stubborn thief

Chapter 162 A good start

Chapter 162 A good start

He Yong crossed his legs on the kang and calculated several times by himself.

It wasn't until his mind became dazed and his whole body fell like a cloud that he finally confirmed that he had found a new job.

Every month, the Dibaotang newspaper and the Garrison Department have to keep files, and it will take a long time to clean up a batch, so he has no way to bring the original files to Liu Chengzong.

It can only be re-transcribed, but the monthly Tangbaodibao collects all military and political affairs in the world, and the Ministry of War chooses to send them to various government offices according to the level, with a lot of words.

So it's hard money.

Great hard-earned money.

But is He Yong afraid of hard work?

He is not afraid, he has worked hard with He Renlong for more than ten years, and for more than ten years, just relying on his mother's words, he asked him to fight for a chicken and dog to ascend to heaven, and he did not hesitate to work hard.

The most lucrative reward in the past ten years is three taels.

The first time was when he entered the lion camp to meet Liu Chengzong, and the last time was when Tianqi blocked three arrows for his family in the second year.

At that time, he was still young, just 20 years old, three taels of silver was not too little.

Now ten years have passed, but the identities of him and He Renlong have not changed. He Renlong still has the same income. His salary is even less than ten years ago, and the three taels of silver have even increased.

This time, He Yong knew very well that it was more or less mixed with personal feelings that he had worked for for more than ten years in order to earn three taels of silver.

And for five taels a month, there is almost no need to take any risks, and it is even possible to earn 200 taels of silver a year.

For a long time, He Yong thought that he was a chicken dog who didn't have time to ascend to heaven, but he didn't expect that he was a little silver man.

12 years, 400 taels, 150 catties.

150 catties of silver, as heavy as himself.

He Yong stayed in Wen'an post for three days, and returned on horseback.

It was April, and the wheat field in Mizhi was close to maturity, and there were thieves everywhere. The people were worried that the grain would attract bandits, and they started harvesting it before it was ripe.

When buying grain, He Yong heard from the farmers that this year's harvest was still not good, but the price of noodles had dropped a little. He bought seven buckets of noodles with two taels of silver, and spent some money on a pot of thick wine, which he carried on horseback. Back to Yuhebao.

The same is true for Yuhebao. Because of the snow last year, the situation was much better than the year before.

They don't worry about bandits, and the three hundred strong men in the castle even look forward to a visit from bandits, so the military field outside the city is changing from green to golden.

Although the wheat has fallen on a large scale, no matter how much the occupied military farms produce, they can provide more supplies to Yuhebao's military rations.

He Yong was in a good mood all the way back, and he was happy to see everything.

When the general came back from setting up camp outside the city with his subordinates, He Yong rushed to report.

"You're back? Just a few days after you left, Ai Mu brought a dozen or so defeated soldiers past Yuhe Fort."

With both hands on the leather belt around his waist, He Renlong led He Yong into the official office, shaking his head and sighing, "The little lion can really fight."

After entering the official office, He Renlong took off the leather belt and hung it with the waist knife, then he rubbed his strangled stomach and let out a sigh, sat down and said, "Tell me, how did you go to him this time?" ?”

"General, when the villain passed by, the battle was over. Hundreds of people were wounded in the Lion Camp. The Guanzhong soldiers led by Ai Mu dropped nearly two thousand soldiers. Finally, the post city was broken. People would rather die than surrender, but they cannot be stopped."

"Can't stop?"

He Renlong was not interested in how the battle was fought at first.

But after hearing what He Yong said, he frowned and said, "Can't you stop it in the city?"

"I can't stop it. The team of lions is called the Lion Camp. The people there are really like lions. Many of them are soldiers from the frontier. They are mainly from the two towns of Guyuan and Yansui. The food is much better than in the fort."

Speaking of this, He Yong unconsciously licked his lips, and then he noticed that He Renlong was looking at him, so he smiled embarrassedly.

"Hey, wait a minute." He Renlong stopped him and asked, "What's the matter with Ya, you got beaten?"

"Oh, you said that."

He Yong bared his left tooth, pointed at the missing canine tooth, shook his head and smiled and said, "No, I ate horse meat and burned it, and a cannon was not picked out, and a piece was broken... Ah, Cao Yao did it."

Cao Yao.

He Renlong remembered, the management team released by the soldiers before, the thieves he recruited in the early years: "Will he still do that?"

"Yes, there are a lot of people who will. He used to cook donkey meat in Yuhebao. Didn't he do it in the Beijing Army Firearms Battalion before, and now he is the chief of the artillery post in the Lion Battalion."

He Renlong felt a little unbalanced: "Do they eat this every day outside?"

Fortunately, He Renlong was quite uncomfortable on the day when the soldiers were released, fearing that his soldiers would suffer outside.

