Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 941 Mercenaries

Chapter 941 Mercenaries

After Ye Zhiqiu formally reported for duty, he would notify the whole army, and the Leng Ye mercenary regiment could enter the battlefield. It was under the jurisdiction of the First Army, and they were regarded as mercenaries.

At that time, military intelligence would be shared, but now it is not possible. Ye Zhiqiu needs to sign a confidentiality agreement and report to the military headquarters, so that the cold night mercenary group can enjoy the benefits of the military.

This is of course good. Su Qing has no reason to refuse. The purpose of fighting the Zerg is to avenge grandma, but it is also to help the military. They should provide supplies.

There are a lot of supplies snatched from the bases of the major star thieves. Regardless of the large number of warships, they can’t take them all away. Su Qing chooses some good ones and puts them in the space. All the warships are full, and the ones that cannot be taken away are sold on the spot;
In the beginning, those underworld merchants followed Su Qing's fleet all the time, wherever Leng Ye went, they chased them;
They also saw a business opportunity from it. As long as Su Qing conquered a star bandit group, they would definitely have to sell some supplies at a low price, and they happened to miss it.

Su Qing didn't refuse. Since she couldn't take it away, it would be cheaper for others to throw it away, so it's better to sell the money to buy the needed supplies.

Su Qing didn't want the money either, and put it into Leng Ye's account as the development funds for the mercenary group in the future;

Regardless of Ye Zhiqiu's good management of the mercenary group, there are not many interstellar coins that can be embezzled in the account.

Although Leng Ye's mercenary group earns a lot and spends a lot of money, Leng Ye has no super masters and can only be regarded as a middle-level mercenary group. They usually dare not take on big tasks, and the commissions for the next tasks are not high;

Ye Zhiqiu followed Su Qing back then, and got a lot of benefits and a lot of resources, even the Lengye was given to him at that time;
With Ye Zhiqiu's own ability alone, he will reach his current level in another ten years. If he has no money and equipment, he will not be able to hire a master. .

After more than ten years, the supplies of that year have long been exhausted, and Leng Ye has more and more mercenaries, and the funds on the books must be insufficient if the expenses are high.

Su Qing's money is almost uncountable, and the money from selling the goods is directly sent to the mercenary group to alleviate the financial problem.

Attacking the major star thief bases, the good things on the bosses and the little bosses were all given to Su Qing by everyone who dared not move, so she is really not short of money.

Leng Ye's mercenaries often dare not ask for loot, because they were given too much, and they didn't put in much effort, so they felt guilty that the money was too much to handle.

Later, there were too many things, so I simply sold them for money, and I couldn't take them with me.

Su Qing said that the money would be used as development funds for the mercenary group, but Ye Zhiqiu didn't refuse;

Anyway, the mercenary group has half of Su Qing's. With money, they can expand their operations and let more experts join in. Only when the mercenary group is strong can they help Su Qing more, but their refusals are false.

Although the cold night mercenary group has sufficient supplies, fighting the Zerg is beneficial to the empire. It is of course a good thing to enjoy the same treatment as the military.

Su Qing understood that this matter was thanks to Yang Yu's operation, otherwise it would not have been so smooth. Leng Ye is now equal to a mercenary of the military. Whether it will work or not depends on the battlefield.

Su Qing wanted to fight the Zerg impulsively when her mind was hot. She asked Yang Yu to accommodate them, but she just asked to let them in, without thinking about the consequences.

Yang Yu handled things perfectly, made Leng Ye a military mercenary, and solved everything logically. They were the kind of people who were considerate and knew how to handle things in a reasonable manner.

After all, Su Qing is a woman and doesn't understand politics, but her ability has been paid attention to by all parties, Yang Yu is also one of them, it is impossible for Su Qing to come here.

Give her convenience and support, but she can learn more about and control the cold night mercenary group. If the cold night mercenary is very strong and can resist the Zerg, we must set them as an example, and then mobilize the private power of the entire empire to participate in the Zerg battlefield On the other hand, with the huge number of Zerg development, several of their legions would not be able to bear it.

