Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 905 Leaving Fox Valley

Chapter 905 Leaving Fox Valley
After setting up the Fox Valley, Su Qing sent Zhu Shunming back to the battleship to manage the people so that they would not cause trouble, so he took Huo Miao and Jiaojiao to practice in retreat in the Fox Valley.

The two cats, who have always been playful, have also made an unprecedented effort to become stronger. After nearly 30 days of experience, the two kittens have grown up rapidly, and they no longer have the childish attitude of the past. Walking out can make people feel fierce Its wild nature can attack its prey at any time.

In addition to fighting, the two cats have also discussed that they will work hard to advance as soon as possible, and they will be able to help their master in the future. If the two of them had not cultivated at a low level, grandma would not be snatched away by those humans. Every time she thinks of grandma, Jiaojiao tears , Seeing that there was no smile on the master's face again, they don't regret it much.

So the two cats decided to practice hard and never play anymore. As for how long they can last, they don't know.

Time is like running water, just like that day by day, Su Qing goes out every six months, and gives the elixir ordered by the customer to Yang Wei, under the guidance of Ye Lan, Ye Hao, and Zhu Shunming and others' martial arts.

Su Qing understands supernatural power cultivation, but has never really practiced it. Although it is all on paper, it is no problem for them to guide them.

Those new drivers didn't know how powerful Su Qing was, and didn't even bother to follow suit. Only the old people understood how strong Su Qing was.

Every time Su Qing leaves in a hurry, and it may be half a year later when they meet again. Although everyone lives in the mountains, the battleship is well-equipped and there are star net cabins available, so they are not lonely.

Everyone went to the mountains to gather and hunt during the day, and it would not be boring to come back at night. If they accumulated a lot of things, they would drive a speeding car and go directly to Tianyang City to sell them. After a year or two, everyone would have accumulated a considerable fortune.

Even Lao Zhang and his wife, who dare not go far away, sold some things around the battleship and sold a lot of money. The couple were very contented.

Miss Su gave them a salary, plus the money they sold, enough to send to the children, so that they could go back to the original galaxy as soon as they had money, the medium galaxy was too unsafe.

Su Qing has been practicing in the secret realm, and has not paid much attention to the battle between the empire and the Zerg. I heard that the battle is fierce, and many legions have participated in the battle, and the major legions have lost a lot.

The Zergs were not so stubborn and hard to fight before. At the beginning, the Zergs did not get much resources and energy, and the female insects could not lay eggs without limit. Since they came to the medium galaxy, the number of eggs laid has risen linearly. Bringing back abundant energy, after the female worm absorbs it, she lays countless eggs and forms a cycle. If the human army wants to intercept it like before, and only open a battlefield, it will no longer work.

The medium-sized galaxy is different from the border area. The administrative planets here are dense, and the Zerg occupy several planets. Relying on the planets to deploy troops and occupy a small star field, it is a bit difficult for the imperial army to fight like this. Even the battle with the Federation did not. With so many scattered battlefields, the military can only send troops continuously. Except for the legion in the central galaxy, all major legions have fought against the Zerg.

Even so, humans can't gain the upper hand, and the zerg ravages are getting more and more serious. Almost all the people who can walk on the planets close to the battlefield have left, and only the garrison remains to defend.

Battles happen every day, and there are battle scenes between humans and Zerg in every corner.

Gothic Star is a little farther away from there, and it is still stable. It is also because this planet is not an administrative star and has a small population. Most of the people who come and go are mercenaries and troops.
Everyone on the battleship also often discussed what to do if the Zerg came.
The old members all smiled knowingly and muttered, "I'm afraid that the Zerg won't come. Miss Su is not afraid of the Zerg."

Although the newly joined mercenaries were afraid, they didn't show it on their faces. Everyone was together and looked at the ordinary people, young and old, all took it lightly. It would be embarrassing if they showed fear.

