest standard of bathing. He naturally had good language skills when facing various believers.

After entering the city hall, Aiwen simply expressed that it is impossible to reach an agreement with the kingdom through an uprising, and even if it is reached, it is unbelievable. Naivety will ruin their efforts. What happened tonight is an omen .

"You mean, the kingdom will send troops to fight, as well as wizards who can use magic, and even send all kinds of monsters?"

"Is that possible?" "Don't they want Hirkin's project?"

"We can destroy the industrial zone at any time!"

In the conference room, many workers' parties were filled with indignation and fear.

Evan shook his head.

"The Kingdom of Ilhan thinks that you can't make any waves. As long as they get serious, you will be completely disintegrated. The reality may not be as easy as they think, but you are indeed alone, if we don't intervene."

The conference room is now full of people, and the corridor outside is also full of people, someone in the crowd asked.

"Then why do you want to intervene, we are for our own survival, why are you fighting against the kingdom?"

Ivan was silent for a few seconds and smiled.

"We see more things, our sight is farther, but in the final analysis, we are also for survival. As I said, you may help us in the future. Even if there is no such future, I personally don't want you to fail."

"Maybe you can't trust us yet, but our people will still choose to help you. I believe you will realize that we are friends soon. Wait until Mr. Moore arrives."


"The teacher is coming?"

"Where is he?"

"He should be on board now, and our companions are escorting him."

Alvin said and stood up.

"Cherish your achievements, cherish your own strength, stop having naive illusions, either rush out of the night by yourself, or ignite the flames, after tonight, be prepared to fight."

Alvin continued after a pause.

"Our people are concentrating here. We will do our best to help you overcome your own fears. As long as you can overcome your fears, even the monsters in your eyes are not invincible. Please don't let us down."

After finishing speaking, Ivan bowed towards the meeting room, and then left with Phoenix and Renault. They were here, making everyone very nervous.

Doubt, bewildered, doubt, believe.
No matter what the rebels think, choosing is sometimes not an active act, because reality will force them to act.

On the third day after the rebel army occupied the city hall, Aiwen told them bad news.

Reinforcements from the Ilhan Kingdom towards Hirkin are coming. There are regular troops in all directions, and even steam tanks and airships. In the following day, the rebel army also confirmed this through their own reconnaissance. .

On the evening of the fifth day, leaflets fell from the sky one by one, which was dropped from the sky by an airship.

The content of the leaflet is very simple, all workers' parties will be sentenced to death, and ordinary workers who "participate in the riots" will be innocent as long as they catch the workers' party, and will be given more favorable treatment than before.

On the roof of a building, Phoenix grabbed the flyer and crushed it to pieces.

"The upper echelons of the Ilhan Kingdom are not all idiots. Their hearts are unpredictable. Even if they can't achieve the expected goals, they can still plant seeds of suspicion."

Alvin shook his head and took a deep breath.

"Dealing with such a complicated matter is really exhausting. Mu Lan didn't know how much pressure he had by himself before. No wonder he has been insomnia."

"Master Aiwen, what shall we do?"

Alvin tore up the flyer in his hand.

"I'm afraid Hirkin can't bear it. Many people here still have illusions, but we can't shrink back. At least we must try our best to keep some fire."

Alvin looked up at the sky.

"The thing on the top of the head is kind of annoying."

When Ivan was speaking, a raven had already flown to the side of the airship and landed in the cabin, and more and more crows had appeared in the surrounding air.

"A~A~" "A~"

On the airship, someone inadvertently saw a piece of darkness on one side.



"Oh no no, they're coming!"

"Da da da da da da da da da da."

Someone on the airship opened fire, but the dense crowd of crows had already rushed towards the three airships above the city, and the Raven Messenger also took human form at this moment, swaying the whip of death on one of the airships.

"Boom~" "Boom~"

Flames appeared in the sky, and the three airships swayed and fell in different directions one after another.

At an outpost on the outskirts of Hirkin, a general held a binoculars and watched the airship crash.

"It seems that there are indeed external forces interfering. Otherwise, how could the untouchables have the courage to rebel and start attacking immediately. If they are afraid, they will naturally know how to choose."


After the general gave the order, the Ilhan Kingdom Army, which arrived first, directly launched an attack on the area occupied by the rebel army.

"Woo~" "Woo~" "Woo~"

"Boom-" "Boom-"

The rebel army's own simple position could not withstand the roar of artillery fire. When the Royal Army rushed, there were not many people who could fight back immediately.

"Coax chick chick chick chick."

The steam tanks kept approaching amidst the roar, machine guns fired non-stop, and the rebel army was crushed so hard that they could not lift their heads.

Some royal troops even rushed into the fortifications and fought with some rebels. Due to training factors, even though the royal army was not elite compared to the powerful army, it was enough to deal with these workers to make bayonets popular.

For a time the perimeter defense was in jeopardy.

The Dawn members disguised in the rebel army activated instantly, and moved around the fortification with fast movements.

"Bang~" "Bang~" "Bang~"

The Three Kingdoms soldiers were headshot, and then beheaded the rest with cold weapons, and another Shuguang member also got up with a roar.

"We have to stand up, or we'll just be killed—"

"Da da da da."

Machine guns fired, and the firepower penetrated the Kingdom Army's body and extended to the outside.

"With shells—"

"Suppress these tanks—"

"Bang~" "Bang~"

The cannons in the high places of the city were fired, and the shells fell on the road of the Royal Army's charge. The fire exploded a large amount of sand, and even the shells directly hit the steam tank, turning the huge steel monster into a fireball in an instant.

The rebel army regained some courage, looked up and fired continuously into the dust, and the occasional screams proved that the Royal Army who had rushed nearby was hit.

"Don't save on bullets, don't save on bullets, we've got plenty of ammo!"

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"


After all, the rebel army blocked the first wave of attacks and did not collapse at the first touch.

(End of this chapter)

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