stubborn thief

Chapter 527 Monan's Last Name

Chapter 527 Monan's Last Name

Liu Chengzong planned to send troops to Monan.

He sent someone to send Fang Zhenghua down to rest, and immediately ordered Habayashi to order He Huchen and Yang Qi to enter the palace to discuss matters.

They’re both former chief military officers, and Yoo Seung-jong wonders what they know about Hou-jin.

This time, even Yang Qi, who was usually the most willing to offer advice and suggestions, kept silent, not daring to say what he knew about Houjin's army.

They have been in the Marshal's Mansion alone for two or three years, and they have been in the Northwest for a longer period of time to counter the rebellion. After such a long period of changes, Hou Jin has already undergone earth-shaking changes. The Han generals who led the troops in the country are enough to show this.

Yang Qi didn't dare to speak, let alone others.

Although Liu Chengzong's favorite among the three commander-in-chief is He Huchen, who is brave and good at fighting, but in fact He Huchen has the least qualifications as the commander-in-chief. He is a large general similar to Cao Wenzhao, and the closest official position to Hou Jin is in Tianjin. The coastal defense guerrilla, in addition to this, has been going around in the northwest.

In this matter, it is true that Yang Qi has the most qualifications. In the fifth year of Tianqi, because of Gao Di's suggestion, he was transferred from the post of chief soldier of Yansui Town to the chief soldier of Nankou, Shanhaiguan. Li Bei was one of his subordinates who guarded Liaodong in the mountains and seas.

Yang Qi is very smart, and suddenly he was summoned to discuss matters, and the question was still about Jin Guo's affairs, and then he contacted the imperial court to send an angel to deliver a message, which made him think about it and asked Liu Chengzong: "Marshal, but the imperial court wants me to wait to send troops. Golden State?"

Liu Chengzong shook his head when he heard the words, and then thought it was a bit funny, he casually dug out his summary of Fang Zhenghua's declaration of the situation outside the border in the public case, asked Yu Linqi to hand it over to Yang Qi, and said, "Look for yourself."

Yang Qi took a deep breath when he saw Liu Chengzong's summary, and then cupped his fists to plead guilty, and asked Yu Linqi to fetch a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and within a few strokes he drew a sketch of the nine-sided situation, letting Liu Shizi My eyes lit up.

Although the sketches are quite abstract, they are really drawn very quickly, and it is easy to do.

Then he took a pen to draw a circle around Xuanda, Yansui, Ningxia and Monan outside the four towns, and said to Liu Chengzong and He Huchen: "Commander, General He, there are 40 troops gathered here right now."

Liu Chengzong stared at you, you are so shocking and endless, just Houjin and Khalkha Mongols, where is the 40 army, even if you add the four frontier troops of the Ming Dynasty, you can’t get together... Thinking of this, he recalled Come on, if you add the frontier troops of the four towns, it's pretty much the same.

After Yang Qi finished speaking, he clasped his fists to Liu Chengzong with excitement and said: "Commander, at this moment, it is a god-given opportunity for the Marshal's Mansion to attack Liangzhou from the north. Our army can advance all the way to Zhongwei, Guyuan, Pingliang, Baoji, etc. On the front line, take all the land in Longxi."

Liu Chengzong nodded, this is the established strategy of the Marshal's Mansion, but what he wants to ask now is not this: "Does General Yang know why Jin is so mobilizing troops?"

Yang Qi said as it should: "Come to rob, this season, leave in spring and return in autumn, they can't live in Monan for a long time."

"Why is this?"

"Commander, Liaodong has the Liaohe and Liaoze, which are like natural dangers, but it is frozen every winter, and soldiers and horses can go there. Therefore, the Liao incident happened in winter and spring. Their army is out, and the humble official estimates that at this time, Shen of Dongjiang Town Grandfather has already planned to send troops from Phi Island to destroy the nest."

Liu Chengzong raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked, "So, before the freezing, the Jin army will definitely return to Shenyang?"

Hearing that Liu Chengzong used the word 'certainly', Yang Qi hesitated a little, but quickly analyzed: "The Eastern Captives sent out troops to announce the greatness. Although there are 12 generals, they surrendered to the generals."

"Its large army came here, gathered outside the border, and broke through the wall within a day. The troops in the border town were unable to react in time, which could make them take advantage of it for a while, but when the frontier army came back to their senses, they could not stand .”

After Yang Qi finished speaking, he finally confirmed: "In winter, even if the whole army does not withdraw, the main force must return to Shenyang."