Co-authoring is letting them go out to enjoy themselves!
"I don't eat it every day. I eat a lot of jerky. This horse meat is usually only eaten after winning a battle."

He Yong explained, and then said: "But I heard that they have been fighting this year, four or five battles in Shaanxi, and four or five battles in Shanxi, and the Shanxi soldiers are still unwilling to go with him. "

"There is food in war, and there are dead horses, donkeys and mules. These people have no shortage of meat to eat, and they are very rich."

He Yong shook his head, this trip to the Lion Camp actually taught him a lot of experience, he stared and said: "Even the captives of the Guanzhong soldiers had two or three hundred feet wounded by barbed caltrops, and the lions sent medical craftsmen to treat them. Wrap it up and have a good meal for two days."

When he said this, he deliberately paused, waiting for He Renlong to think about it for himself.

He Renlong was indeed daydreaming, and kept nodding his head slowly.

This food, this treatment, to put it bluntly, the frontier soldiers of Yuhe Fort, there are only father and son doctors in the whole fort, and they still treat people and animals together.

The medical craftsmen of the Lion Camp are already rich enough to heal the wounded soldiers and also treat the prisoners. In addition, they not only have enough food, but also eat well.

Who can fight if they can't fight?

This matter made He Renlong feel mixed emotions.

I have been pursuing the goal for more than ten years, but failed to achieve it. The former servant went out to wander for a year and achieved it.

When He Yong said this, although he didn't answer Du Wenhuan's question directly, He Renlong already had the answer in his heart.

It is impossible for Liu Shizi to surrender.

The money and food spent to replenish this army was six times higher than what He Renlong had expected.

He Renlong's original idea was to reduce the number of 4000 people to 1000, and pay rations with 1000 troops. In this way, the ration allocated by the court would be enough rice and noodles for [-] people, and it could also support [-] mules.

But these 4000 people are meat eaters.

From Liu Shizi, He Renlong saw the harbinger of the bankruptcy of the court's appeasement plan.

If Liu Shizi is recruited.

If 3000 people dispersed, if he stopped robbing, those 3000 people would continue to rob.

If you don't disperse the soldiers and horses, then Liu Shizi will continue to rob.

The imperial court thought of recruiting very beautifully, as if the warlord and Fuchen opened their mouths, and the mud legs would stick themselves on the saddle.

If it is really a mud leg that has never been seen before, there is still some possibility.

But the imperial court's plan is clearly to remove the real muddy legs from the peasant army, and leave some skilled soldiers to serve the imperial court.

How could these people be willing?People flatter high-ranking officials, never because of the talent and character of the high-ranking officials, but because they want to use the power in their hands to exchange for benefits through flattery.

I've already flattered you, you can't in turn teach me to be virtuous.

He also saw that when the court's appeasement plan went bankrupt, the next way to solve the problem...kill.

Even if you kill me until you become you, and you become me, if you can't finish killing, just keep killing.

He Renlong seemed to have seen Shaanxi turned into a hell on earth. He shook his head, put this thought behind him, and asked, "How many people does the lion have now, six thousand?"

"There are still more than 4000."

He Yong said: "He seems unwilling to expand his army forcefully, recruiting captives to surrender, let them volunteer, stay if they are willing to follow, and leave if they don't want to follow, and return them with travel expenses and dry food, and let them go back to Guanzhong."

"So there are not many left, only more than 300 people, and they are all staying in Guanzhong without any worries."

He Renlong frowned, opened his mouth slightly to inhale, leaned back in his chair, and asked after a moment: "Has he always done this?"

"Yes, I inquired. He has been doing this since the earliest days at Yanshuiguan, so he has not had many people."

He Yong has almost figured out the Lion Camp in the past few days, and this will be very familiar: "When other leaders can gather thousands of people, he only has four to five hundred people."

"Thousands of other people paired with the Shangguan army, and they ran away and died. There were one or two hundred people left. There was a man named Cao Cao. Last winter, there were 200 people. After the winter, no one beat him. He was fighting with himself. No one is left, 3000 people are recruited, and no one is left after hitting Aimu for a round."

"The Lion Camp is different. The number of people has increased little by little, especially for the frontier army. The brothers in the frontier army are hungry. If there are 150 prisoners, he can recruit [-]. But after four or five battles in Shanxi, there are still many Shanxi people under his command. Less than two hundred."

He Yong came to a conclusion: "Just like Guan Zhongbing, no one else will do it to him where he can eat enough."

He Renlong stopped talking.

Before today, he actually didn't pay much attention to Liu Chengzong's team.

But after what He Yong said, He Renlong found that compared with Liu Chengzong, the other leaders who dominated northern Shaanxi were nothing.

