Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 954 Entering the battlefield

Chapter 954 Entering the battlefield
The cold night mercenary group is actively preparing for the battle. After all, it is the first time to enter the Zerg battlefield, and even the most vicious star thief will be nervous.

They are familiar with killing, but they have no experience in killing insects!If you don't make it right, you will die, who doesn't feel anxious!
Some timid ones among the star robbers still want to escape. It is better to live one more day than to be torn apart by insects, but with the first army around, no one can escape, not to mention that Su Qing is so powerful, as long as they make a slight change , It is estimated that the head has moved, no matter what, they are all dead, and many people feel fearful and uneasy.

The star thieves were in complicated moods, but Leng Ye's mercenaries were gearing up for a big fight;
Since the mission, there is no use for them. The mercenaries feel that the money is too easy and too much. I am sorry for the commission given by Su Qing.

Finally when it was time to go to the battlefield, they were determined to kill a few Zerg, and let Su Qing see that they didn't take money for nothing.

Ye Zhiqiu is not worried at all now, he is with the First Army, and there are experts like Su Qing, Bai Qian, and Daniu. No matter how many Zergs there are, there is no need to be afraid. We must kill more Zergs and play like a cold night. There are star thieves standing in front of them, what are they afraid of!

He planned to drive the mecha himself and lead several mecha masters in the regiment to follow behind the star thief, attack the Zerg on both sides, and protect the ordinary mercenaries by the way.

In the battle between fleets, ordinary fighters and supernatural masters cannot participate in the battle unless they are flying fighter planes or armors. If mercenaries fight Zerg in the void, they will definitely die very quickly, including those star thieves.

Even the imperial army will not let soldiers go out of the cabin and enter the void to fight. It is purely to deliver food to the Zerg. The human star war is mainly a contest between fleets. One fleet destroys the other and wins, including the mecha battle between the two sides and fighter bombing.

But the battle between humans and the Zerg is different. The Zerg is born with a different species and can fight in the void. Of course, the Zerg also has land bugs that cannot fly and can only fight on land. They need to be transported to the battlefield. Zerg can fight in the void. A large type.

Anyway, humans don't know the specific situation, there are too many types of Zerg, and it is right to kill Zerg directly when you see it.

This time it was the humans who took the initiative to attack. In the past, the Zergs expanded their territory and wanted to break out of the star field, and the humans mainly fought defensively.

Although the Zerg can fly in space, they also live on the planet, and will not always be in the void;
and also

Each legion of the empire allocated a third of its troops to clean up the Zerg on the nearby planets, leaving the flagship and most of its troops to prevent the Zerg from attacking.

On this day, warships were densely packed, flying towards the Zerg-occupied area in the Blazing Star Field like a swarm of bees.

The First Army is responsible for their defense, and they cannot suppress the entire army. This pattern has continued for many years, but the encirclement has expanded year by year, and more and more planets have been occupied. Just like the situation at the border back then, the battle is not optimistic. .

In the past few days, the Zerg hadn't acted, and the top brass of the armies became impatient, fearing that the Zerg would resort to another trick to get rid of their shells, and transfer them through the teleportation array, which would be bad;
Once the Zerg race appears in another star field, and the unprepared people are directly exposed to the mouth of the Zerg, it will be a great disaster;

At the same time, the abundant resources will expand the Zerg's strength beyond control, and the entire empire will be at the moment of life and death, and the Zerg must not be allowed to quietly disappear again.

After discussing with several major legions, they jointly organized this cleanup operation. Each legion is responsible for a region of planets and cleans them one by one. If there is no fierce resistance from the Zerg, it means trouble!
There are many Zergs on the planet, and the two sides are fighting fiercely, so the commanders of the various armies will breathe a sigh of relief;
As long as the main force of the Zerg is still there, it means that the Zerg has not given up on this star field, so that the imperial army can calmly deploy;

After the battle, spread the news of the cold night mercenary group's participation in the war, launch a nationwide mobilization, and gather all forces to enter the Blazing Star Field to kill the Zerg. The Zerg must be locked in this area and cannot spread, otherwise the empire will be in danger Oh, the Zerg is spreading too fast. Once it is transferred from here to other star fields, the human army will be defeated for thousands of miles and will definitely not be able to defend it.