Liu Chengzong laughed when he heard the words, not Yang Qi's judgment, but the general situation he said, but there was still something tacitly left unspoken by the soldiers.

If the officers and soldiers have sufficient supplies and training, then of course they will burst out with vigorous combat effectiveness at any time, and it is reasonable to fight to the death against the enemy, but this is obviously not the case for the Ming army at the moment.

When the Jin army breaks through the wall, the frontier army will not burst into vigorous combat power immediately. After the Jin army breaks through the city and plunders the countryside, the frontier army will use [-]% of its combat power to pursue desperately like a god descending from the earth.

He led troops into Shanxi. At that time, the Ming army had no desire to fight against him who was empty-handed. Gao Yingxiang, who carried a lot of luggage after the looting, obviously received different treatment.

This is money laundering. The officers and soldiers plundered places and got 1000 taels of silver at the risk of being punished. However, the thieves robbed 1000 taels of silver and ran away for a while. No one knew which village or town the money came from. If the officers and soldiers kill them again, the money will be called war profit.

In addition, Yang Qi still has a blind spot in thinking.

Liu Chengzong said: "Do you think Donglu marched into Monan for the purpose of robbing Xuanda?"

Now not only Yang Qi was stunned, but even He Huchen, who was listening beside him, was stunned. They didn't understand what Liu Chengzong meant, it wasn't to go to Xuanda to rob, but what else could it be.

It can't be to go to the Gobi grassland to escape the summer heat, right?
Yang Qi thought over and over again, and finally said with certainty: "He will definitely rob Xuan Da, and he will definitely not fight with Xuan Da's official army."

Liu Chengzong was noncommittal about this, raised his hand and pointed to his chest, heaved a sigh of relief, and after a long time got up and walked around the gongan for half a circle, and said: "His target is me."

Yang Qi's analysis is based on the perspective of Ming Dynasty. Outside the Central Plains, there is wildness everywhere, full of barbarism and cruelty. The nomads can't even make an iron pot, and if they accidentally snatch one, they regard it as a treasure. Clothes that don't fit, every tribe is on the verge of collapse and self-destruct.

But in fact, the general situation of the world has changed. It was already 50 years ago that the Altan Khan of Fengzhoutan paid tribute. In 50 years, Daming traded with King Shunyi in Hohhot, and traded with Jianzhou Jurchen.

Khalkha, where the Mobei Sanhan lives, may still maintain a relatively primitive Mongolian flavor, but in addition, at this time, the Oirat in the northwest, the Mobei tribes, the Jianzhou Jin Kingdom, and the north of the Ming Dynasty live in these Places where people can almost dictate communication.

People traded with each other, the Mongolian nobles played the zither in the city they built, and the Han landlords rode horses and shot arrows in the countryside. Although people's lifestyles and eating habits still have their own characteristics, they are not as different as they used to be.

Simple farming and nomadic pastoralism have become historical symbols that are about to die out in these places.

Mongolia is not Xifan, Xifan is not Han, Han is not Jurchen, Jurchen is not Mongolia, but the distance between people in this land has never been closer.

Facing the puzzlement of Yang Qi and others, Liu Chengzong explained: "Today, there are four parties in the world. The three parties of Ming Dynasty, Houjin, and Mobei are based on population, and each has its own concept of population from different sources."

Liu Chengzong said: "Daming is dominated by the most traditional Han people; Mobei is dominated by the most traditional Mongols; Later Jin is called Manzhou after combining the Jurchen Zhushen, Han people, and Mongols...Marshal What is the government?"

He Huchen thought for a while and asked, "Han people, Mongols, Western Fans?"

The Marshal's Mansion is an outsider in Qinghai, and has not yet created a common identity. For the Han people, it is the Marshal's Mansion, and for the Mongols, it is Dun Taurus. The indirect rule of the three brothers predominates.

But the general direction has been determined. Following Liu Chengzong's analysis, Yang Qi realized the previous problem, and said: "The commander-in-chief means that the world is not only in the Central Plains. This time, Hou Jin sent troops to Monan to plunder Xuanda. Just raising military funds, the purpose is to conquer Monan Mongolia?"

Liu Chengzong nodded: "It can be regarded as having both, but I think it is mainly to show its existence to Monan Mongolia."

"That is to say, the commander-in-chief is going to send troops to Monan."

Yang Qi didn't mean to question this time, because Liu Chengzong had already made his words very clear.

Before that, Liu Chengzong said that Huang Taiji's target was him, and Yang Qi only felt that the Grand Marshal was suffering from persecution paranoia.

