For every actor, the Cannes Film Festival is a sacred place, even for many Hollywood actors.

The fate between Zhou Yun and Cannes began when she acted in a movie for the first time.

"A Boy Destroyed by Desire" was once again shortlisted for Cannes, and Cannes immediately contacted Zhou Yun, hoping that Zhou Yun could attend this film festival.

Of course Zhou Yun really wants to go.

However, at this time, Zhou Yun didn't want to leave Song Chi for too long. She wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

Zhou Yun asked: "How about you go to Cannes with me?"

Song Chi said: "I won't go. You can go. I just need to rest at home for a few days."

Song Chi didn't go because he didn't want to affect Zhou Yun because of his own affairs.

Because of Zhou Yun's support for him, public opinion is now very unfriendly to Zhou Yun. In particular, many people think that Zhou Yun has embarrassed women, and even when the evidence of Song Chi's cheating was obvious, he still opened his eyes and did not believe it.

Compared with those who attacked him, Song Chi was more uncomfortable with the attacks and abuses launched by many people against Zhou Yun.

Those people have no regard for the truth, blindly only see what they want to see, and gain traffic by expressing various opinions.

Of course, some people sincerely believed that Song Chi had cheated on him, and Zhou Yun was really blinded, and they felt sorry for Zhou Yun's misfortune and were angry with him.

In any case, Song Chi knew that her appearance next to Zhou Yun would definitely bring her all kinds of controversies. Therefore, Song Chi was unwilling to appear next to her in public at this time, especially in Cannes movies. on such occasions.

Zhou Yun also knew Song Chi's concerns.

This made Zhou Yun himself have some concerns, and he even didn't want to attend the Cannes Film Festival this time.

Zhou Lan learned her thoughts and said: "Xiaoyun, you and Song Chi are husband and wife. Now he is at a low point. You don't have to argue and work hard to stabilize your position. When he needs your help, , how do you help him?"

Zhou Lan's words instantly awakened Zhou Yun.

When Zhou Yun arrived in Cannes, many fans came to the scene and shouted her name loudly. Their enthusiasm was no less than that of Zhou Yun's fans in China.

Zhou Yun was wearing sunglasses and was surrounded by everyone, making it difficult to move.

She had to stay at the scene for a while, taking photos with everyone and signing autographs for them, before slowly moving to the front of her car and getting in.

Even after she got into the car, the fans at the scene still shouted for her fiercely.

Zhou Lan stayed by her side and sighed: "You are really becoming more and more popular. Now you have so many fans in Europe."

Zhou Yun said: "Most of them are brought by the two movies "Female Killer" and "Killer"."

"So it is easiest to rise to the top by making blockbusters. With one or two films, audiences around the world will know you." Zhou Lan sighed.

Zhou Yun said: "That's what I say, but there are still many actors who insist on acting in art films and refuse to act in commercial films."

"Thank you for not having such a stubborn idea." "I don't have the capital to do it." Zhou Yun smiled helplessly, "Neither I nor Song Chi, from the beginning, I was not an actor who debuted in art films. Do you have the confidence to criticize some plays for being too commercial and some for not being artistic enough?"

"It still exists now, but I think you said it very well. For the market, there is a difference between commercial films and art films, but for actors there should not be." Zhou Lan nodded, "Actors just need to find their own suitability. If you cast actors for roles, aren't there any good roles in commercial films? At least "Killer" and "The Killer" prove that you can still pick good roles in commercial films."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Do you think you can win the Best Actress in Cannes this time?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment and said: "I don't know, but I think "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" is quite suitable for the taste of Cannes. There is hope. All I can say is that the role I played is quite suitable. A taste of Cannes.”

Zhou Lan: "I also think that at the last Berlin Film Festival, your Best Actress award was shared with another person. I hope you can win one for yourself this time."

"It doesn't matter whether you get it or not." Zhou Yun smiled, "Sister Lan, I find that my mentality has really adjusted. I used to say that winning awards was not important, and I was more or less sincere about it. Now I really don't care. "

"That's because you no longer need any awards to prove yourself." Zhou Lan said, "But for me, of course I still hope you can win awards. This industry is so tacky. The so-called uncrowned king. At the end of the day, you still have no title. Only with major awards around you will your status be more stable."

Zhou Yun: "Then let's look forward to this film festival and see if we can win an award."

Zhou Yun was also very happy to meet the crew members again.

The crew of "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" is not a large one, and it is not a huge blockbuster.

This time, in addition to director Antonio, Walder Street and Julietta are also here.

Everyone appeared on the red carpet of the premiere together and met with the global media.

On the red carpet, there were all voices calling Zhou Yun.

After walking the red carpet, I walked into the screening room, sat with everyone, and waited for the screening room to darken and start showing the movie.

Zhou Yun felt the peace deep in his heart. There was excitement, but it was no longer the uncontrollable kind.

It is difficult for Zhou Yun to fully enjoy the movie she stars in at the premiere because she can't help but watch the reactions of the people around her.

But this time, she was completely immersed in the movie and didn't pay attention to the reactions of the people around her.

Throughout the movie viewing process, Zhou Yun was looking at the screen, following the movie's lens to see the story.

For actors, the feeling of filming on location and the feeling of the final edited film are basically two different things. But this movie made Zhou Yun feel nothing like this. How it was shot on location will determine how it feels in the film. Antonio has extraordinary execution ability - in other words, he had already thought about how the movie was going to look like before the shooting started, so he shot it on set according to the way it was going to be shot. And that's how he made it.

Zhou Yun sat in the audience and took a deep breath.

Until the end of the movie, Zhou Yun and Wade passed each other in the corridor. At that moment, Zhou Yun's eyes and Ward's eyes met, and in just one second, they both looked away.

They walked in different directions and no one looked back. (End of chapter)

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