The human army drives battleships, mechs, etc., and its combat effectiveness is higher than that of the Zerg. However, the number of high-end Zerg is not large, but the number of low-level Zerg is huge. It is very difficult to clean up. To wiped out.

The army also needs the support of the people to contain the low-level Zerg, so as to free up forces to deal with the high-level Zerg;

Ordinary people have been trained and can use various weapons proficiently. As long as they dare to do it and cooperate in a small group, they can definitely kill those Zergs. Low-level Zergs are not much better than alien beasts.

Whether the cold night mercenary group enters the Zerg battlefield, whether it is successful or not, it is an attempt. Otherwise, when will this race war end?

The Zerg is very difficult to wipe out, most of them are killed, and it doesn't take long for them to come back. Humans also need crowd tactics to resist the Zerg, so that the masters have the opportunity to destroy the female insects.

The arrival of the cold night mercenary group has different reactions from each legion. Even if they disagree with the combat power of the mercenaries, no one will ridicule them. It is good to dare to fight the Zerg.

But how could they have thought that Su Qing didn't want to let mercenaries go to the battlefield, all the mercenaries were pushed out were star robbers, how could Su Qing be willing to let Leng Ye's people die;

As for the star thieves, it is equivalent to using waste. At that time, they didn't kill all of them, but they wanted to let them fight the Zerg. Otherwise, Su Qing would kill all the star thieves in one move.

Accompanied by Meng Hao, they arrived at the command center of the flagship of the First Army, which is not allowed to enter and leave at will, the place where the special army commander and staff plan to fight.

Although Meng Hao is a celebrity in the army, the guards will not let him go easily, especially when there are two strangers beside him.

Meng Yu turned on the communicator and used the special line in the army to contact Wu Tao, the adjutant of the army commander, and they came to see him.

The First Army is solely responsible for the affairs of the Leng Ye Mercenary Group. After all, it was the First Army who proposed it, so they should be in charge.

This matter does not involve interests. A small mercenary regiment that is not strong enough uses star thieves to sensationalize and increase popularity. The night does not let go, the first army is in charge and no one objects.

The big families didn't know the relationship between Leng Ye and Su Qing, they really thought that Su Qing had hired a mercenary group to play with the star bandits on a whim, otherwise a bunch of people would have entangled them.

Su Qing replied to all parties that he was a master of experience and should not be disturbed. As for what those people think, it is hard to say.

Since Su Qing wanted Leng Ye's mercenary group to fight the Zerg, they were happy and gave it a push, otherwise it would be difficult for Leng Ye to enter the Blazing Star Field.

Cao Zhifei's first lieutenant, Wu Tao, is about [-] years old. He is Cao Zhifei's right-hand man with a saintly cultivation base. , improve work efficiency.

Wu Tao, dressed in a decent military uniform, walked up to the three of them with vigorous steps.

Meng Yu quickly saluted and introduced Ye Zhiqiu and Su Qing to him.

"Adjutant Wu, this is the leader of Leng Ye's mercenary group—Ye Zhiqiu. This is Ms. Su Qing, Leng Ye's employer."

Wu Tao pulled down the corners of his mouth and showed a slight smile. This expression on his usual majestic face seemed to be very unsuitable. If it wasn't for the white and tender little girl, he wouldn't be like this.

As an adjutant of the army commander, Wu Tao is used to being cold and majestic, but Su Qing looks like a little girl, so she can't be frightened.

"Hello, about the Leng Ye Mercenary Group, let me explain to Captain Ye, please follow me."

Meng Yu glanced at Su Qing, Su Qing immediately understood,

"Adjutant Wu, I don't know anything about the mercenary group, so I won't go. I'll leave it to Commander Ye. I'll wait outside!"

Ye Zhiqiu knew that Su Qing and his brother hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they must have something to say in private, so he nodded and said, "Okay, Miss Su will wait for me outside."

(End of this chapter)

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