Chapter 729

Just as Yuan Zhao expected, Daojun's lifespan has no end in sight, and his tens of thousands of clones have experienced countless kalpas in the lower realm.But the avatar turned into a mortal in the lower realm, and the womb that was conceived was naturally a mortal fetus with naked eyes, which had nothing to do with him.

For example, Yuan Zhao's brothers and sisters are Bei Yueyan's children, not Yuyan Daojun's.

Yuan Zhao was an exception because she had a drop of his blood on her body.

"That happened a long time ago," Daojun said in a trance, and began to recall the distant past. "Once, I traveled all over the world for my father's real body, and accidentally hurt my hand..."

Accidentally let a drop of blood fall into the mortal world and land on a baby girl.

The baby girl's spiritual consciousness was wide open, and when she grew up, she not only thought ahead, but also knew the magic of immortality.However, that era did not tolerate advanced consciousness, let alone believe that women can have fairy fate.The folks thought she was either bewitched by an evil spirit or a demon.

Therefore, she who failed to use the fairy method flexibly was burned to death as a heretic, and it was her own father who ignited the fire.

She was young and vigorous at the time, and before she died, she made a wish to be a woman for life and death, and kill all those who despise her in the world.Sure enough, after she died, she was reincarnated as a woman again, but her life was miserable, and she ended up in a bad end.

The woman is stubborn, and she will not change her original intention even if she suffers from life after life.

Since she has a drop of Dao Lord's blood on her body, even if the Lord of the Underworld doesn't know it, he dare not make things difficult for her.The main reason is that they can't beat her, the resentment accumulated over the years and the blood of Daojun make her extraordinary.

And the time when the resentment was at its peak was the life when she was buried alive by the underworld marriage.

She had given up her mind and would not be reincarnated. In the life she was buried alive, she turned into a ghost and slaughtered the man's entire family and village overnight.Not only burned the ancestral hall of the other party, but also settled down there, and did not leave.

From now on, all the distant relatives and friends of that family who came to seek refuge or to find out, all died in her hands.

In that life, countless Taoist priests, monks or other exorcists died at her hands.The most innocent, those innocent mortals with the same surname as the man's family also died tragically.

Until one day, another pair of mother and son came to live in that ancestral hall, and they lived here for a long time.

Coincidentally, the mother and son happened to have the same surname as the man's family.The female ghost wanted to take the lives of the two mothers, but when she was about to strike, she was stopped by the child's innocent laughter.Because she was surprised to find that the child could see her.

Seeing her grim face and baring her teeth and claws at her mother and daughter, he thought she was making funny faces to tease him, so she giggled happily and clapped her little hands and cheered.


The child's mother heard the clue from the child's words, and her face turned pale with fright.But she was kicked out by her husband's family and clan members after her husband's death, and she really had nowhere to go.Although she has the same surname as the female ghost Na Mingfu, they are not related.

It is estimated that what happened to the mother and daughter made her feel compassionate, and after the woman burned incense and cried for mercy, she spared the mother and daughter.

Since then, the two and one ghost have lived in peace.

The woman is a hard-working peasant woman. She doesn't know fine work such as embroidery, so she can only starch and wash clothes for the nearby rich households for a living.And every New Year's Eve, I don't forget to burn incense to the female ghost, and if the incense I use is not good, I will go to her to accuse her.

Received a stick of incense, the female ghost has since become the guardian of the children, allowing the woman to make money outside to support her family with peace of mind.

Over time, she and the boy became close friends, urging him to study every day, hoping to get a good name in the future.

Because one night, after hearing what happened to her, the child angrily threatened that if he became an official in the court in the future, he would make women and men in the world have the same status, and let her wish come true.

Of course, how can you take childish words seriously?

The female ghost didn't expect much, but she was still happy for a long time at his words.And after the child makes a promise, he will automatically and consciously concentrate on studying without her supervision.

Seeing this scene, the hostility on the female ghost gradually dissipated.

But she didn't know that this child was not an ordinary person, but a god who had descended to the world for many calamities.Many years later, some evil spirits discovered that he had experienced calamities here, and began to attack with magic, killing his mother and entering the ancestral hall instead.

She found out and tried her best to save her.

By the time the child's patron saint rushed to the ambulance, she had already passed away, and her soul was gone.In order to pursue and maintain the Tao in her heart, even if the hope is slim, she will not hesitate to break her body to pieces.

This thousand-year, ten-thousand-year insistence on the mutual compassion of man and god had a particularly strong impact on that child.

His mother died, and his fairy sister (he thought) who had been with him all the time was gone to save him. He, who has grown into a teenager, continued to study there and support himself.

In the end, she got the honor and fame, and exhausted all her efforts to realize her wish, until she died of illness...

"Because of that time, my father thought you could still be saved." Daoist Yuyan sighed, "I will bring you back to life, stay in this world and continue to go through calamities, and pay off all the evil debts you owed in the past. Go to the spiritual world to practice..."

Fortunately, since that time, she has stuck to her heart and never did anything harmful.In the end, he returned to Lingshan with his merits and virtues and became his only child in heaven.

"Where's that child?" After listening to his father's seemingly fabricated past, Yuan Zhao lacked interest, but was curious about the identity of the child, "Which immortal is he?"

At any rate, there was a fate, and I went to visit when I had time.

"Why do you ask him?" Daoist Yuyan looked at him indifferently, "Aren't you curious whether what Dad said is true or not?"

"If the child's identity is correct, what father said is naturally true. If there is no such person in the heaven..." Yuan Zhao spread his hands, "It goes without saying."

It's a pity that the past memories of ten thousand years ago were deleted by her.

He didn't know much at first, but now after listening to his father's words, the outline of the past can be considered complete.The child is probably real. She saved the fairy and became a fairy in the heaven, and she started a fruitless relationship with her.

This is Lin Shu's favorite fairy tale!She knows a little bit.

Since ancient times, it has been said that the heavens forbid the gods to be emotional.Not only did she move, but she also caught up with that fairy, which was destined to end in tragedy.As a result, she regenerated her demons to hinder her practice, and was eventually abandoned by herself.

"Whether the child is real or not, don't ask around." Yu Yandao said, "There are as many gods in the lower world as stars, if you ask around and people miss you, for the sake of peace in the heaven, I will find someone to send you away. , save me from worrying every day!"

"Isn't it forbidden for gods to be emotional? Can they marry?" Yuan Zhao was extremely surprised.

"Times change and the world changes, keep pace with the times." Daoist Yuyan closed his eyes slightly with an unpredictable face, "The new generation is different from the past, and has a strong rebellious nature. To subvert the laws of heaven..."

There are many dead gods, and every generation of heavenly monarchs will judge the situation and adapt to the situation.Gradually, the rules of heaven have changed, and the gods and immortals can form a marriage if they are in love with each other.

Only the iron rule remains unchanged, prohibiting immortals, fairy demons, fairy-and-demon lovers, etc. Violators must be punished severely.

Not to mention, since the changes in the rules of heaven, the number of life-and-death romances that broke out from time to time has greatly decreased.Since the regulations were changed, everyone has disapproved of the so-called emotion, and each of them has started to cultivate with a pure heart.

In the past, there would be a life-and-death relationship every hundred years, but now it is rare in a thousand years, and life in the heavens is like stagnant water.

"So Dad, that's how you and A-Niang got together?" Since Dad is a god, then A-Niang who dreamed of teaching must also be real.

"Father went down to the world for you, and your mother is for taking back the ancient world."

(End of this chapter)

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