But when Liu Shizi clarified the situation clearly, the Central Plains is not the only one in the world, and Huang Taiji's goal is Monan Mongolia, this matter is much easier to understand.

The tribes in Monan were destroyed by the war a long time ago, not to mention being displaced now, they have their own places to go anyway, the warriors who can fight in various tribes have followed Lin Danhan to the Marshal's Mansion with tenacity; most of the loyal feudal lords followed the nobles in the Houjin That's it; those with traditional thinking went to the Chechen Ministry of Khalkha; those who are physically strong have a high probability of being barbarians on the nine sides of Daming;

There are still some stragglers left, gathered in the territory of the Wanhu Department of Ordos. The nobles there were also in the territory of Tumet. Altan Khan’s father was very capable of giving birth, and gave birth to 21 sons; The territory of the eldest son Ji Nang Gunbi Lik.

After Gunbilik's death, ten thousand households in Ordos belonged to Tumed, and they became weaker and weaker. Now they are divided into hundreds of tribes that do not belong to each other.

The Khan court was left behind. This was the most chaotic era in Monan Mongolian thought. To what extent was the chaos?Let's put it this way, at this time, Monan is doing its own thing, and there is no ruler in the traditional sense of Mongolia. The person who is closest to the traditional Mongolian ruler is called Liu Chengzong.

Although Yoo Seung-jong's username is a few digits off, it is right to have all the passwords of Khan Court including the heir.

The next one is Mobei Shuo Lei, who only has a username and doesn't even count Khan. Not only does he have no password, but the keyboard is also missing a few keys, and he can't type completely.

Further down, there is Huang Taiji, a strong soldier with a keyboard and the qualification to enter a user name and password, but without a user name and password, holding a system disk named Manchuria, ready to reinstall the system.

In the back row is Emperor Chongzhen, the system?The host hardware and even the display have been changed for you.

In the final analysis, there is no legality of rule in this world, all rely on fists, but on the other hand, the legality of rule is a civilized term for fists.

The list of those who support Liu Chengzong as Khan is a concrete proof of how big his fists are.

If those people were not tribal leaders, then others would think that Liu Chengzong was a peach picker; conversely, the problem faced by Jin Tiancong Khan was the same. The orthodox heir of the Mongolian Khan court was Liu Chengzong. How could Huang Taiji prove that the Mongols supported him?

Prove it with an army of 12 marching in Monan.

It doesn't matter how many of this army are elite, and how many are leading horses and carrying food. Anyway, after Lin Dan Khan's defeat, the social order in Monan has collapsed, and no noble from Monan Mongolia has the ability to fight against the Kingdom of Jin.

Liu Chengzong can guess Huang Taiji's thoughts, he only needs a proof, the proof will be punished even if it is far away.

If I come this year, you can only surrender; if I leave, whether to rebel or not is your choice, but you have to guess whether I can come again next year, if you guess wrong, your life is gone.

Liu Chengzong couldn't let him prove it.

The general trend of the world has long been clear. Climate change requires more land for the same population to survive. The best land in the world is in the Central Plains, and the Central Plains has the largest population. For the relatively small number of Jurchens, if some of them die, they will die.

The conflict between Ming and Jin could not be reconciled.

There are two paths in front of Liu Chengzong, but there is only one answer, which is to sit back and watch the Jurchen pull the Mongols to get rid of the Han people; or the Han people pull the Mongols to get rid of the Jurchen.

The so-called Manchuria is just nonsense. The existence of Khalkha and Oirat is the backing of the rich and worry-free Mongolian nobles of the Kingdom of Jin.

"Monan is a battleground for us. I can't let the Mongols fall to the Kingdom of Jin. It is imperative to send troops, but it is difficult for the Shuai Mansion to mobilize a comparable army to go to Guihua City."

Liu Chengzong raised his hand and tapped twice on the public case, and shook his head in distress. The problem before him was not the war, but the supplies behind the war.

The battle in Gansu almost exhausted the livestock in the grazing camps, and they relied on natural reproduction. After three to five years, several grazing camps were unable to recover, and the Marshal’s Office had no spare capacity to provide an expeditionary war of the same scale as the Gansu campaign. up.

It is also impossible for him to use the power of the country to provide a short-term profit in the Monan campaign, and the more important troops still have to go to the direction of Longxi. The huge population and barren land in Longxi are the most that the Marshal's Mansion can currently charge for a battle. direction of potential.

