after waking up.

Chapter 237 The Secret Realm of Siluas World Tree

Chapter 237 The Secret Realm of Siluas World Tree

In the eyes of Faro Lynch and Shire, a flame-like pattern emerged on the upper part of the trunk of the giant tree.

My name is: Cyluas World Tree, my lord Muran Jones gave me the will, I am the tree of life standing on the earth, and I am also the torch of light piercing the sky, I lead the dawn to the earth , Protect this piece of pure land that belongs to the great braves!
The words and flames only appeared for more than ten seconds, as if they gradually faded and disappeared after all the words appeared, but Farrow Lynch and Charles had already seen the meaning clearly.

The two of them were still staring blankly at this towering tree in the true sense. If there is any tree that is qualified to be called the World Tree, it must be this one.

After a long time, Farrow Lynch and Charles turned around and looked around, the endless land and the distance, wondering where the boundary of this secret realm was.

"It's such a beautiful place. If you can live here, you should be very happy and safe, right?"

Farrow Lynch murmured, while Charles pointed to the tree in the distance.

"Just ask Mulan and you'll know."

The two walked towards the trunk of the giant tree, and Mulan fell asleep on a land covered with green fallen leaves. He slept very peacefully. It was rare that he did not have nightmares, nor did the aura of the Crow Queen appear in his dreams.

As soon as the two approached Mulan to wake him up, a faint blue-gold light appeared on Mulan's body, and a dreamlike phantom flew up from him, and when it fell to the ground, it turned into a huge holy creature.

"Please don't wake him up, he's more tired than you think."

The elf's voice sounded, and it was strange that it was the first time he had seen the creature in front of him, and he knew it was a very powerful and mysterious existence just by looking at it, but Farrow Lynch and Charles were surprisingly not at all The sense of threat did not feel any pressure, and I chose to trust the other party.

Ciel and Farrow Lynch thought that Mulan was exhausted from the huge magic power consumed in building the secret realm, but the elf's words actually meant something else.

The two sat down under the tree and did not ask the elf, who turned around slowly and looked up at the giant tree that was deeply shocked even by it.

Because every human being has a name, the elves gave themselves the name Sirius, and the name of this world tree is Sirius, and the pronunciation is very close.

"Do you know why truly great Rift Weavers are so rare?"

The elf's words seem to have an ethereal echo, giving people a melodious but slightly unreal feeling, and the really great secret weaver in his words obviously has something to say.

"Are you talking to us?"

Charles asked this question, but the elf didn't look back, nor did he answer him.

"Because to create a real secret realm, you need a kind of power that yearns for beauty. Only those who possess this kind of power are the real masters of the secret realm. They don't need extremely powerful magic power. The resonance of the secret realm in the heart will give the secret realm a kind of vitality. If you die, this secret realm will not wither gradually like other false secret realms."

The sun has risen high, but Mu Lan shows no sign of waking up, Farrow Lynch said worriedly.

"If we don't see us at home, Xin Erwei and the children should be in a hurry."

The elf finally turned his head. He helped Mulan create this secret realm together, so of course he knew how to get out of here.

"As a person who has already been recognized by the secret realm, even if you can't master the mind key of the secret realm proficiently, as long as you touch the world tree, you can go out with your thoughts."

Farrow Lynch stood up immediately.

"Charles, take care of Mulan here. I'll go out to report that I'm safe, and I'll bring you some breakfast before I come back."

"Okay, let's go."

Charles waved his hand impatiently, the show of affection was endless, almost endless.

Just when Farrow Lynch was about to reach out and touch the extremely wide trunk, Mu Lan, who was still breathing evenly with his eyes closed, spoke.

"Bring Sylvia and the children to come in and see, they can come in when they are under the shade of the tree, they will like it here."

Farrow Lynch looked at Mulan slightly surprised.

"you're awake?"

"Well, I'm used to it. Most of the time, an hour of comfortable sleep is enough. It's just that today I'm too comfortable to think about it."

"Is that appropriate?"

"Nothing out of place, this would have been a sanctuary for us."