When Su Qing came back, listening to their chatting, they were analyzing the types of Zerg, and whether they could eat meat or not. If they hunted and killed a few, where would they buy them.

Su Qing knew that the old man on the battleship would think that the Zerg was not very powerful after seeing her kill the Zerg.

In fact, there are not many supernatural masters in the empire, and each insect soldier is more than ten times stronger than ordinary humans, but it is only the basic combat power of the insect race, and there are insect generals, insect commanders, and king insects.

The imperial army only accounts for how much of the total population, and the ability masters and martial masters are even lower. Experts above the middle level can resist insect generals, but they may not be able to win. The army mainly relies on various advanced weapons to maintain its advantage, otherwise it will be defeated long ago. The Zerg was not defeated, and the Blazing Star Field was recovered.

The battle situation caused panic in the entire medium-sized galaxy, and many families simply relocated to the original galaxy.
The alien population brought a lot of money and energy, and participated in all walks of life on the planet, making the original galaxy develop rapidly, which can be described as changing with each passing day. Of course, these have nothing to do with the people on the Violet, they just discuss it occasionally.

Su Qing hadn't contacted Meng Yu for a long time, and the two of them always missed their break time;

Yang Wei and Yang Yu are in frequent contact. Yang Yu's purpose is to order thousands of pills, especially several kinds of pills needed by the army, which makes Yang Wei speechless. Can Qingqing refine them?

Su Qing listened, but agreed without blinking. The basic medicine is very easy to refine. There are plenty of spiritual plants in the secret realm. There is no need for Yang Yu to consign a large number of spiritual plants. The value of the spiritual plants is not enough for the shipping fee. Although he It can't be wasted by using the logistics transportation network of the military department.

Although there are many spiritual plants in the secret realm, Su Qing has no time to collect them by himself. Most of the spiritual plants were brought back by Huo Miao and Jiaojiao.

After the two cats worked hard for a while, their natures were hard to change. After all, they were still children, and they began to sneak out of Fox Valley to play again.

He has met opponents and made many good friends. Huo Miao is also generous, and he took out his monster pills for his friends to try.

The monsters in the secret realm have never eaten pills, and they are quickly conquered. They will collect various spiritual plants to exchange for monster pills.

When Su Qing found out, she praised the two cats for their ability, which saved her a lot of time. As for the monster pills for her partner, she didn't want as much as she wanted.

In the blink of an eye, Su Qing's cultivation was close to the critical point. If Luo Zilan hadn't asked her to consolidate her realm, she would have been unable to bear the breakthrough.

Su Qing glanced at the cave where he was retreating, and with a wave of his hand, a huge stone blocked the entrance of the cave, packed up the necessary things and put them in the space, and reinforced the formation of Fox Valley, and then called two cats to leave together.

As soon as she goes to the outside world, Su Qing won't be able to hold on for long, and she will go through the thunder disaster.

This is her first experience of tribulation and she has no experience at all. Fortunately, the ancestor was there, otherwise she would not know what to prepare, just like Bai Qian did not have Su Qing's help, Bai Qian had to use her own strength to survive like that. The success rate of robbery is very low.

Su Qing returned to the Violet, greeted everyone, and said that she was going to go through the catastrophe, and when she advanced smoothly, they would leave Gothic Star, and if there was anything to do, they should be resolved quickly, and they were ready to wait for her to come back.

After speaking, Su Qing rose into the sky and flew away;

She wants to find a place rarely visited by people to cross the catastrophe,

The place where the Violet was moored was already deep in the mountains. Since they arrived and drove away all the powerful creatures, this area has become less dangerous.

Later, the Fox Clan and the Qingjiao Clan moved in again, each occupying a large area of ​​territory. When the two clans were strong, the other beasts moved away one after another, and the danger level was greatly reduced.

After a few years, the people on the Violet collected, excavated, and hunted, but they didn't get much good stuff.

(End of this chapter)

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