Facing Liu Chengzong's sad face, Yang Qi felt like a fire was burning in his heart. He had spent so long in the marshal's mansion, waiting for an opportunity, and now this opportunity came.

He clasped his fists and asked, "Since that's the case, which general will the commander-in-chief plan to send for this battle?"

The reason why Liu Chengzong asked the three of them to come was that he wanted them to lead troops to fight. Since the three general officers surrendered him, his status has been very embarrassing. After all, his rebellion was a rebellion. Raise and eat rice.

And let the three lead troops to attack the old lord, not to mention whether the three are willing, whether they can be trusted, or whether they will defect, Liu Chengzong knows very well that he will look down on them because of this. reasons for reuse.

This time it was different, they were going to fight against Daming's enemy, Houjin, against those surrendered generals who had surrendered to the Hulu, so it was a perfect opportunity to fight.

Liu Chengzong asked seriously: "The soldiers I can dispatch to the Northeast are limited, and it is difficult to send the luggage to Monan. This dispatch is extremely dangerous. Does General Yang have any idea of ​​leading troops to fight?"

The heat in Yang Qi's heart is still there, but he was forced to calm down because of the poor conditions of the soldiers, he swallowed his saliva and asked: "Commander, if you send troops from humble positions, I hope you can agree to my request and let General He be my lieutenant general." .”

Yang Qi likes to draw He Huchen to everything he does, and He Huchen hates it to death every time, but this time, He Huchen didn't hate it like before, just nodded calmly, clasped his fists and asked: "How many thousand troops can the commander give us? "

Liu Chengzong thought about this question in his heart, and said slowly while doing the calculation: "The five battalions of Chahar, Yongxiebu, Khalkha, Heshuote, and Junggar each draw a thousand horse teams. This is the main army; I will go from Dunta The Ordo of Ulus mobilized two thousand cavalry, all led by Chahar nobles, who knew both people and land well, and acted as vanguards.

"The Western Fan Brigade dispatched a cavalry team of one thousand nobles to serve as the Chinese army, and there is also the Han army."

"From the Shixiang, Zhang Yunqi, and Li Chongde divisions of the Lintao brigade, [-] flag troops will be drawn each; [-] will be drawn from the three battalions of Li Wanqing, Luo Rucai, and Yang Chengzu each; another [-] will be drawn from the Baiwen Xuan Division of Zhuanglang Weicheng, and [-] horses and mules will be allocated. A thousand head—they are good at gathering food and grass."

After Liu Chengzong finished talking about the strength of the army, he closed his eyes and meditated carefully, saying: "grain, dry food for the 36th day, twenty thousand cannons, you can't take any more. There are no more heavy soldiers. Guihua City is close to the side wall. You have to deal with the supplies by yourself, and another 6000 taels of silver, and [-] pieces of seven-jin cashmere armor, I can only give you so much."

Yang Qi on the opposite side heaved a sigh of relief, then exchanged a glance with He Huchen, the corners of his mouth were almost grinning to his ears, he wondered what the commander-in-chief kept saying about the small number of soldiers, they all thought it would be high if they could give them four thousand troops Xiang, let them go deep into the land of no one, then it really takes a lot of courage to invite soldiers to fight.

How did you know that the few soldiers Liu Chengzong talked about included 500 barbarians, 6000 soldiers, nearly 2 horses and mules, [-] taels of cash and cashmere smocks worth [-] taels of silver.

There is only so much I can give, Yang Qi thought to himself that I have never fought such a rich battle!
Yang Qi directly clasped his fists excitedly and said: "Commander, if the two of us don't take the Guihua City of Fengzhoutan when we go here, General He will come forward, no, let General He come to see the Commander with the humble head !"

Liu Chengzong waved his hands and said: "There is no joke in the army, so there is no need to raise your head to meet them. Don't say that these troops are not enough to fight against the Kingdom of Jin. Even if they are not enough to deter the Khalkha army in Mobei, what are you going to do?"

"The humble position is incompetent, and it cannot be confronted with it."

Yang Qi nodded in agreement, and then smiled slyly: "I know he's there, but he doesn't know I'm there. When we arrived at Ordos, most of the Eastern captives had already invaded the side wall and plundered. In October and November, the Liaohe River was frozen. We must be eager to return to Shenyang, invite attacks everywhere, and plunder sufficient supplies, and the commander-in-chief will be transferred to the army under the subordinates, so that we can ensure that before the next comeback of the Eastern Captives, Monan will be surnamed Liu."

 good evening!

(End of this chapter)

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