Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 967 Doomsday

Chapter 967 Doomsday

Ability masters are a kind of magical people. As long as they are around, people will never die of hunger or thirst. What's more, the resources left in the city are enough for them to live for a few years, and the crops planted in the future can completely supply everyone with food and drink;

There are entertainment venues in the city, but they cannot connect to the star network. The Zerg have destroyed all signal receiving equipment, and people can only use the local area network to communicate with each other.

Human beings have survived the initial chaos. From the beginning, because of various frictions and disputes, until a management team was formed and some simple rules were established, everyone could live in an orderly manner.

The days are suffering like that, day by day, everyone's greatest expectation is that the imperial army will descend from the sky to rescue them. Although the hope is slim, this is also the belief that people continue to live.

These people kept arguing together, and it was thanks to the Zerg that there were no deaths or injuries. As long as there was a fierce fight, both sides would be taken away, and they never appeared again. rule.

The appearance of the king worm broke people's last fantasy. It was too terrifying to resist. Are the Zerg races so strong?

In the past, the powerful supernatural masters in people's eyes had no power to resist under the Zerg's claws, and those who were caught would use their supernatural powers to tickle the Zerg.

Seeing that King Chong ate more than a dozen supernatural masters one by one, people shivered and felt cold, as if falling into hell.

The two king worms also know that they can't catch fish from the lake, just eat a few at a time, eat them all at once, and there will be no more in the future. When the cubs grow up, the big ones should be eaten freely.

If you want to eat meat happily, you have to be on the battlefield. After eating snacks, the two king worms flew away, leaving a city full of human beings who were scared to death.

Some people were so frightened that they howled and cried, it would be better to be killed by the Zerg at the beginning!Raised by the Zerg, fearful and fearful all day long, I don't know when I will be eaten, it is too difficult to live.

Especially those martial artists with supernatural powers, they understood that Zerg likes humans with energy and blood, so they might think the taste is better!So the two Zerg eat all the supernatural masters, or those with the highest cultivation base.

In the eyes of the Zerg race, martial artists and ability masters are delicacies, while ordinary people have much less chance of being eaten.

Since then, the whole city has been keen to waste their time, and no one has worked hard to cultivate. It is simply an extravagant hope to fight against the Zerg after becoming strong.

Zhou Ya's wood-type supernatural ability is not low. Seeing the tragic image of the king worm cannibalizing people, she wanted to commit suicide. If she was eaten alive by the zerg, she might as well die, so as not to face such a cruel end.

But people don't want to die, she thought of her parents and relatives, how did they live these years?I didn't have any news, so I must have thought she was killed.

After struggling for a long time, Zhou Ya still didn't have the courage to commit suicide. She was suffering like that day by day, and she had to be careful not to advance her ability.

No one dares to advance too fast for people raised by Zerg, try to suppress them, the lower the cultivation level, the better, otherwise they should be eaten, it is scary to think about it.

Others don't need to practice, but water-type and wood-type supernatural masters can't do it. They need to grow vegetables and fruits for people to eat. Even if they don't practice deliberately, their powers will gradually improve, making more than a dozen cultivators unwilling to do it. .

However, the cultivators' combat effectiveness is not good, and the number of them is not large. Where they can compete with most people, they still have to continue to work obediently.

After the two king worms appeared for the first time, different king worms came one after another, and each ate more than a dozen people with high cultivation bases. In less than a year, the city lost more than 200 people, all of whom were cultivators. For those people with high combat effectiveness.

Zhou Ya was lucky to escape time and time again, and each time was such a torment.

Planting Star has a warm climate, which is suitable for the growth of crops. In the farmland opened up by people, Zhou Ya is using supernatural powers to produce vegetables and fruits.

There are tens of thousands of people in the city. There is a huge demand for vegetables and fruits a day. Only a dozen planters can grow as much, which is just a drop in the bucket. Vegetables and fruits can only supply a small number of people, and the rest eat nutritional pills. It's easy and convenient to make, and the city has plenty in stock.

After finishing work, Zhou Ya just wanted to go back to rest, when she was frightened by several screams and the sound of the alarm, her face changed drastically. This meant that the Zerg had arrived again.

Zhou Ya immediately squatted down and hid herself among the branches and leaves of the fruit tree. She couldn't be found unless she looked carefully. I don't know if she can escape this time.

The Zerg sent out all the king insects, but it was rare. The low-priced Zerg encountered on the road lay there motionless with their tentacles hanging down, waiting for one king insect after another to pass before they dared to raise their heads.

When the people in the city saw the huge Zerg descending from the sky, they immediately screamed and ran away in fright. Most of them only knew to run into their houses, knowing that the buildings could not stop the Zerg, but subconsciously felt that it was safe.

Smart people run to those inconspicuous places, and make up their minds that they must never be with high-cultivated supernatural masters, otherwise what should they do if they are taken by hand?
Ordinary people have lived a good life in the past few years, basically not being eaten. After a long time, they feel that such a life is not bad. There are not too many constraints, and they don’t have to wake up early to make money, which is much better than before.

The supernatural masters and martial artists are the most frightening. Out of tens of thousands of people, supernatural masters and martial artists do not account for many people. There are only a few thousand people, and they were specially selected by the Zerg when they arrested people.

Every time three or two king worms come, they will eat dozens of people. How many people will be eaten this time? Got to suffocate.

People are like this, they still have the courage to resist at the beginning, they are not so afraid of death, they are imprisoned in the city, and their courage has been wiped out day after day. Stiff, where is the arrogance of a supernatural master.

Zhou Ya hid in the thick of the fruit trees, motionless, even stopped breathing. Her supernatural ability is already considered high in the city, and there are not many people in the city with the same cultivation level as her. There is no escape, maybe there is that annoying woman.

Since she was a student, she had always disliked that woman, but she never thought that she would also be captured by the Zerg a few years ago, and she also became a spare food for the Zerg. The woman's cultivation was not much different from hers, and she probably didn't run away this time.

Flame, water flow, golden blade, green plants, all kinds of abilities attack the king worm without money, but the king worm doesn't care. The deadly abilities can't break through the shell of the king worm. Many people have desperate thoughts, anyway Even if you die, you have to struggle no matter what.

It's a pity that all resistance was in vain. One, two, three, the supernatural masters were caught one by one. There was a female supernatural master shivering and hiding in the room with a few people, not daring to move, but the king worm still noticed according to the energy. that house.

For the king worms, they can't tell the difference in the appearance of human beings. They are all the same anyway. They will choose according to the energy contained in human beings. Energy is a substance invisible to human beings, unless it is strong enough to a certain extent.

The Zerg's eyes and antennae can feel it, and it is estimated that in the Zerg's eyes, the energy contained in the human body is as conspicuous as light.

Although the woman was hiding among the crowd, the radiance from her body could not be concealed. Ordinary Zergs might not feel it, but the King Zerg was cultivated by female bugs, and it was difficult to escape.

Women and Zhou Ya escaped many times, but it was the Zerg who picked the big ones to eat, and the women were less fleshy than the men, so they hid again and again. This time there were too many king insects, and they must be doomed up.

(End of this chapter)

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