As a middle-level officer, he did not pay attention to the combat effectiveness shown by the Lion Battalion.

Combat strength can be obtained through experience in hundreds of battles. In other words, those who followed Liu Chengzong from the beginning have fought nearly ten battles with the official army, and their combat experience is even richer than that of the frontier army.

He Renlong is more concerned about the unity of the lion camp.

This is the heart of an outlaw.

Regardless of whether it is the deserters from Yansui and Guyuan who surrendered, or the soldiers who are willing to stay in Shanxi Guanzhong, one counts as one, and they are all desperadoes with nothing to worry about.

He never thought that someone would organize an army in this way.

Because of what the Lion Camp did, He Renlong had heard about it, and the moral level of this troop was much higher than the average.

Only in their paradoxical age can a group of outlaws be organized and restrained.

In any previous era, if you want to restrain soldiers, you have to be a good family.

But this era is very easy. Whether you are a mud-legged person who failed to plan food in the soil, or a hero who can drive a hundred catties and a strong bow, what people can't get is a full meal.

Thinking of this, He Renlong couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

The maintenance of the Lions Camp depends on one very important thing.

There are always officers and soldiers to beat him.

There are always officers and soldiers who, when they can't figure out what the Lion Camp is, beat him as if they were dealing with a refugee army.

Isn't this just giving meat to lions?

At this moment, He Renlong can say bluntly that he is already the one who knows the Lion Camp best among the officers in Yansui Town.

"Then you go there, what did Liu Shizi say?"

He Yong shook his head and said: "I didn't say anything. I chatted with him, but he didn't want to. He only asked me to talk about something. I said that the general sent me there because he was not satisfied with the present."

Speaking of this, he secretly glanced at He Renlong's expression, seeing that the guard was not angry, he continued: "He asked me to bring back 20 taels of silver to the general, and another [-] taels for me."

As He Yong said, he took out a money bag from his side, opened it and put it on the table, with 30 taels of silver in it.

"Besides, he also wanted me to make a copy of the Garrison Bureau's pond and mansion newspapers every month and send them to him."

He Renlong showed joy on his face, and asked, "Where are you sending it?"

"Let me send it to Crouching Tiger Mountain in Yanchuan. That's the village, and there are seventy or eighty households living there. There are no thieves in the people. According to him, someone will go there every month to get it."

Crouching Tiger Mountain in Yanchuan has basically nothing to do with Liu Chengzong.

If there is anything to do with it, it is that when Lion Camp entered Shanxi for the first time, Liu Chengzong led his men there to build a canal for the people.

Liu Chengzong also told He Yong the truth about this matter, he just didn't want Yuhebao to do something stupid and hurt the local people.

He Renlong nodded, raised his hand and said with a smile, "Smart."

He was not praising He Yong, but Liu Chengzong.

He Yong carefully added: "He said that if I deliver the report to Tatang Baodi on time every month, he will give me five taels of silver."

"Give it to him. If you don't give it to him, he can find other ways to get it."

He Renlong was very open about this matter.

There is a certain degree of confidentiality in the Tang Bao Di Bao, such as seeing different things according to different levels, but this is only a relative term.

In fact, there are countless intentional or unintentional leakers gathered around the officials. As long as others want to see it, it is not difficult.

The best means of keeping secrets is actually the level of education of ordinary people in the market.

After all, this is a very strange era. In the second year of the Apocalypse, Du Wenhuan led his army to attack the Mongolian tribes to evade aid to Liao.

The Mongols’ means of retaliation for this incident was to write a letter to the three governors of Shaanxi, saying that Du Wenhuan came to beat us because he was escaping from aiding Liao, and hoped that the court would uphold justice.

Without upholding justice, the Mongols went south and broke through Yan'an Mansion.

As long as you want to know, even what Du Wenhuan is thinking, you can't hide it from the Mongols.

Not to mention the pond newspaper and mansion newspaper that the garrison department can see.

He Renlong looked at the money bag on the table, smiled, and said to He Yong: "You can keep the money, you should start a family, which auntie do you like, He will go match you."

He smiled, then tied up the purse and handed it to He Yong, but he didn't expect his unintentional action to make He Yong kneel down and kowtow: "The general is so kind, the villain has nothing to repay."

He Renlong was taken aback, smiled and helped him up, and asked, "Is there a mother-in-law you really like?"

"Hey, not yet, not yet."

He Yong stammered a little, thought for a while and said: "The villain really intends to ask the general to go out in the future... I didn't expect the general to say it."

"What are you being polite to me?" He Renlong patted He Yong on the shoulder: "You did a very good job this time. It's a good start. In the future, he can also provide us with information. The basics of the castle."

He Yong took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Yes, it's a good start."

 Good morning!
(End of this chapter)

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