As he said that, Mulan opened his eyes and saw this magnificent giant tree clearly. This is the secret place he created, and it also belongs to the holy land of Dawn. Although he expected that he must be better than the students, but this is indeed a bit exaggerated .

"Well, as expected of me!"

Soon, Farrow Lynch returned home with a mysterious smile, and brought the somewhat confused Sylvie and the children to the big oak tree by the river. Although the big tree looked unchanged, it was obviously different. Farrow Lynch could vaguely perceive its aura that was exactly the same as that of the World Tree.

There was no one around, and as several people entered the shade, Farrow Lynch had a thought, and the next moment, a family of four had appeared in the secret place.

After Wei Wei was stunned for a moment, the two children screamed directly.


"Mom, mom, where is this?"

"Father Lynch, this tree is so big, ahhh—"

"What a nice view."

Xin Erwei also looked at the tree in disbelief, and felt a strong sense of intimacy.

Farrow Lynch was searching for the beautiful creature just now, hoping that Sylvie and the children could also see it, but unfortunately, it had disappeared by now.

But even so, this is the most heart-shattering scene, whether it is for ordinary people or for extraordinary people.

When Xin Erwei led the excited children to run in the carpet of green leaves blown by the wind, Mu Lan had already sat up.

Then Ciel blocked Farrow Lynch alone, and stretched out his hand.

"How about breakfast?"


Because he was too eager to let Xin Erwei and the children see all this, Faro Lynch had no time to let them make breakfast, so he brought them over directly.

"Hahahahaha, let's do it later."

Mulan laughed and pointed his finger into the distance.

"The range of [-] kilometers outside of Big Oak Town is under the protection of the secret realm. When danger comes, the shadow of the world tree will emerge and bring you into the secret realm. Of course, if you want to enter the secret realm, you can also do it in your own home. operate."

Only Farrow Lynch heard Mulan's words. Xin Erwei and the children were having fun over there, so she didn't hear clearly, but Farrow Lynch walked over excitedly, and Mulan lowered his voice.

"Although I am cold-blooded, I am not cold-blooded, Farrow Lynch, I need your strength, and I will try my best to make you have no worries. If one day you die, at least they will be fine."

"I don't die so easily!"

Farrow Lynch smiled, and his understatement meant that he was greedy for life but not afraid of death.

"Then all the conditions are almost ready, and I still need an experimental prop."

Charles also came over now and couldn't help asking.

"What experimental props?"

Mulan smiled mysteriously.

"A holy object, any holy object is fine, I want to find a way to completely destroy the holy object under the World Tree."

"crazy people."

"Imperial Daily, Imperial Daily, where does the brilliance of Tego's sky come from? Why can't the wanton thieves take away the winery's sows frequently? Imperial Daily, the fraudster forged the sword used by Lord Jones to Deceived the chastity of two noble ladies and more than 200 gold dice."

Newsboys on the street yelled vigorously, but a well-dressed man stopped the newsboy.

"Here's a newspaper, here you go, don't look for it."

Newsboys who received a coin immediately smiled and handed out a newspaper.

"Have a nice day sir."

The man unfolded the newspaper and read it, focusing on the glorious photos and the news about the scammer.

"Hey, this kid, before he knew it, he was already a big shot."

The man had a beard and the brim of his hat was lowered, but his angular appearance was somewhat similar to that of Mulan.

But after the smile lasted for a while, the man said bitterly again.

"But no matter how busy this guy is, he can't help but go home and have a look. What's the use of sending money? There are so few letters! When I find him, I must beat him hard."

But having said that, the man looked up at the bustling city of Tego and fell into a daze. Where should he find his brother? The address on the letter was Black Castle, but where is Black Castle?

Forget it, business matters first.

Leo picked up the newspaper and hurried on his way, looking for his destination.

The man who bought the newspaper was none other than Mulan’s elder brother, Leo Jonest. Lundin, Tego's prosperity is far beyond Leo's imagination.

Walking alone on the streets of a strange city, even a senior police detective like Leo will inevitably feel a sense of hesitation in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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