The most fearful thing now is that the female worm has run away again. After the Zerg has destroyed a place, they will continue to wreak havoc in another place;
But human beings can't bear it. The population of the empire is large, but there are less than one ten thousandth of the people who are capable of fighting and can fight against the Zerg;
Most of the people are ordinary people, living an ordinary life on the planet. Many people have never left their hometowns in their entire lives. They just live in a city, living, old, sick and dying. Only a small number of social elites have the opportunity to go out to study, work, etc.

Warriors and supernatural masters are all elites among the elites. Although Su Qing and Meng Hao feel normal, they are people in this circle, and they are surrounded by social elites. In fact, there are more ordinary people in the empire.

The Zerg are very weak just out of their shells, and are easy to kill, but once they are given time to grow, they can quickly advance to a higher level, so it is difficult for ordinary humans to defeat them, and only the army can destroy them.

In addition to the army, with the huge population base of the empire, there are also many people with combat effectiveness. If these people can be mobilized to kill the Zerg, it is also a big force, not inferior to the army. Combat, human beings can display their true strength better than space battles.

In the dark void, except for the sound from the fleet, the surroundings are as quiet as ink, and occasionally the distant stars flicker.

In the past, the spaceships on the waterway were frequent and lively, even when the two sides fought a few years ago, Zerg could be encountered everywhere;

Now the fleet has been flying for a while, but they haven't encountered a single Zerg. The general who leads the team feels heavy in his heart, fearing that something bad will happen.

It didn't take long for a planet to appear on the light screens of all the warships. The commander issued an order. Some warships were on standby in space. They were responsible for rescue if something went wrong. The remaining warships landed on the planet and began to clean up the Zerg on it.

A few years ago, this planet was still controlled by the imperial army. Later, the Zerg's offensive was fierce, and the legions had to retreat again and again;

There is no way, the star field is too big, it is very difficult to defend, and there are not enough troops, so we can only defend the key areas to prevent the Zerg from spreading. After all, the Zerg also need to live on the planet, so it is good to monitor and defend the area where the planet is located.

This planet is already far away from the center of the Zerg outbreak. At first, it was still on the periphery. Later, the Zerg offensive was fierce, and it was inevitable for all planets;
Humans and Zerg fought to the death for each planet, but unfortunately, human beings are not as good as the Zerg in terms of sufficient military resources. They are not afraid of casualties, so they can only retreat step by step, giving up planets one by one;

The chiefs of the various legions feel sorry for the heavy casualties of the soldiers, and the timeliness of human replenishment of soldiers is not as good as that of the Zerg. If the imperial legion does not retreat in a deadly battle, the entire army will be wiped out.

At that time, the Zerg's offensive was very fierce, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, covering the entire planet. No matter how powerful the human fleet is, there will always be times when the energy is exhausted, and they can only retreat if they cannot hold on. The entire legion stops in the void, ready to fight at any time , only seriously injured soldiers will be sent to the rear planet for recuperation.

This time the First Army will clean up the Zergs on the planet from the outside to the inside. Even if they lose, they will be able to eliminate some of the Zergs and reduce the level of Zerg soldiers. Otherwise, blindly defending will be tantamount to watching the Zergs grow.

The cold night mercenary group followed the mecha group led by Meng Hao, and began to enter the orbit of the planet, cross the atmosphere, and land on the planet.

Leng Ye was led by Ye Zhiqiu, Zhu Shunming led some people to stay in the void, and there were many ordinary people on the Violet, who were not suitable for the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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